Abstracts on medicine

Essays on medicine – Samples and examples of ready-made essays

Essays on medicine

Essays on medicine

Abstracts on medicine

Abstract on medicine – This is a summary of the concepts available in the scientific literature on a given problem topic.

Preparation of abstract on medicine – An important element of the independent work of the student.

The abstract of medicine is from 18 to 24 pages.

Abstract on medicine It is a secondary text, in meaning an adequate primary source, limited to a small volume and at the same time as fully exposed to the content of the source text. It should be deep, informative and possess the following signs:

  • sense adequacy for the original source;
  • Maximum fullness and accuracy of presentation of content with a small amount of recycled text received;
  • Objectivity in the transmission of the content of the original source. The abstract should not reflect the subjective views of the referent, as well as to evaluate the information covered by them;
  • Authority in information transfer.
  • The referential reveals the content of the original sources from its point of view to the sequence of the author's actions (authors). For example: The author draws attention to. The author notes the fact. Finally, the author comes to the conclusion. ;
  • Constant, steady structure.

If you want to learn how to perform an abstract on any subjects, then on the page "What is essay And how to write it "I told in detail.

Essay structure for medicine

The abstract of medicine has the following structure:

  • title page,
  • content,
  • introduction
  • The main content of the topic
  • conclusion,
  • bibliography,
  • Applications (if necessary).

Title page

Abstract begins S. Title leaf.

The title page leads the following information:

  1. the name of the university;
  2. Name of the faculty;
  3. name of the department;
  4. Name "Abstract"
  5. theme of abstract;
  6. Surname and initials of the student (listener);
  7. position, surname and initials of the teacher;
  8. Place and date of compilation of abstract.


Abstracts on medicine


AT Content It is indicated by the name of the main job items and page numbers.


Abstracts on medicine


In administered The topic that is dedicated to the referee source (sources) is devoted, the brief characteristic of the primary sources is given (which they represent – research, monograph, textbook, critical review); The target and task of the author (authors) of the referee text are revealed; A problem or a range of problems considered by the authors is allocated, their relevance is justified, the goal and objectives are formulated.


Abstracts on medicine

Main part

AT main part Briefly, but the content of the source texts is fully transmitted. The material is subject to partitions, each of which reveals its problem or different sides of one problem. The paths and methods of its solution are indicated, as well as the results achieved (successes).It is necessarily noted the presence of different points of view on the problem.

The material of the main part is structured into semantic blocks (chapters, paragraphs, paragraphs). Each large block should be entitled.


Abstracts on medicine


AT Conclusion The referent makes its own conclusions about the relevance of the problem raised, the scientific value of this work (works), on the prospects for the development of research, its consent or disagreement with the position of the author of the work.


Abstracts on medicine


Bibliography Compiled in accordance with the requirements of GOST. Used sources are numbered and written in alphabetical order.


Abstracts on medicine


After the list of references are given Applicationswhere statistical data, tables, schemes, drawings, graphics, legislative and regulatory documents on work, auxiliary material, which in the main text may "overload" can be able to "overload" in the main text.


Abstracts on medicine

How to write an abstract on medicine

abstract – This is not a simple description of the facts and phenomena of history, especially the repetition of the text of the head of the textbook or monographs. Working on the abstract, the student must show how much he knows how to critically analyze the assembled historical material, independently think and argued to express their understanding, its interpretation of the issue under study.

The abstract of medicine must have the following properties:

  • integrity (mean-thematic, style, tongue),
  • Connectivity (logical and formal-language),
  • Structural structure (the presence of introduction, the main part and the conclusion, their optimal ratio),
  • Completion (meaning and genre-composite).

Stages of writing abstract on medicine:

Stage 1 – Preparatory.

  • Search for materials on a specific topic
  • Choice of literature in a specific library
  • Definition of the circle of reference manuals for subsequent work on the topic.

2 stage – performers.

  • Reading books (other sources)
  • Record reading (scan)
  • Selection of materials
  • Drawing up an abstract plan

3 stages – Final.

  • Processing of available materials and writing abstract
  • Drawing up a list of used literature.

Essay in any form is associated with the search for information. Only a deep study of literature on the topic will allow information about the current state of the problem under study.

For this, there are libraries and thematic catalogs in reference and bibliographic libraries. Information about literature can also be learned from publications on the chosen topic.

When working with literature should be remembered, That monographs, textbooks and textbooks, published this year, published the results of studies of two-year limitations and more. The most relevant and "fresh" information can be obtained from scientific journals and newspapers, information materials, statistical collections, etc.

New computer technologies allow a modern researcher to work with a large amount of information. In the global network today you can find digitized works of domestic and foreign historians, electronic copies of archival documents, thousands of scanned historical sources, materials from archaeological and ethnographic expeditions, collections of photographs, maps, diagrams.

The material obtained as a result of working with literature and sources, usually exceeds the required number of abstract pages. In the future, it will be necessary to concentrate on the selected problems, weed out unnecessary ones and write the final version of the abstract from the material received.

After the materials needed for the job are selected, a sequence of studies should be outlined in order to better determine the approximate content and appropriate structure of the abstract. When working with sources and literature, it is recommended to write down the main provisions, examples and conclusions of the studied works on separate cards or in a special notebook, accurately indicating their authors, headings and pages. It should be noted that if there are doubts about the authorship of the abstract, the teacher has the right to demand the originals of these preparatory materials.

The plan is the content of the abstract, which contains all the headings of the abstract. It should be remembered that all content headings must exactly repeat the headings in the text. A properly drawn up abstract plan serves as an organizational start to work, helps to systematize the material and ensures consistency in its presentation. Usually it is compiled according to a chronological or problematic principle. The first involves consideration of the phenomenon in its historical development (from the past to the present), the second – the consideration of several phenomena (problems) and the relationships between them. Both approaches can be combined using the problematic and chronological principles.

Writing an introduction for a medical essay very important part of the job. The introduction justifies the relevance of the chosen topic and why it attracted attention. The reasons why it is of scientific interest and why it attracted the attention of the researcher are given. It is also important to indicate how the topic is considered by various scientific schools or individual historians. The introduction should contain a brief description of historical sources and scientific literature, as well as a historical and graphical overview of the problem. Then the purpose and content of the task of the abstract are determined. At the end of the introduction, it is desirable to reveal the structure of the abstract, as well as give a list of its structural elements and justify the sequence of their arrangement. The introduction is two or three pages long.

Writing the text of the main part for an essay on medicine accompanied by division into chapters and subsections of chapters depending on the purpose and objectives to be achieved in the abstract.The main part of the abstract should consist of two or three chapters. The content of the chapters of the main part of the abstract must exactly correspond to the topic of the work and fully disclose it. The methodology and technique of the study are discussed in detail here, and the results are summarized.

Writing a conclusion for an essay on medicine sums up the whole study, the conclusion gives a consistent, coherent and logical presentation of the research results, their connection with the general goal and specific tasks outlined and formulated in the introduction. The conclusion as a whole also implies a generalized final assessment of the work done. The conclusion consists of approximately two to three pages.

After the conclusion, a list of used sources and literature is placed.. Each source is listed strictly by its name in alphabetical order and numbered. Some authors separate reference and encyclopedic publications from the general list of references into a separate list. If the abstract contains references to memoirs, diaries, letters, newspaper materials and other sources, this section should be titled "List of sources used".

Various supporting or additional materials are placed in the application. These may be copies of original documents, illustrations, photographs, maps, plans and protocols, or they may be tables, graphs, drawings, maps and texts in their form.

Preparation of an essay on medicine

Font – Times New Roman, size 14 pt.

Line spacing – one and a half (1.5)

Print on one side of A-4 size paper.

Margins: right – 1 cm, left, bottom and top – 2 cm.

Page numbering is required (bottom, in the right corner)

The text of the abstract, citations, tables and figures should be accompanied by references to the authors and the publications in which they are published. In this case, only the type of links should be used. For example: (Ivanov, 2004). Quotations are enclosed in quotation marks and immediately followed by the author, year of publication, and page number in parentheses. For example: ". "(Ivanov, 2004, p. 5).

Download ready-made essays on medicine

Examples of essays on medicine

  1. Characteristics of the Hepatitis C virus. Features of laboratory diagnostics. Problems and prospects of specific prevention
  2. Drugs and their influence on the development of a full-fledged personality
  3. Molecular bases and mechanisms of memory
  4. Diagnosis and first aid in case of damage by poisonous and chemically hazardous substances
  5. Iron deficiency anemia: etiology, pathogenesis, changes in the body
  6. BNP – brain natriuretic peptide
  7. Thyroid hormones
  8. The role of gastrointestinal hormones in the pathology of the digestive system
  9. Gas exchange in the lungs. Vital capacity of the lungs. Indicators of cardiac activity
  10. Treatment of alcoholism. Basic principles of treatment. The choice of method depending on the clinical features of the disease
  11. Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine
  12. Functional features of the organism of children of early and first childhood and their accounting when organizing motor activity
  13. Justin Evdokimovich Dyadkovsky
  14. Birth injury. Perinatal Brain Circulation Disorders: Types, Morphological Specifications
  15. Anesthesia methods in traumatology and orthopedics
  16. Muscular system injuries
  17. Types of injuries of the musculoskeletal system
  18. Pancreatic hormones. Their role in the body
  19. Medical poisoning Morphine
  20. Clinical pharmacology
  21. Peeping preparations
  22. The concept of neurotic disorder and neurotic personality
  23. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  24. Surgeon tactics with spontaneously and forcibly infinite hernia
  25. Pathogenesis. Acute intestinal obstruction
  26. Modern technologies in surgery
  27. Joint work of surgeons and therapists in conducting patients with postcholecistectomic syndrome
  28. Operations about hernia
  29. Operational interventions performed during osteomyelitis
  30. Theoretical aspects of dental implantation
  31. Methods of stopping bleeding
  32. Blood transfusion methods
  33. Silicosis and measures of its prevention
  34. Features and order of pathologan studies of those who died from particularly dangerous infections
  35. Epiglottitis
  36. HIV infection
  37. Meningococcal infection
  38. Safe hospital environment for patients and medical staff
  39. Putting infections
  40. Non-community infection
  41. Anaerobic infection in surgery
  42. Measures of protection against mechanical injuries in medical institutions
  43. Suts in surgery
  44. Benign tumors of the maxillofacial region
  45. Abrasive precancroid Haleit Manganotti
  46. Lasers in stomatology
  47. Gypsum in orthopedic dentistry
  48. Damage to soft fabrics
  49. Hepatitis B, C, D
  50. Medicine ancient India
  51. Arteie from Cappadocia
  52. Ambruz Pare
  53. The effectiveness of the dispensarization of the population, which was exposed to radiation during radiation accidents
  54. Power physiology
  55. Medical nutrition
  56. Antifungal reagent Bishofit and the consequences of its use in the cities of Russia
  57. Diagnosis and brief description of the type of student's disease
  58. Bad habits and sports
  59. Female alcoholism
  60. Semashko N.A.- Theoretics and the Organizer of Soviet Health
  61. Solovyov Z.P.- Theoretics and organizer of the Soviet military and civilian health
  62. Basic principles of medical ethics and deontology
  63. Features of medical ethics and deontology in therapy, surgery, obstetrics, etc.
  64. Heroism and courage of physicians during the Great Patriotic War
  65. The main representatives of Soviet anatomical schools
  66. Konchalovsky M.P.- The founder of the domestic school of rheumatologists
  67. Oppel V.A.- Outstanding Russian Surgeon and the historian of domestic surgery
  68. SPAKOKUKOTSKY S.I. and his surgical school
  69. Kisel A.A.- Outstanding Representative of Patriotic Pediatrics
  70. Filatov V.P.- The founder of the Patriotic School of Ophthalmologists
  71. Korsakov S.S. and his contribution to the development of psychiatry
  72. Вклад Вишневского А.А.в развитие отечественной хирургии и анестезиологии
  73. История трансплантации органов и тканей. Достижения отечественных ученых в этой области
  74. Medicine ancient Egypt
  75. Гиппократ – выдающийся врач древности. Современное значение «Сборника Гиппократа»
  76. Гален – врач Древнего Рима, его экспериментальная деятельность и теоретические воззрения
  77. Основные черты средневековой медицины в Западной Европе
  78. Значение «Канона врачебной науки» Авиценны для развития медицины
  79. Медицина в Киевской Руси. Ее народность и классовая дифференциация
  80. Развитие медицины в Западной Европе в эпоху Возрождения
  81. Медицина в Московском государстве в XV-XVII вв
  82. Везалий А.и его вклад в развитие научной анатомии; борьба против галенизма и схоластики
  83. Гарвей В.- основоположник научной физиологии
  84. Рамаццини Б.- основоположник учения о профессиональных заболеваниях
  85. Возникновение патологической анатомии (Д.Морганьи, К.Биша)
  86. Значение деятельности французских механистических материалистов (А.Леруа, Ж.Ламетри, Ж.Кабанис) для развития медицины
  87. Общегосударственные и медицинские реформы Петра I
  88. Бидлоо Н.Л.- руководитель первой госпитальной школы в России
  89. Влияние трудов Ломоносова М.В.на развитие медицины
  90. Самойлович Д.С.и его труд «О существе яду язвенного»
  91. Зыбелин С.Г.- первый профессор Московского университета, последователь взглядов М.В.Ломоносова
  92. Материалистические взгляды представителей русской медицинской науки в XVIII веке
  93. Шумлянский А.М.- первый русский микроскопист, основоположник отечественной гистологии
  94. Максимович-Амбодик Н.М.- основоположник отечественного акушерства и педиатрии
  95. Загорский П.А. и его научная анатомическая школа
  96. Возникновение научных (анатомических и хирургических) школ в России в первой половине XIX века
  97. Значение трудов И.Ф.Буша для развития отечественной хирургии
  98. Мудров М.Я.- выдающийся терапевт первой половины XIX века
  99. Буяльский И.В.и его вклад в развитие отечественной хирургии
  100. Мухин Е.О.и его вклад в развитие отечественной медицины
  101. Вклад Пирогова Н.И.в развитие анатомии
  102. Вклад Пирогова Н.И.в развитие отечественной и мировой хирургии
  103. Пирогов Н.И., его педагогическая и общественная деятельность
  104. Отечественные и зарубежные ученые – предшественники научной антисептики
  105. История открытия и внедрения местного обезболивания и наркоза в хирургию

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