Healing with the memories. Author's methodology for the permission of internal conflicts and treatment of diseases

Жильбер Рено, Исцеление воспоминанием. Авторская методика разрешения внутренних конфликтов и лечения болезней – читать онлайн – Альдебаран

Читайте книгу Исцеление воспоминанием. Авторская методика разрешения внутренних конфликтов и лечения болезней (Жильбер Рено) онлайн бесплатно на сайте Альдебарана.

Исцеление воспоминанием. Авторская методика разрешения внутренних конфликтов и лечения болезней

Healing with the memories. Author's methodology for the permission of internal conflicts and treatment of diseases

Эта книга посвящается доктору Клоду Сабба, который был моим главным наставником по «Тотальной Биологии» и «Исцелению Воспоминанием», а также доктору Хамеру, основателю Германской Новой Медицины (ГНМ), которой я учился у доктора Роберта Гуини. Их знания непосредственно вдохновили меня на эту книгу.

Клод Сабба, Райк Герд Хамер, Жерар Атье и Бернард Ламо на протяжении лет были моим главным источником вдохновения для этого труда. Thank you very much!


© 2013 Recall Healing Pyramid of Health.

All Rights Reserved.

© Клевцов П.А., перевод на русский язык, 2016

© Оформление. ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2017

Второе, рабочее, издание книги подготовлено для специалистов и студентов курса «Исцеление Воспоминанием», которые достигли уровней 1,2 или 3 с Жильбером Рено. Также предназначено для профессионалов в области здравоохранения, практикующих врачей и консультантов.

«Наши болезни являются выражением ежедневных конфликтов, которые мы переживаем в глубине нашего ума и существа»

Именно поэтому, чтобы получить более быстрые и/или лучшие результаты в процессе исцеления, крайне необходимо выявить и решить эти ежедневные жизненные конфликты.

Осознать пережитый опыт [1] , возникший в момент травмы.

Пережитый опыт – это спонтанный «образ себя и внутренний диалог», записанный в момент травмы, который довольно часто загружается мозгом [2] напрямую в подсознание, чтобы «сохранять жизнь индивида настолько долго, насколько это возможно».

О книге и методе Жильбера рено

Я испытываю искреннюю радость, ведь вы наконец-то держите эту книгу в руках!

Как специалист, работающий с психологическими проблемами людей, я каждый раз поражался, насколько телесные болезни связаны с нашим эмоциональным состоянием и с нашей личной историей. Моей задачей было найти такой подход к работе с физическими заболеваниями, который был бы максимально эффективным для меня и моих клиентов. Особенно тогда, когда «классические» методы не дают результата. И на это пришлось потратить немало времени: я по крупицам собирал отдельные подсказки, порой очень ценные, но никак не мог построить цельной и ясной концепции. Пока не наткнулся на информацию о Жильбере Рено и не пошел учиться его методу «Исцеление Воспоминанием».

Это было прорывом! Наконец-то у меня сложилась четкая картина того, что лежит в основе заболеваний и как помочь человеку исцелиться при помощи работы с его эмоциональным состоянием и его прошлым.Based on this model, it is possible to predict the course of the disease, the relationship of the diseased organ with a specific place in the brain and understand what psychological trauma launched a disease. As if the door was opened, to which I could not pick up the key!

This is a truly powerful model explaining the development of the disease from the point of view of biology.

I began to learn from the Renault Zhilbera at the end of 2013, and I immediately captured the personality of this person. The giller is a very open and friendly man, a real devotee and enthusiast. There is nothing from the "Guru", there is no "look down" or blind faith in the "only right approach." He tells about his successes, and that he did not succeed, and what he doubts. I have not seen a single student who would not be fascinated by his charm and scale.

And at the same time, Zhilber is indeed an expert and specialist of the highest level with many years of experience with the most different illnesses. He has thousands of people whom he could save, and hundreds of students around the world who studied with him and now practice with success, helping many and many to return their health and life. Gilbert Reno lives and works in Canada, and also holds dozens of training seminars around the world every year: in the USA, in many European countries, Israel and Russia.

The book you keep in front of yourself is truly invaluable. She, above all, is a detailed reference book on many diseases and the emotional conflicts that cost them. In addition, it gives an introduction to the "Healing Memory" method and a huge number of auxiliary materials and literature on this topic is given.

From my point of view, today, when such a book appeared in Russian, everyone who is ready to look at the disease with a new look and perceive an alternative point of view, must have it on the shelf.

In Russia and the CIS countries, more and more those who successfully use the "Healing Memory" method in their work or applies these knowledge to help themselves and their loved ones. I sincerely believe that this book will be useful to you!

Successes to you and health!

Eduard Zaks,

Specialist in the "Healing Memory" method


The "Healing Memory" method offers another look at health and life. He brings an understanding of who we are in fact (from a biological point of view). This is similar to access to a new level of awareness, quantum jump. From this point of view, it can be argued that the disease has a sense: to demonstrate outside what we do not realize in the depths of our creature (deep inside). "New awareness" is an internal doctor. Awareness of the preceding emotional injury and experience is experienced in connection with this injury – a great way to gain the best future, free from repetitive returns.

In work, love, behavior, etc.мы продолжаем повторять паттерны, которые притягивают к нам соответствующих людей или события, для того, чтобы переживать вновь и вновь одни и те же старые впечатления. Осознать то, что мы несем внутри, – первый шаг к новой жизни и бытию для тех, кем мы являемся на самом деле.

Эта книга адресована студентам, изучающим метод «Исцеление Воспоминанием / Тотальная Биология». В ней собрано множество эмоциональных, физио биологических конфликтов и травм, ответственных за различные симптомы и поведение. Этому материалу я обучаю на своих семинарах. Исследования далеки от завершения. Это общие указания, служащие тому, чтобы помочь клиенту «говорить то, что нужно». Их ни в коем случае нельзя считать панацеей, однако правильно примененные, эти методы могут творить чудеса.

Цель книги – провести вас через вашу страсть помогать другим, понять некоторые причины, скрытые за симптомами и поведением. Я прошу вас не копировать и не воспроизводить никакую часть этой книги. Неправильное понимание информации, содержащейся в этом тексте, может причинить боль вместо ожидаемого облегчения. Хотя сейчас у вас есть некоторые ключи к «Исцелению Воспоминанием», «ящик с инструментами» далеко не полон. «Исцеление Воспоминанием» – это обширная наука, нуждающаяся в углублении и интеграции. В ней нет места импровизации.

Denial of responsibility

Используя данную информацию, читатель подтверждает, что является лицензированным профессионалом в области здравоохранения, принимающим на себя полную ответственность за знания, полученные здесь, и их применение; или, не будучи лицензированным профессионалом в области здравоохранения, читатель соглашается применять принципы, изложенные в этой книге, только под наблюдением квалифицированного профессионала в области здравоохранения. Вся информация, изложенная в данном издании, предназначена только для образовательных целей, а не диагностики или лечения каких-либо заболеваний или состояний здоровья, и не заменяет консультацию компетентного практика в области здравоохранения.


В первую очередь я хотел бы выразить огромную благодарность Клоду Сабба за выдающуюся ценность его учения. Я многим ему обязан. Содержание этой книги во многом является результатом его работы по «Тотальной Биологии», которую я переименовал в «Исцеление Воспоминанием». Клод Сабба – отец «Исцеления Воспоминанием». Его устремленность, прямота, преданность делу и компетентность позволили ему собрать плоды гигантской работы – исследований и обобщений, которыми я частично делюсь с вами. Присущие ему видение и отвага позволяют ему освещать принципы науки, которые станут понятны лишь годы спустя и принесут пользу тем, у кого будет достаточно интеллекта и открытости, чтобы экспериментировать с ними. Спасибо Жерару Атье за его приверженность делу и драгоценное учение о психологических и биологических смыслах болезней и поведения.

Thanks to Dr. Warake Gerdu Hamera for his outstanding discoveries. They change our idea of ​​illnesses. If we lived in a fair world, Dr. Hameru would have to give the Nobel Prize in medicine for his revolutionary work! Mrs. Margaret Wang, who gave me the opportunity to discover German New Medicine (German New Medicine, Gnm), and Dr. Robert Guini for the fact that in the early 1990s became my first teacher in GRM. I thank Mrs. Ilcedora Laker for her openness, kindness and intelligence.

In the "Healing Memories" I integrated the big percentage of what I studied in GRM. I do not pretend that I teach GRM. But I encourage my students to study her and know by heart. They can use it in their practice. But Gnm is not a panacea and can be very dangerous if you do not take certain precautions. Students can borrow a lot from the experience of Dr. Claude Sabba, which I share in practical classes "Healing Memories". Graduates of seminars "Healing Memories" simply more effectively help others. In the "Healing Memories" we welcome the use of all possible resources for treatment; We always ask the client to stay in touch with your attending physician. We are not here in order to prove that Dr. Hammer is right, and in order to optimize the process of healing customers and never subject them to risk. We work with conflict before the completion of healing.

Special thanks to my friend Berran Lima, such a generous heart, who throughout the path supported me with the wealth of its 40 years of experience, knowledge and time in the practice of health care. He was my first teacher in 1983. I worked with him 10 years as a naturopath and a massage therapist in Mont Lauge in Quebec. Bertrand was an excellent example in work and a real person for whom the health of others is the subject of permanent search. In 1994, he founded at the Laurentian High School of Natureopathy, associated with our clinic.

Many thanks to Madame Hyuget Dore for participating in the compilation of emotional and biological injuries described in the book. It took many hours of painstaking work so that this material see the light. Thanks Penelope is right for the translation from Canadian French to English. Many thanks to Stefan Coleman from Modesto (his website: www.new-holistic-medicine.com) for the fusion of this book. Thank you to Pascal Bushhard from Maple Ridge for a beautiful image on the cover. Thanks to Aron Kiss and Stefan Bochus for the excellent work on creating a layout and editing of this book.

Thank you Marie-Zhinatt Reol for its precious support in creating the original concept of seminars on "Healing Memories" and "Total Biology", as well as for dividing several classes in Europe with me. Thank you to the coach on NLP Isabel Benaros from Bioprogramming; Isabel and I combined our efforts to provide a full course of study by all therapists interested in the use of "Healing Memories" and NLP in their work.

Thanks to Dr. Lee Cowden and Mr. Bill Gonso for a job well done, their commitment to the cause of the Academy of Modern and Integrative Medicine (www.academycim.com) and for their exceptional support in founding Memory Healing, which was supported by Dr. David Holt. Through this work, we want to provide healthcare professionals with meaningful tools to help their clients heal and feel well.

Thanks to all my colleagues for their open minds, support and for our motivating exchange regarding this exciting field of knowledge: David Holt, Peter De Beth and his wife Tyler, Francis-James Murphy and his entire Omaha Dream Team, George-Luis Moreno and Michelle LaMasa-Schroeder, Ardelle Nathanael, Teresa Mitchell, Mitchell Jay Rabin, Gabriella Morara, Pam Joseph and Joy Marshall, Angele Carbonnet, Debbie Fan, Giuseppe Provenzano and Teresa Plair, and many others that I haven't mentioned or may have forgotten. And, of course, thanks to my clients and patients, without whom the integration of this knowledge into a single whole would not be possible!

And finally, my deepest gratitude to my wife (for being so caring and supportive), my family, relatives and friends who have been with me on the path to these new discoveries.

Gilbert Renault

"Memory Healing"

Vancouver, Canada



Peter De Wet, M.D.

For anyone who is truly looking for solutions to health problems, and for those of you who are not content with simply dealing with symptoms, "Memory Healing: Revealing the Secrets of Illness" is an absolute necessity. This is an alphabetical listing of almost all health problems, as well as the emotional roots that programmed or provoked them. This book gives the reader a much deeper and clearer understanding of what is at the root of physical and mental illness, and even understanding of such subtle health problems as bad habits and addictions. This deep understanding makes complete healing much more likely, which can even be enhanced by finding a therapist who practices a new field of healing art called Memory Healing. This knowledge really empowers people with a deep understanding of the essence of not only their personal health problems, but also the problems of their loved ones and friends. In addition, those who are concerned about the health of others are encouraged to have this publication on their bookshelf at home and in the office.

Peter De Wet

Dr. De Wet is the author of Heal Thyself, Transform your Life, Transform your Health, a book that contains the concepts of Dr. Renaud's book and was heavily inspired by Dr. Renaud's work and teachings. He is also the owner and medical director of the Tyler, Texas Quantum Healing Institute, an integrative medicine institution that combines the best of natural medicine (including Memory Healing) with essential elements of mainstream medicine.

William Lee Coogen M.D.

It is a great honor and privilege – to be familiar and work with Dr. Zhilbert Renault over the past few years. He is very caring, educated, qualified and insightful practices and teacher. Since I apply to the techniques of "Healing Memories", which I learned from Zhilbera, in his practice, I do not cease to be surprised how quickly and noticeable improvements in such a large number of my patients occur again. When I asked my patients with severe chronic diseases, the right questions for identifying their depressed emotions and related beliefs that cause illness, these patients were recovered quickly, and with the minimum effects of other treatment. I used with a huge enthusiating technique of "Healing Memories" to return hope and health to patients who have discussed other practitioners in hope and help. "Healing with the memories: revealing the secrets of the disease" – guidance on diseases and conflicts that was a hiviser, an extremely useful tool for treating patients. This is a great addition to the rich information that Dr. Zhilbert Reno and Dr. David Holt in audiovisual courses on "Healing Memories" on www.academycim.com. I highly recommend practicing doctors to acquire this guide to "Healing Memories" and apply the principles outlined in it after they pass the "Healing Memories" course. I am convinced that it will more effectively help more people who have lost hope of people with severe diseases than other methods from the Arsenal practitioner.

Sincerely, W. Li Cooben

Co-author of the following books: Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer (1997) Cancer Diagnosis: What to do Next (2000) Longevity, An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide (2001) Dr. Wheat – Chairman of the Board on Science Academy of Comprehensive Integral Medicine, Panama City, Republic of Panama, www.academycim.com.

"Healing with the memories" – its meaning and roots

In the "Healing Memories", a person sets the right questions that lead to the fact that the depressed emotion and its associated beliefs or decisions go to the level of awareness where they can be resolved that often leads to the elimination of the associated physical or psychological disease.

At its basis, the "healing of the memory" uses the work of Mark Frechet, Ann Annene Schitsberger, Raika Gerd Hamera, Gerard Ati and Claude Sabba (mainly), as well as others, including the author.

"Healing with the memory" is a series of seminars, which together make up one-piece knowledge – the "healing memories" method in its modern presentation. This area of ​​knowledge will develop as learning. We encourage everyone who learned about this information and applied it in practice, share with us and other people what they have learned that this "work in the process" is improved.Visit the Forum on www.recallhealing.ru.

"Call it, say this and throw it away!"

About working with "Healing Memories":

"You consciously collect a puzzle of the history of your life, which leads to the emergence of a feeling of freedom from you and your descendants …"

Pyramid Health

"Healing Memories" uses the "Health Pyramid" to explain the focus of behavior and / or illness. While the body is under control of the automatic brain, everything is in the body in accordance with the automatic brain. Specialist in the "Healing Memory" method helps the client to realize the reason why such behavior / illness was a solution for the brain: most often it is due to injury, chronic effects, aware of the biological cell cycle, ancestor, etc., in the course of the entire process, the client with The help of a specialist collects the puzzle of his life in pieces, which makes it possible to understand why all this happened. Through the "Healing Memories", a person optimizes the treatment process that is conducted by a professional in the field of medicine.

Explanation of the image – Next, in "Healing Memories, Level 1

Level 1: Physical Body

We are an agglomeration of from 70 to 80 thousand billions of specialized cells, each of which works for the benefit of the whole. For example, the cells of the digestive system digest the food and feed the resulting nutrients, but also feed all other body cells.

Level 2: Automatic Brain

Our brain – dispatching body tower. Each part of the body controls the corresponding part of the brain, including the brain itself, which manages itself. Its function is to maintain our life every moment. It is similar to a powerful computer programmed exclusively for biological survival.

To really understand how biology works, we need to think about the environment in which it has evolved. There was very little time from the moment when we started living in a relatively safe habitat. Biology has always been subordinate to the needs of survival in a very dangerous, even hostile world. Therefore, the brain has learned to constantly realize billions of piece of information outside and inside the body to be able to choose the best line of behavior, which would lead to body survival in the next moment.

Every moment it repeats again. A predator may appear at any time. The brain never stops; For each moment he perceives billions of data (from different sensors throughout the body), entering both outside and inside the body. Then he analyzes, studies, compares them with all accumulated memories and gives the result in the form of programs sent by electrical and magnetic pulses to each part of the body. All this is done to survive the whole.

Currently, there are most powerful computers on Earth, such as those that control satellites and space flights to NASA are rated as the fourth and fifth generation of computers.For comparison, the brain would appreciate the fifteenth generation. He has a data bank, like a hard drive, remembering every detail of our life since conception. He also has a system of sending programs throughout the body (nervous system), such a computer network.

Most of the diseases are biological interaction between the part of the brain, which controls the patient's body, and the body itself performing a specific program containing a certain biological conflict.

Breast cancer is a biological interaction between the part of the brain, which controls cells in the chest, and cells in the brain. They respond to a certain biological conflict, namely the breast cancer conflict. And this is the situation with all diseases of each organ, including the brain. If he is sick, we will say that this is the interaction between the brain, its patients with cells and the cells themselves responsible for the biological conflict.