Multidisciplinary Medical Center; Alpha Health Center; 📍 on st. Maxim Gorky, 17 in Yekaterinburg

Detailed information and patient reviews ⭐️ about the Multidisciplinary Medical Center "Alfa Health Center" on the street. Maksim Gorkogo, 17 in Yekaterinburg – official website, address on the map, phone number, doctors, opening hours

Multidisciplinary medical center "Alfa-Health Center"

Multidisciplinary medical center "Alfa-Health Center" - photography

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Address on the map

Medical services


Institution doctors

Booking next to metro

Reviews about Multidisciplinary medical center "Alfa-Health Center"

Positive: Alpha Center in Ekb is the best private clinic in my opinion. There are sooooo cool specialists who do not blab, but treat. They don't force you to do any unnecessary tests. The only subjective minus is the prices. Some services are really very expensive. On the other hand, for such quality no money is a pity)))


The clinic is equipped with modern equipment from the best world manufacturers, high-quality consumables are used for all procedures – this approach guarantees a high level of services provided and complete patient safety.

The doctors of the medical center are professionals in their field, their many years of experience and accumulated knowledge allow them to accurately determine the disease and prescribe the right treatment plan for a speedy recovery. Our own laboratory complex and diagnostic equipment make it possible to carry out all the necessary procedures in one place without having to travel all over the city. This greatly saves patients time and speeds up treatment time.

Multidisciplinary medical center. Conducts examinations and treatment of children and adults. Located near the metro station Ploshchad 1905 Goda. The center employs specialists in therapeutic, surgical, narrow profiles, including otolaryngologists, dermatologists, proctologists, etc.