What is a Holistic Approach to Science and Practice? A holistic approach to science and practice is… A training schedule.

Holistic approach to science and practice On March 6, a spring concert by Vladimir Muranov "We are love" will take place. We invite you on March 6, 2022 to St. Petersburg for a spring concert

Holistic approach to science and practice

March 6 will be the spring concert of Vladimir Muranov "We are love"
We invite you on March 6, 2022 to St. Petersburg for the spring concert of Vladimir Muranov …

How can the holistic scientific method be characterized? The Greek word "holon" is translated as "wholeness" or "wholeness". Respectively, holism as a doctrine is based on a direct holistic relationship between the material and the spiritual. This is a theory about the inseparable interconnection of everything that surrounds us, about the constant renewal and transformation of all types of living matter in their inseparable triumph of unity. Today, this teaching has taken root in philosophy, psychology, and medicine. One way or another, the doctrine of holism continues to be relevant to humanity even after many hundreds of years.

See eternity in one moment

From the point of view of holism, man and the universe are a single whole. Being by nature a microcosm, a universe in miniature, man embodies elements of a macrocosmic scale in his own existence. "Know that you are a different universe in miniature, and that in you are the sun, moon and all the stars.", – the philosopher Origen wrote in ancient times. Isn't it surprising that the structure of the solar system exactly repeats the structure of the atom? Perhaps this indicates a deep affinity of all the being around us – from microorganisms to planets. One way or another, the concept of the integrity of everything that exists is the key concept of holism.

In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, a holistic approach to science became one of the main philosophical principles of that time.. Both Galen and Paracelsus followed the theories of holistic medicine in their research. More recently, advocates of the empirical method branded holism as anti-scientific. When experiment took the leading place in science, holism, which could not prove at the experimental level the thesis about the relationship between man and the surrounding world, lost its connection with science for several centuries.

Only at the beginning XX century holism was reborn from the ashes. The founder of modern holism was a South African scientist Jan Smuts, who in his book "Holism and Evolution" affirmed integrity as the highest philosophical concept. According to Smuts, the carrier of all the physical qualities of a material object is an intangible subtle psychoenergetic field. Fields generated by different objects touch and interact with each other, closely cooperate with each other.Electrons are embedded in atoms, atoms form organic compounds, of which plants and animals are born. Thus, The whole evolution of wildlife is based on the integral inseparalness of the variety of species and the forms that surround us.

Yana Smetua managed to restore the holism as a scientific direction as a scientific direction. Do not reject materialism, SMETTS managed to reconcile the eternal confrontation of the physical and spiritual, temporary and eternal. Further development the holistic approach was received in connection with the emergence of the direction of New Age, when knowledge was in demand again, for a long time former in oblivion.


Today, holistic medicine is becoming increasingly popular. First of all, due to its health. Paradoxically, but the fact: in the US, there exist statistics on which thoughtless and uncontrolled treatment with drugs of traditional medicine enters the top three main reasons leading to the death of patients. Holistic medicine same is absolutely harmless to the body: it appeals to the millennial prescription practices, the basic principle of which is the principle of "not harm".

To date, holistic medicine is represented by a wide range of currents. At the moment it is acupuncture, and homeopathy, and phytotherapy, and Aromatherapy., and Ayurveda, and osteopathy, and qigong. Followers of holistic medicine believe that it is impossible to study the diseases of one organ. It is necessary to look at the ailment wider, it is worth tracking not only the physiological background of the disease, but also how the disease can be related to the current mental and spiritual state of a person.

In general, in holistic medicine, much attention is paid to the preceding traumatic experience of the patient and its mental settings. Positive attitude can in itself intensify the immunological reserve of the bodyWhile negative thoughts, depression can provoke a drop in immunity and further lead to the braking of recovery processes.

Two sides of one medal

According to representatives of holistic therapy, inside a person constantly fighting – "I want" and "I need," the debt and desires, an inner parent and internal child. This problem of splitness is often fraught with neurosis. Quite often, many of us came across a terrible feeling of brokenness, soul splitness. Holistic psychology aims to eliminate this fragmentation and remove the contradiction between those dual bections for which a man's soul is a fighting platform. The goal of holistic psychology is to reconnect these starts among themselves and offer them cooperation as an alternative to the struggle.

Holistic psychology and psychotherapy put the integration of senses contradictory feelings and experiences. Only gaining harmony with himself, a person can be consistent in order to realize unity with the world around and understand what mission is here and now he performs on Earth.

Great ancient Greek scientist Heraclit Somehow wrote: "From one thing – everything is just one". Only perceiving the sacred relationship of everything that surrounds us, we can feel ourselves one of the unquestible chain links, which permeates all being – ranging from the ant, and ending with the whole universe.