Thai medicine - means of Thai traditional traditional medicine | Online store

Thai medicine – means of Thai traditional traditional traditional medicine | Online store

Thai medicine – means of Thai traditional folk medicine | What includes Thai medicine

Thai medicine – means of Thai traditional traditional medicine | Online store

Thai medicine - means of Thai traditional traditional medicine | Online store

Thai medicine has arisen more than two thousand years ago. But then she relied on the statement that the health and beauty of a person receives with birth. Harm to this nature, life is caused by life with its constant stress, harmful ecology, irrational nutrition. Therefore, according to Thai healers, it is not a symptomatic, and an integrated approach.

The proposed Thai drugs are designed to initially eliminate the cause of the disease, and then restore the work of the whole organism, and not separate organs or systems. That is why many therapeutic agents used in Thai folk and traditional medicine are equally good in the fight against different diseases.

What includes Thai medicine?

Currently, Thailand has become one of the few countries where traditional medicine received priority in development. Thai traditional medicine is more and more interest, since many people in the world recognize an integrated approach to getting rid of various diseases.

Unfortunately, before our time, very few recipes of that time have been preserved, because they were orally transmitted from generation to generation. Now almost lost traditional ancient recipes are restored, and scientific institutions are developing new drugs using natural plant components. To date, about 4 thousand recipes of traditional medicine have already been registered.

In addition to various ointments, tinctures, balms, elixirs, powders and other drugs, the composition of traditional medicine includes acupuncture, meditation, traditional Thai massage. Such an integrated approach to treatment allows to successfully deal with diseases, many of which are considered incurable in Europe.

Our products for your health and beauty

Online store of goods and cosmetics from Thailand is ready to offer you a wide selection of drugs that will definitely benefit your health and beauty. We have not been chosen for nothing that this direction is, because it is known that:

• Thai medicine with their roots deeply goes down in history, the oldest recipes of Thai healers are known for their effectiveness and today enjoy special demand;

• In all Thai drugs, there are only natural ingredients of plant origin, which are known for their healing properties. Moreover, a single plant is very rare to treat illness;

• Certified products presented in our store of Thai medicine not only improve their health and effectively restore forces, but also help to cope with specific problems, have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of the person.

Запомните, народное врачевание часто приносит пользу там, где традиционная медицина оказывается бессильной.

Что мы можем вам предложить?

Народная медицина совершенствовалась веками, ее традиции поддерживаются и сейчас. Это настоящий кладезь целебных веществ. Мы предлагаем большой выбор товаров, многие из которых изготовлены по старинным рецептам, усовершенствованным самыми современными биотехнологиями:

• тайские таблетки , содержащие натуральные компоненты и помогающие справиться с различными проблемами организма, такими как сахарный диабет, избыточный вес или повышенное артериальное давление;

• бальзамы — настоящее древнее сокровище на основе целебных трав, которое и сейчас применяется для лечения множества заболеваний;

• лечебные чаи — ароматные композиции из разных сортов чайных листьев и других целебных составляющих;

• сбалансированные, общеукрепляющие БАДы, качество и эффективность которых не вызывает сомнения;

• высоко результативные средства для похудения , приносящие здоровье и красоту вашему телу.

В нашей аптеке тайской медицины вы найдете специи, масла, напитки и продукты из Таиланда. А также большой ассортимент натуральной косметической продукции, который откроет вам секреты вечной красоты и молодости. Однажды попробовав ее, вы больше не сможете пользоваться полностью химической косметикой. Представленная у нас косметика принесет пользу не только вашей коже и волосам, но здоровье и долголетие вашему организму.