Arzt betrachtet Bilder aus der Niklearmedizin, Szintigraphie

Nuclear Medicine – Rudolfinerhaus

Hoch qualifizierte Spitzenärzte aus allen Fachrichtungen und modernste medizinische Diagnostik- und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten, kombiniert mit bester Pflege, persönlicher Zuwendung und erholsamer Umgebung: So wird ein Krankenhaus zum Gesundheitshaus.

nuclear medicine

Arzt betrachtet Bilder aus der Niklearmedizin, Szintigraphie

With the help of nuclear medicine, examinations of the organs that are responsible for the metabolism in the body are carried out. To check the functions of internal organs, lymphatic system, brain, bones, scintigraphy is used. For this examination, a non-hazardous radioactive substance is injected. Since the metabolism in the affected tissues of the body is faster or slower than in healthy ones, the resulting images can clearly see the difference in the absorbed radiation emitted by the organs casinos online fuera de España.

Sentinel lymph node scintigraphy for breast cancer
This examination is performed for inpatients and outpatients with overt breast cancer before surgery to determine the spread of cancer cells and the presence of metastases in the lymph nodes. For this, those lymph nodes are labeled that directly receive tissue fluid from cancer-affected regions, which makes them more vulnerable to the formation of metastases (the so-called “sentinel lymph nodes”). These lymph nodes are purposefully removed during surgery and sent to a laboratory for histological examination for cancer cells. Since the Rudolfinerhaus clinic has its own pathology laboratory, examinations are carried out immediately. Through the intraoperative diagnosis of frozen sections, the operating surgeon can, in difficult cases, obtain a first diagnosis already during the operation.

Thyroid diagnosis
In diseases of the thyroid gland, in order to diagnose and select the appropriate treatment, the determination of hormonal parameters, ultrasound and scintigraphy of the gland are carried out.

All examinations can be performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis. Payment is due before the examination. Different insurance companies and supplementary insurance of the Austrian social insurance offer different conditions for compensation of the payments made.

Leadership of the Department of Nuclear Medicine
Assoc. Dr. Gerold Porenta
Specialist in Internal Medicine and Nuclear Medicine


Radionuclide diagnostics
Thyroid examinations (incl. radionuclide ultrasound, puncture, laboratory tests)
Scintigraphy (internal organs, mammary glands, lymphatic system, heart, brain, bones)