Which drugs do not help: a list of useless and ineffective drugs that should not be taken | – Chelyabinsk news

It does not help: pills from the home first aid kit, which it is time to get rid of Running to the doctor for a prescription every time something hurts is no time, so everyone has it in the first aid kit

It doesn't help: pills from the first-aid kit, which it's time to get rid of

Not all pills are equally useful.

There is no time to run to the doctor for a prescription every time something gets sick, so everyone has a strategic supply of medicines in the medicine cabinet that we buy without a prescription “just in case”. And we are often mistaken, because many drugs from the usual list of necessary ones are actually not only useless, but also harmful. We asked pharmacologists and doctors what medicines we spend money on in vain and only fill the wallets of pharmaceutical companies.

No time to get sick

In the well-known joke about the common cold, which, if treated, will pass in seven days, and if not treated, then in a week, there is a considerable amount of truth. Doctors insist that colds do not need antibiotics and a ton of powders, but just a few days of bed rest and plenty of fluids. But who has time to lie down now? Especially when there are such convenient pills or even “hot drinks” (“TeraFlu”, for example. – Note. ed.) – spread in a mug, drank and ran further on business.

– I am extremely against advertising when they show: you took the medicine and went to work. "No time to get sick." What's the job if you're sick? The main thing in the treatment of such diseases is bed rest. In addition, the patient, as a rule, suffers from a viral infection and can be dangerous to others,” says Nadezhda Izmozherova, head of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology of USMU. – If we talk about "hot drink", then it makes sense to take it only to relieve symptoms if the temperature is high.

The fact is that it contains antihistamines that give a sedative effect. The person becomes inhibited reaction. And then we are surprised that he failed to manage.

Over-the-counter "cold and flu" pills are even less useful. As for the harm, everything is not so simple here – substances with amazing side effects can be hidden in tablets. Therefore, the expert insists on visiting a doctor – he can prescribe serious prescription drugs that will help.

In advertising, they almost never talk about truly effective drugs. And this is not a conspiracy theory, the fact is that the law prohibits advertising any drugs other than over-the-counter drugs. And over-the-counter is almost a synonym for “weak”, that is, you simply won’t see anything serious in advertising.

– It is believed that over-the-counter drugs are not capable of seriously harming the body. That is, it will not be worse, and maybe it will be better. There are drugs with proven effectiveness, for example, Ingavirin. But you need to drink it in the first hours of illness, then it's pointless.At the same time, along with him, drugs are sold in pharmacies, the effectiveness of which has not been proven: "Kagole", "Arbidol". This is a serious problem, – recognizes Dr. Galina Baryshnikov.

Elena Tankov pediatrician emphasizes that the main task of drugs for treating influenza is not to give a microbe to penetrate the following healthy cells. It is possible to achieve this result in the first day of the disease.

Good medicine in bad hands

Without consultation, patients may apply good drugs not for appointment.

Without consultation, patients may apply good drugs not for appointment.

Photo: Olga Burlakova / NGS.RU

If you see advertising medicine on TV – this is already a reason to doubt it. For example, now actively advertise tablets with acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin. – Approx. Ed.) As preparations for infarct prevention. But in fact, a lot of research has been completed, which have shown that it is not necessary to prescribe this substance for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Sales fell. He began to advertise.

– As a practitioner, I have to have every patient to whom the drug is not shown, to warn. Aspirin is a good and very important drug for us, but it does not fall into those hands. It must be taken to appoint a doctor after heart attacks and strokes. And to take hypertensive, on the contrary, it is not necessary, – believes exhausted.

Hopelessly outdated and antacids ("Almagel" and others. – Approx. Ed.) – Preparations saving from heartburn and stomach pain. Medics to this day sometimes prescribe them, but they are not very effective and inhibit the absorption of antibiotics. Such drugs make sense to take one-time, with a single manifestation of the symptom. If he is repeated, then you need to go to the doctor and treat not a symptom, but a disease.

Separate history – Preparations of potassium ("Panangin", "Asparkamka" and others. – Approx. Ed.). According to Pharmacorus, this medication is purely for healthy, patients they are usually not needed. Previously, they were really necessary – many drugs were washed out potassium. Now they are delayed. Therefore, potassium preparations can even be dangerous for cardiac patients, because they cause hyperkalemia. She in turn can lead to a heart stop.

Won from a first-aid kit!

A separate group among drugs cost homeopathic preparations – containing a minimum dose of the active substance. Their inefficiency is regularly ridiculed, but people still continue to buy them.

– "Ocilloccinum", "Anaferon" and "Ergoferon" are drugs from a group of homeopathy. Homeopathy has not proven its effectiveness in any major study. If the medicine will work, it will be a placebo effect. The instructions are written that they contain antibodies to certain types of interferon. But in the same instructions there are no pharmacodynamics, no pharmacokinetics. That is, the drug is not tested.Yes, these drugs can be used, but if the dynamics deteriorates – you need to go to the doctor, – the doctor of Elena Fedorova advises the therapist.

There will be no benefit from Validol too. Harm, however, too, but if the heart is really stupid – better to the doctor. In difficult cases, the doctor may write nitrates (Nitroglycerin and others. – Approx. Ed.). And Validol is rather for complacency.

In autumn and in winter, drugs are popular for the prevention of colds. Many drink all the same "Kagoception" just in other dosages, and then surprised that he did not help. It turns out that medicines supporting immunity, and the truth is, but this is not the usual means "from colds" and not even vitamins, but separate drugs. And they need to drink a special course.

– There is such a drug as "Kuraltil" (the active substance dipyridamol. – Approx. Ed.). He is prescribed two tablets once a week for several weeks. Effectiveness has been proved on large collectives. For example, among senior soldiers, "Galina Baryshnikova prompts.


Influenza and ARVI

Another advertising deception is a variety of hints. As a rule, they contain caffeine and non-receptible nootropics ("Glycine" and others. – Approx. Ed.). The principle from them will be no more than from the coffee mug, so you can not spend.

Another way to not throw extra money to the wind is to check the prescribed medicines in the special register of the Ministry of Health and choose cheap analogs of expensive drugs. To learn how to do this, read our instructions. And how not to climb the first-aid kit with tons of preparations from ARVI, look here.

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