Congenital malformations of the fetus

Congenital malformations of the fetus

Congenital malformations of the fetus. Congenital malformations of the fetus are one of the most dangerous complications of pregnancy.

Congenital malformations of the fetus

Congenital malformations of the fetus

Congenital malformations of the fetus (CM) is one of the most dangerous complications of pregnancy, which comes out on top among the causes leading to childhood disability and mortality. The birth of a child with congenital developmental defects always stuns the family, this topic is one of the most difficult.

The statistics are frightening, against the backdrop of declining child mortality, an increase in the number of congenital malformations is observed in most countries of the world. If in European countries the frequency of congenital malformations is 3-4 cases per 1000 births, then in Russia it reaches 5-6 cases per 1000.

Congenital malformations include malformations of the nervous system – anencephaly (absence of the brain), spina bifida (open hernia of the spinal cord), malformations of the cardiovascular system (heart defects, etc.), malformations of the limbs – atresia (absence), maxillofacial -facial deformities – cleft lip, cleft palate and much more.

Causes of fetal CM

The reasons for the formation of congenital malformations are different. This pathology can be hereditary if future parents have abnormalities in the chromosome set. In other cases, various harmful factors are the source of the problem: infections, frequent use of alcohol, drugs.

One of the reasons is the lack of vitamins in the diet of a pregnant woman, in particular folic acid. The recommended norm of micronutrients for a pregnant woman is one and a half times more than for women of childbearing age. And this is not accidental – the health of the child depends on this both when he is in the womb, and after his birth.

Pediatricians believe that, in addition to congenital malformations, newborn diseases such as iron deficiency anemia, rickets, or developmental delays are often associated with the fact that the expectant mother did not have enough vitamins and minerals during pregnancy.

Other disorders can make themselves felt much later – already in kindergarten and school: these are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic diseases, in the first place, as well as diabetes and obesity.

It is important to remember that the lifestyle of the expectant mother, her diet, bad habits create the basis for the health of her unborn baby. A lack of vitamins can cause violations of the physical and mental development of the child. This greatly increases the risk of having children with various developmental disabilities and low body weight.

Key Factor: Folic Acid

The main role in the prevention of prevention of the occurrence of congenital malformations in the fetus is folic acid. It is necessary for cell division, growth and development of all organs and tissues, normal development of the embryo, hematopoiesis processes.Folic acid prevents the likelihood of preterm labor and rupture of the amniotic membrane.

This vitamin provides the necessary growth and development of the unborn child, especially in early pregnancy. Folic acid deficiency during pregnancy significantly increases the risk of fetal birth defects, in particular neural tube defects, hydrocephalus and anencephaly. To prevent neural tube defects in the fetus, a woman should take at least 800 micrograms (0.8 mg) of folic acid daily, both before and throughout pregnancy.

Today, doctors are confident in the need for large-scale educational activities that promote planned pregnancy and preventive measures that can significantly reduce the risk of having a child with congenital malformations – in particular, taking drugs containing folic acid.

A number of countries, such as Argentina and Turkey, are already implementing government programs to prevent congenital developmental pathologies. They consist of an educational part explaining to medical specialists and women themselves ways of preventing fetal malformations and a stimulating part – compensation of 70-80% of the cost of multivitamin preparations containing folic acid.

Vitamins for life

There is an opinion that a well-balanced daily diet of a pregnant woman contains a sufficient amount of vitamins, microelements, and in this case no additional prescription of multivitamin complexes is required. However, according to European data, vitamin deficiency in pregnant women is 20-30% even with the most balanced and varied diet.

Modern studies, regularly conducted in recent years by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, have shown that the diet of a modern woman, composed of natural products, quite adequate to our energy costs and even excessive in calories, is unable to provide the body with the necessary amount of vitamins during pregnancy and feeding.