How to treat cough in a breast child folk remedies – I happy mom

How to treat cough in an infant with folk remedies When the baby visits coughing, then the dream and tranquility of the whole family is disturbed. Crooky cries, sniffs, coughing, stops sleeping and eat.

How to treat cough in an infant to folk remedies

When the baby visits the cough, then the dream and tranquility of the whole family is disturbed. Crooky cries, sniffs, coughing, stops sleeping and eat. Often, this state of affairs is accompanied by another temperature. In short, everything is not so pleasant and joyful. What to do? How to help your child? There are many methods of drug treatment and folk remedies. The second option is tested by centuries, many generations. He won the trust and love of many parents of all time, as it is effective (ineffective methods are not coming), less dangerous than medicines. But … There are always indications and contraindications of individual. All this must be considered. Consider.

Why folk remedies "yes"

As mentioned above, the folk methods have passed a long way of testing and the most effective has come across. This speaks of their acceptability of use for children with great performance of cough treatment.

The second fact, allowing to talk about folk remedies in positive, is their naturalness. All you need is natural raw materials (herbs, honey, milk, vegetable oils, the same goose fat, etc. – about it more specifically later), to get that you can, visiting your kitchen or, making a list, store. The components of the medicinal preparations, not only natural (and in some cases are not so many natural).

So, the third factor is accessibility. Folk treatments are not as expensive as medicines provided in a wide range of pharmacies.

And the last fact that forces many parents to contact that the folk agents of treatment are the absence of side effects, as with medication treatment: nausea, dizziness, rash, itching, liver, kidney, etc.

Folk remedies are good, but there are always conditions for successful use and restrictions.

Features of the use of folk remedies

The first thing you need to know is to remember in the treatment of cough, then this is what cough you treat: dry or wet, associated with diseases of the lower respiratory tract or upper.

Determine this can only doctor. So, to begin treatment is exclusively with the setting of the correct diagnosis of the baby. With incorrect treatment, the disease is only aggravated. It must be accepted as axiom and follow it.

Having determined the appearance of cough, start treating: with a dry cough, we use thinning means causing sputums; With wet – prepare funds that wet sputums, but do not give their additions.

At the same time, it is worth considering the individual tolerance of the baby to the components of the “medicine” prepared by you at home. So, many folk remedies for coughing involve the use of honey, raspberries, black currants and other allergens, which will not only not cure the child, but also provoke an allergic reaction in his body.

Further, what you should pay attention to when referring to folk remedies is the following rule: you can not use inhalations, warming up and warm compresses for coughing if the baby has a fever. It is forbidden! The child can simply "burn out" from overheating.

Well, it is worth remembering that with any cough, parents should provide the child with clean, sufficiently humidified air (ventilation, moisturizing, walking in the fresh air).

Here is what E.O. Komarovsky says about this (walking while coughing)

Now let's get down to the recipes of traditional medicine.

We treat a wet cough with folk remedies

This type of cough is also called productive, as it helps to eliminate viruses from the body along with sputum. Wet cough is most often observed with viruses of the upper respiratory tract and is accompanied by fever.

This is a frequent visitor to the ODS. Based on this, as already mentioned, warming up, rubbing, warm compresses are not needed here.

We treat the disease itself, getting rid of the virus, and the cough will pass by itself. We can only facilitate the process of sputum discharge through drinking plenty of water. And here grandmother's recipes for fruit drinks, compotes, decoctions, tinctures, jams will help us.

onion jam

Onion grated on a fine grater is stirred with honey (1/1). Insist 120 minutes (1.5 hours). Strain the resulting syrup. And give crumbs from 2 months to 0.5 teaspoon every hour.

radish jam

Finely chop the radish (you can just cut out the core), sprinkle with sugar (or honey), let it brew for 24 hours, let the baby drink the resulting syrup 0.5 teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

Quince jam

Wash the core of the quince, cook compote or jam. Give to the baby.

banana jam

2 finely chopped bananas pour 200 ml of hot water, add sugar, heat over low heat. The cough medicine is ready. Give the baby according to his taste, but at least 2-3 times a day.

Herbal decoctions

coltsfoot and plantain

0.5 st. spoons of coltsfoot, 0.5 tablespoons of plantain brew 200 lm of boiling water, insist 2 hours. The finished broth is given to the crumbs in 2 tbsp. spoons before meals (15 minutes) from four months.

Marshmallow, licorice, devisil

All three components are mixed in equal amounts, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture is poured with boiling water (500 ml) and infused for 8 hours. Then give the baby 50 grams 2-3 times a day.

carrot juice

The carrot grated on a fine grater is squeezed out, and the resulting juice is given to the crumbs in a heated form, a teaspoonful 3-4 times a day.

Teas with chamomile, linden, sage, currant leaves, strawberries, raspberries and viburnum are widely applicable.

If we are dealing with an unproductive, dry cough, then tea alone is indispensable. The treatment is more serious and reverent.

Recipes for folk remedies for dry cough

Dry cough is the most unpleasant for the crumbs: it is hard to bear, makes breathing difficult, has a paroxysmal character, interferes with sleep, eat … In general, the matter is more difficult. And it is worth treating it with means that cause sputum, which will remove from the body all viruses and bacteria that interfere with the health of the baby. These are warm compresses, rubbing and inhalations. But, before using them, it is worth bringing down the temperature of the child, if any.

By increasing the amount of sputum, the cough will intensify. Don't let that scare you.

Compresses are different and from potatoes, mustard, salt, etc. the main rule when using them: protect the child from burns. Therefore, they are all placed very carefully, after placing several layers of cotton fabric under them.

Honey compress

Knead a cake of honey, flour and vegetable oil. She is placed on the baby’s chest, tied with a diaper for sleep.

mustard compress

It is allowed from 6 months of the baby's life. Take 1 teaspoon: mustard, honey, onion juice, vodka, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour and vegetable oil, knead the mixture and spread it on a cloth (diaper, scarf, napkin). Put crumbs on the back for 2-3 hours, after which you can rub with camphor oil.

cabbage compress

Pour boiling water over 2 cabbage leaves, cool a little, apply honey on them and attach the greased side to the baby’s chest and back. Tie with a warm scarf (diaper) and leave overnight.

How to make a potato compress, view in this story.

You can rub babies with essential oils or prepared mixtures with goose / duck fat.

Camphor oil as a rub

Heat up 1 tbsp. a spoonful of camphor oil and rub it on the back, chest, feet of the baby, then warmly dress, wrap and put to bed.

Goose fat with onions

The onion grated on a fine grater is mixed with fat (badger, goose or duck) and the child is rubbed in the neck and chest, after which they wrap it up and the child falls asleep.


You can also rub with honey before going to bed: rub the baby’s chest and back with a small amount of honey (until it stops sticking) and wrap it up (it’s better to dress the baby well, because some children like to sleep open).

Inhalations should be carried out carefully, it is better for babies to use the bathroom for such a procedure, and not an inhaler. You can also use a nebulizer.

Hot water is drawn into the bathroom, they wait until the room warms up, moistens, add eucalyptus essential oil or Borjomi mineral water to the water and add crumbs. The child breathes this air, vapors. Then he is wrapped up and put to sleep.

There are many folk remedies for treating cough, but you need to approach their use wisely, carefully, based on the characteristics of your baby, and only with the permission of the attending physician.