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What is Checkup in medicine – what examinations are included in the Check Up programs in the clinic

What does Checkup diagnostics include, when should an examination be carried out and who needs to undergo a medical Check Up, read the article on the website of the Health Clinic.

What is Check Up in the clinic

It is better to deal with the prevention of diseases than their treatment. This principle guides preventive medicine. Sometimes proper nutrition and exercise do not guarantee the absolute health of the body. Some diseases can be asymptomatic for a long time. In the absence of regular examination, the diagnosis of the disease can be made too late.

Check-up – specially designed programs for a comprehensive medical examination. They include methods of laboratory, instrumental and functional diagnostics. The checkup is designed to check the health of the body of people who do not have time to undergo medical examination. The programs are suitable for early diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases and neoplasms of various origins.

Thanks to the check-up, it becomes possible to obtain information about the state of health of the body in just a few days. If any abnormalities are detected during the examination, doctors refer the patient for additional diagnostics or immediately prescribe treatment.

In the multidisciplinary clinic "Health" there is an individual approach. Doctors accompany the patient from the moment of treatment to the receipt of test results. All examinations are carried out quickly, in comfortable conditions, using modern equipment.

Benefits of examination in the clinic "Health"

Medical clinic "Health" is the largest outpatient facility in the Moscow region. The clinic is equipped with modern equipment of the latest generation. Thanks to the express laboratory of the open type "OPEN-LAB", the results of the analyzes are ready within a minimum amount of time (30 minutes – 4 hours). Other benefits include:

  • passing all procedures and consultations in one clinic;
  • the possibility of performing a full examination within 1 day;
  • obtaining recommendations from qualified doctors on the prevention and treatment of diseases;
  • favorable cost of complex programs.

Who needs to check

Comprehensive body health assessment programs are primarily recommended for people who do not attend or have not contacted polyclinics for a long time. Check-up is suitable for both young people and older people. International organizations recommend that the following categories of people undergo preventive health checks:

  • patients with vague complaints;
  • women preparing for pregnancy;
  • people over the age of 35;
  • people with hereditary burden (diabetes mellitus, oncology, cardiovascular diseases and others);
  • people living in adverse environmental conditions;
  • smokers (smoking experience over 3 years).

In the presence of aggravated heredity, the doctors of the Zdorovye clinic advise performing narrowly focused examinations. They allow timely diagnosis of diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory systems, as well as neoplasms of various localization.

Which checkbox to choose

It is not necessary to determine the examination program on your own. To do this, you need to see a doctor. The specialist of the clinic, based on the collected complaints, anamnesis and examination, will select the most suitable check-up. If you have the results of previous tests and examinations, it is recommended to take them with you. This may help in determining the direction of the current inspection.

If there are vague complaints or simply feeling unwell, the doctor will prescribe a basic check up. It includes an initial set of laboratory and instrumental examinations that are required to assess the general condition. Among them:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • ECG;
  • FLG;
  • ultrasound.

The initial list of procedures may be supplemented depending on the identified changes.

In case of specific complaints, a specialized check is assigned. It is aimed at examining a specific body system. Among the most popular areas are oncoscreening, the study of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

What can be revealed by the results of the check-up

A comprehensive medical examination allows you to diagnose various diseases of organs and systems. The most common conditions are:

  1. From the respiratory system:
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • lungs' cancer.
  1. From the side of the cardiovascular system:
  • coronary artery disease;
  • heart failure;
  • hypertonic disease.
  1. From the urinary system:
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • chronic pyelonephritis;
  • kidney cancer;
  • kidney failure.
  1. From the side of metabolism:
  • diabetes.
  1. From the reproductive system:
  • adenoma or prostate cancer;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • endometriosis;
  • fibroadenomatosis;
  • breast cancer.
  1. Thyroid diseases:
  • nodular goiter;
  • thyroiditis;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • cancer;
  • thyrotoxicosis.
  1. Liver diseases:
  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • liver failure.

Regular check-up will reduce the risk of developing serious diseases and their complications. Doctors of the Health Clinic will select the necessary set of studies suitable for a particular patient. When abnormalities are detected in the analyzes, the clinic specialists give detailed comments and draw up a treatment plan.

How is the check-up

At the first stage, the patient gets acquainted with the attending physician, who will guide him throughout the examination.The consultation collects complaints, anamnesis of life, an objective inspection is performed. The doctor makes up a detailed program Checky, will answer all your questions.

Further, according to the plan, the patient gives the necessary analyzes. In the Medical Clinic "Health" All research can be passed in 1 day. It is convenient and comfortable, and also does not take much time.

After the completion of the research complex, repeated consultation with the doctor is appointed. On it, the therapist decrypts in detail the results of the analyzes, provides recommendations on further observation or additional examination, depending on the changes identified. Repeated consultation may be prescribed treatment, physical exertion and diet has been corrected. In the hands of the patient receives a complete report on the results of a medical examination.

How often do you need to pass a check

There is no specific answer to this question. It all depends on the age and individual characteristics of the body. Doctors recommend performing basic medical checks 1 time per year. This will detect many diseases at the initial stages of development.

The multiplicity of the implementation of a specialized examination determines the attending physician. At the same time, the following factors are taken into account:

  • age;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • General health;
  • The presence of concomitant diseases.

Frequently asked Questions

  • Question: Why doesn't be more profitable check?
    Answer: A comprehensive program includes at once a package of services that are purchased at a lower price than each of the specified procedures separately.
  • Question: How to prepare for research?
    Answer: In our clinic, the survey can be passed in 1 day. Any account AP includes the performance of blood test, ultrasound. Therefore, on an on an empty stomach is recommended for research. Question: What happens after medical examination? Answer: Decisions on further actions are accepted depending on the results of the tests. The doctor can recommend treatment on an outpatient clinic or to offer hospitalization to the hospital. The advantage of the Check AP program is complete accompaniment from the moment of appeal until the survey is completed. The curator can at any time contact the patient and invite the results to receive results. Thus, the patient is under the permanent control of the doctor.
  • Question: What studies can I go to your clinic?
    Answer: In the "Health" clinic, patients are provided with various complexes for men and women, selected depending on the identified risks. Blood tests, urine, electrocardiogram, fluorography, ultrasound examination are prescribed in the center. If necessary, the list of procedures expands.

You can pass Checkup in the Multidisciplinary Health Clinic – the Health Leader of the Moscow Region.The clinic is attended by highly qualified doctors with many years of experience in the field of preventive medicine. All surveys are carried out as soon as possible using modern equipment from partners General Electric (USA) and Siemens (Germany). You can ask questions of interest about the check-up, as well as sign up for an examination by phone.

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