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Professions related to medicine

Many young people, after receiving certificates of complete secondary education, choose a medical direction for further education, but not everyone knows which profession from this area to choose for themselves. Let's try to help them with this.

Professions related to medicine

medical professions

Medical professions are always in demand. Perhaps that is why there is always a big competition in medical universities. And also because, whatever one may say, diseases accompany us all our lives and only doctors can help to cope with such problems. Many young people, after receiving certificates of complete secondary education, choose a medical direction for further education, but not everyone knows which profession from this area to choose for themselves. Well, let's try to help applicants and make a brief overview of professions related to medicine.

The prospect of choosing a profession related to medicine

Since the history of primitive man, medicine has occupied a very important place in the development of mankind. It is a branch of science that deals with the study of the physical effects of people and the search for cures for them, and has chosen different knowledge in recent years. The motivations for studying such a challenging and long career as medicine are many because it is a science that offers other alternative disciplines. Some students are interested in specializing in related professions that specifically relate to a particular sector or area.

In recent years, health sciences careers have expanded and become popular with people as they cover and address some very specific issues in medicine.

  • Nursing. This branch of medicine focuses on the basic needs of human health, regardless of the function of the doctor. Professional nurses are responsible for the direct care of patients.
  • Biomedicine. This discipline is defined as the study of the biological characteristics of medicine. The area of ​​his knowledge and practice is very wide, for example: molecular, cellular, biochemical and/or genetic mechanisms. These studies are aimed at developing new drugs or treatments for diseases. This is the branch that is responsible for pathophysiological processes and their research.
  • Dentistry. This branch of medicine is solely responsible for oral health through the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the teeth, gums, periodontal tissues, etc. Dentists have a general knowledge of medicine, physiology, anatomy, pathology and pharmacology and are trained to prescribe medical prescriptions.
  • Ophthalmology. An ophthalmologist is a specialist in the study of eye diseases. In other words, an ophthalmologist can also be called an ophthalmologist. He is looking for pharmacological, optical and even surgical treatments for eye diseases.
  • Psychiatry. This discipline is responsible for research to understand and treat mental or mental illness, so it is very important for the professional to gain a basic knowledge of general medicine.
  • Paramedic. This is one of the noblest professions in terms of health sciences (paramedic, emergency doctor). Paramedical services are more than first aid, it's about protecting a person's life from the ultimate consequences.
  • Dietology. It is probably one of the most popular disciplines today. A dietitian is a medical professional who is responsible for caring for and adjusting eating habits through the proper organization of nutrient intake. As a rule, some health problems are caused by malnutrition, so the nutritionist schematically works with a “good food plate” and develops the best meal plan for his patients.
  • Physical therapy. This discipline, also known as physiotherapy, is responsible for regenerating the body through techniques or other physical means such as exercise, electrotherapy, magnetism, etc. This remedial gymnastics treats the treatment of degenerative or infectious mover or accident or disease of genetic problems. The physiotherapist works directly with the patient in such a way that he helps and stimulates the process of regaining mobility, strength or, as the case may be, reducing pain.
  • Chiropractic. This science deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and also aims to use various manual therapy methods to correct them. A professional chiropractor is directly responsible for the spine, but you can also focus on other joints.
  • Genetics. Genetic research is considered the newest branch of medicine, and there is a lot of controversy behind it. A geneticist works directly with a person's genetic code to detect genetic or degenerative diseases, as well as extract vital information from a person in order to find a cure for some disease. Although genetics is still a specialty, it is necessary to have medical knowledge, especially at the biological and chemical level, in order to practice this profession.

Overview of Medical Professions

If the applicant is not afraid of the prospects of working in the field of medicine, then let's move on to reviewing the various medical specialties in order to have a concrete idea of ​​​​them.


In the modern world, you can hardly find a woman who is in a great position and expecting a baby, who would not be under the control of professional doctors. The whole process of pregnancy from fertilization and childbirth, its proper development and mother's health are under the close attention and control of an obstetrician-gynecologist.

But do not confuse the professions of an obstetrician, gynecologist and obstetrician-gynecologist.A gynecologist deals with the study and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system of women. An obstetrician refers to middle-level medical personnel. His duties include helping the doctor and assisting in the birth process of a woman.

Obstetricians-gynecologists observe patients during pregnancy, before pregnancy with existing problems with conception, are present during the birth process and, in the event of complications, take measures to eliminate them. During the postpartum period, a doctor of this profession conducts constant monitoring of a woman.

Therapist, family doctor

Physicians specializing in the field of therapy are engaged in the study of diseases of various systems: respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, endocrine, as well as the study of diseases caused by viruses and infections, as well as diseases of the liver and kidneys. Such doctors are called therapists or general practitioners due to the fact that their competence includes the study of the mechanisms of the disease of all systems of the human body and its internal organs.

Therapists observe patients, diagnose the early course of diseases and, if necessary, refer them to narrow specialists to develop treatment tactics. Another name for therapists is family doctors, since every Russian is under the supervision of just such a doctor from the age of his majority.


A specialist whose field is the detection and prevention, establishing the relationship between the pathologies of the human body and the identified disease, correctly selected therapy for various kinds of sexually transmitted and skin diseases, is called a "dermatovenereologist".

To select the tactics of treatment, the dermatovenereologist without fail conducts an examination, including the delivery of the necessary tests, including an allergic test. Provided that the skin lesion is not associated with a disease related to the field of dermatovenereology, doctors of relevant professions are involved in the selection and prescription of treatment.


The emergence and spread of diseases in human society is dealt with by a specialist in the medical field, called "epidemiology".

An epidemiologist performs an epidemiological analysis and examination of the foci of diseases caused by infections. The organization of measures to prevent epidemics and the incidence of the population is also within the competence of the epidemiologist.

Surgeon, urologist

For some diseases, pathologies of the body and injuries, in addition to conservative methods of treatment, surgical intervention is required. In such situations, the patient passes under the control of a surgeon. Competent operations, treatment of chronic and acute health disorders is the main direction in his activities in medicine.

Due to the fact that ailments requiring surgical intervention can affect various organs and various parts of the body, each surgeon specializes in a specific area that has a narrower focus on treating diseases (vascular, maxillofacial, cardiological, and others).

A surgeon who specializes in the area of ​​the male reproductive system, the space behind the peritoneum, and the urinary system is a urological surgeon. This doctor diagnoses, observes, conducts examinations and the necessary surgical intervention in cases where drug treatment does not lead to the desired result.


Rehabilitology is a field that specializes in providing not only medical care, but also psychological. Patients of rehabilitation doctors are people who cannot cope with a difficult physical and mental condition on their own.

Rehabilitologists are distinguished into practitioners and theorists. The development of recovery methods, based on many years of experience of specialists from various fields of medicine, including psychology, is within the competence of theoreticians. Whereas practitioners use these developed methods in the treatment of patients.


Neurology is a field of medicine, the principles of which are the study of diseases of the nervous peripheral and central nervous systems, the mechanisms and causes of their development, the development of optimal methods of therapeutic measures. Doctors working in this field are called neurologists.

The discipline of neurology is closely related to such fields of medicine as neurosurgery, pediatrics and psychiatry, since the existence of one of the sciences gives rise to another (for example, the connection between neurology and neurosurgery).

A neurosurgeon, unlike a neurologist, treats serious pathologies with the help of surgery. The neurologist in the treatment uses only conservative methods of treatment. Thus, patients usually go to a neurosurgeon after visiting a neurologist with a diagnosis in hand, which requires surgical treatment.

Oncologist / Radiologist

Oncology is an important branch of medicine that specializes in the detection and treatment of oncological diseases, their diagnosis and rehabilitation, and the observation of patients in remission. After confirming the diagnosis, oncologists discuss and select with the patient the best option and treatment plan that will improve his quality of life.

Oncologists are divided into several specializations depending on the type of cancer. Cancer can affect any organ, and the treatment of one organ will be different from the curative therapy of another.

As a rule, the treatment of cancer is complex and consists of components of medical procedures of different directions and types. One of these components is radiation therapy.А онколог, специализирующийся на проведении такой терапии, называется онкологом-радиологом.


Специалистом по профилактике, диагностике и лечению заболеваний органов зрения является офтальмолог. Любые нарушения и расстройства зрения, патологии зрительной системы входят в его компетенцию. Регулярное посещение врача данной специализации позволяет выявить проблемы, связанные со зрением, на ранних стадиях, что позволяет максимально увеличить шансы на успешный исход лечения, ведь некоторые заболевания глаз могут повлечь за собой потерю зрения.

При обращении пациента за медицинской помощью офтальмологом проводится внешний осмотр, в который входит проверка реакции на свет зрачков, оценка внешнего состояния роговицы и глазного яблока, век, проверка зрения. При необходимости назначаются обследования, которые проводятся на специализированном оборудовании и позволяющие провести оценку состояния глаз «изнутри».


Генетик работает непосредственно с генетическим кодом человека, чтобы обнаружить генетические или дегенеративные заболевания, а также получить жизненно важную информацию от человека, чтобы найти лекарство от некоторой болезни.


Фельдшер несет ответственность за защиту, заботу и спасение жизни любого человека, подвергающегося риску. Не только его функция — быть врачом скорой помощи, но и оказывать эмоциональную поддержку пациенту с учетом обстоятельств.


Оториноларингология (отоларингология) – область медицины, специализирующаяся на профилактике, диагностике и лечении болезней и патологий горла, носа, ушей, шеи и головы. Врачей в этой сфере называют ЛОР-врачами или ЛОР-докторами.

Стоит посетить врачей этой направленности при травмах и заболеваниях ЛОР-органов, а также при появлении аллергических реакций (например, кашля или насморка), храпа, для нормализации слуха и устранения запаха изо рта.


Ребенок, в отличие от взрослого, по-другому переносит болезни и, поэтому, нуждается в особом подходе к лечению организма и подборе способов профилактики. В медицине выделена отдельная специализация – педиатрия, которая занимается профилактикой и лечением исключительно детей. Стоит заметить, что при наступлении у ребенка совершеннолетнего возраста, он переходит под наблюдение терапевта.

Педиатр тщательно следит за здоровьем каждого малыша, под его наблюдением проходит весь процесс формирования ребенка, начиная с рождения. Задача врача предупредить у малыша развитие болезни и своевременно назначить грамотное лечение.

Врач, который занимается детьми с новорожденного возраста до возраста, равного первым четырем неделям его жизни, называется педиатр-неонатолог. Такие врачи работают обычно при роддомах и следят за состоянием новорожденных малышей.


A doctor who specializes in the treatment of diseases and injuries of the jaws and maxillofacial area, teeth, is called a "dentist". The competence of the dentist includes various functions for the treatment and prevention of dental and jaw diseases, depending on the focus and narrow specialization of the profession. And dentists have a lot of specializations, these are orthodontists and orthopedists, surgeons and therapists and others.

Currently, the profession of a dentist is quite prestigious, popular and diverse in terms of specialization.


The science that studies drugs and their effect on humans, manufacturing, is called "pharmacology". A person involved in the development or study, the creation of such drugs and their subsequent implementation, is called a pharmacist.

Not all pharmacists are directly involved in the sale of medicines through their sale in the pharmacy network. There are people of this profession who have devoted themselves to scientific developments in the field of pharmacology. They work in research companies, factories and laboratories for the manufacture and development of medicines.

The professions of a pharmacist and a pharmacist should not be confused. Pharmacists, unlike pharmacists, have the right to test work, manufacture and subsequent licensing of medicines. Whereas a pharmacist can only dispense medicines in pharmacies, engage in their sale, and he has the right to manufacture medicines only as an assistant pharmacist.


Among professions in medicine, there are not many universal specializations. One of these specializations is the profession of an orthopedic traumatologist. Any polyclinic has such specialists among the doctors.

Diagnosis and prevention, selection of a treatment plan and therapeutic measures, methods of diseases and pathologies of ligaments, bones, muscles and joints – all this is within the competence of an orthopedic traumatologist. In addition, doctors of this specialization know how to cure dislocations and fractures, bruises and sprains, hematomas, and so on. Elimination of the consequences of electrical, radioactive, thermal and chemical effects harmful to humans is also included in the list of duties of such doctors.

Pathologist/forensic scientist

A doctor who specializes in pathological anatomy, identifying various pathologies of the human body, is called a pathologist. Although the pathologist is a physician, the essence of his work is not to treat people. The autopsy of the dead and the study of pieces of tissue of human organs are within the competence of such a doctor. The profession is very important, like many others. There are cases when the continuation of the operation is impossible without the diagnosis of a pathologist, who brought a part of the patient's tissue for study.

The work of a pathologist is somewhat similar to the work of a medical examiner, but these professions are still different.A forensic medical examiner is a doctor who has received some training in forensic medicine and performs the functions of an expert in carefully examining corpses and physical evidence, conducting examinations of victims.

Instead of a conclusion

The prospect of a career in medicine is an extremely important decision. The health sciences deal with the physical as well as mental well-being of people. Although some of these professions do not require a university degree in medicine, there is no doubt that their nature is to care for and cure people's illnesses. Being a doctor means more than an academic title, it is also an obligation to protect health and integrity.