Reflexotherapy Acupuncture in Kazan, recording for a session in Hyrilomed

Reflexotherapy in Kazan. Acupuncture, acupuncture and acupuncture – price, benefits and reviews. For adults and children, the best reflexotherapists of Kazan


Reflexology – refers to alternative medicine based on the principles of ancient Chinese medicine and is recognized as modern doctors in many countries. It is also often referred to as traditional Chinese medicine, Eastern medicine or Tibetan medicine. Reflexotherapy considers the body as a interconnected system having its biological points. Many tend to think that the doctor treats the nerve acupuncture, but it is not. Revealing the primary violation, the reflexology doctor treats the entire chain of secondary changes. Impact on reflex zones (points of Chinese medicine) normalizes the operation of the internal organs, improves the state of the nervous system. Reflexotherapy helps to manage the energy balance in the body, which gives unlimited possibilities in treatment. The procedure course significantly improves the work of the internal organs, eliminating congestive processes and inflammation. Already after the first procedure, the patient feels the effect of needloreflexotherapy, and the full course allows you to achieve sustainable results in the fight against the disease up to full cure! Worldwide Professor of Medical Sciences write reviews on reflexology and acupuncture, as one of the most effective treatment methods. You can take a session of acupuncture in almost any clinic of Eastern medicine or medical center of Chinese medicine. In our medical center, one of the best acupuncture specialists in Kazan, who has been trained not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Indications for reflexotherapy and acupuncture benefits

Since reflexotherapy works with the whole organism and establishes the balance between its systems (immune, nervous, endocrine, neuro-peptide, etc.), then the testimony for treatment with acupuncture is much. We highlight those where acupuncture perfectly helps and most effectively.

Diseases of the nervous system. Treatment of neurosis, neuralgia, enuresis, dizziness of unclear origin, nervous tick.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Treatment of osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, myositis.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment of ulcers, gastritis, constipation, nausea.

Diseases of respiratory organs. Treatment of laryngitis, pneumonia (not in the stages of exacerbation).

Cardiovascular diseases. Treatment of atherosclerosis, stroke, myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, rheumlockard.

Gynecological diseases. Treatment of pathologies caused by hormonal imbalance, dysfunction of ovarian, cycle disorders, infertility.

Taking doctors

Garipova Alfia Shiriazdanovna

Chief Doctor, Higher Category, Ph.D.

Neurologist, reflexotherapist, hirudotherapist.

Experience – more than 36 years
Reception days: W-Fri from 9:00 to 19:00
The cost of receiving action
(until March 15)

Mitronina Rosalia Muratovna

Higher Category doctor
Experience – more than 37 years
Reception Days: Mon, Fri, Sat from 9:00 to 20:00
The cost of receiving action
(until March 15)

How is the acupuncture session (acupuncture)?

After the diagnosis, the doctor defines zones, points according to Chinese medicine that require stimulation. Then it introduces sterile thin needles to the dots. As a rule, it is painless. After the introduction of the needle, the patient lies in a relaxed state of 35-35 minutes. Sensitivity can intensify to the third-fourth session. This is a positive moment, which speaks of improving the patency of nerve impulses and energy meridians. Acupuncture benefits are achieved by the end of treatment, so it is necessary to observe the number of acupuncture sessions appointed by the doctor. Acupuncture with osteochondrosis, hernia, neurosis and other diseases have a different chain of setting over reflex zones. After passing the sessions of reflexotherapy, it is important to comply with the recommendations of the doctor.

How is the auriculotherapy session?

Auriculotherapy (microbotherapy) is one of the types of acupuncture, represents the treatment method in which microne challenges are placed on the biologically active points in the ear sink to achieve the therapeutic effect. Micards are recommended for stroke, infarction, with their help treat tobacco and alcohol dependence, painful syndromes are removed, eliminate functional disorders in the operation of internal organs, etc.

The ear shell is unique in its structure and has complex sensitive innervation, on its surface there are representative offices of all internal organs of the human body and more than 200 points through which it can be affected by any organ. For example, with auriculotherapy to reduce appetite, it suffices to enter the microalls in the so-called "hunger" and "thirst" points. Micards are fixed with miniature, bodily color, leucoplasty and completely invisible from the side. Their length is usually from 3 mm to 1.5 cm. They are made of steel, silver, gold. You can wear for a long time. All this time, impulses will be transmitted in the brain. This is the benefit of the treatment of Chinese medicine.

How is the moxotherapy session?

The contactless caustion of biologically active points is carried out by Moxa at 1.5-2 cm from the body surface. Every point is heated 1-3 minutes, a maximum of 5 minutes.

The contact cavity of the hollow cigar is produced directly on the surface of the human body – through a ginger or garlic plate, as well as through special gaskets.

The method of heating depends on the type of disease and the severity of its flow.The effects of hide cigars on acupuncture points and meridians relieves pain and fatigue, improves blood circulation, expands small and large vessels, increases the overall and local immunity, helps with a weak sexual activation, and is also used as part of a comprehensive treatment of a wide range of diseases.


Pharmacopuncture combines two ways of exposure to the body – acupuncture and homeopathy. The procedure is the introduction of homeopathic preparations (ie, natural origin drugs) into biologically active points of the body, or directly into the hearth problem. The procedure is therapeutic, it allows you to feed and restore destroyed structures. The use of special disposable microscope makes the procedure completely safe and as painless as possible. Pharmacopuncture is used to treat diseases of the nervous system, spine and joints in adults and children.

Benefits of treatment with reflexotherapy methods

The advantages of reflexotherapy are obvious:

· Practically complete absence of contraindications and side effects (subject to the adherence to the doctor's recommendations);
· Wide age range;
· Efficiency in the treatment and prevention of most diseases;
· Improving immunity and launch of rejuvenating mechanisms.

Our advantages

The correct definition of a diagnosis based on patient complaints, primary inspection and analysis of the results of visiting other doctors, an individual drawing up a treatment regimen that most affects the patient's correction rate. Reflexotherapy sessions are carried out by specialists with experience more than 30 years. Sterile materials used for acupuncture procedure. Prices in the clinic "Herudomed" will be very pleasant to please you. We make discounts on comprehensive treatment.