Task Furtherd: Flame / Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Task Forest: Forest / Mass Effect: Andromeda See the "Delivery Planet" task for information on how to get to the top of the Mitray Tower. Sage Flear (A) in

Task Furtherd: Forest / Mass Effect: Andromeda

See the "Delivery Planet" task for information on how to get to the top of the Mitray Tower. Sage Flear (A) The sanctuary says that in the jungle of Jarla to the surface sometimes squeezed out the devices of relics. Studying them, you can easily understand the ancient technologies. She wants you to find these devices.

Collect released on the surface of the device on Jarla

You need to collect only eight of the many deleted relic devices to complete the quest.

Forest adjustment device 1

This device (1) Located under the roof storage of relics, but not inside the repository, but on the back wall of the cave. Find the device on the cliffs behind.

Forest relic device 2

Device (2) Located on the cliffs at the walls and columns of relics in the northern part of the central wasteland.

Forest relic device 3

Find the device (3) East of the Scientific Station "Pelav".

Forest relic device 4

Device (4) Among the stones near the seating area.

Forest adjustment device 5

Device (5).

Forest adjustment device 6

Device (6).

Forest adjustment device 7

Device (7).

Forest adjustment device 8

Find the last device (8) And complete the task.

Mass Effect: Andromeda – All tasks

From Praha. Tasks in Elee: H-047C H-047c. Cutter relics Tasks in Elee: H-047C H-047c. Weaval Tasks in Elee: Ayia Ayia. Jal Ama Mauring: Angaran Affection Allies and relations Ayia. Forgotten History Tasks in Elee: Ayia Ayia. Task: Angarsk initiative Additional tasks Ayia. Task: Safe Travel Tasks in Elee: Ayia Ayia. Task: laws and customs Additional tasks Ayia. Task: Local cuisine Additional tasks Ayia. Task: Exchange with Nexus Additional tasks Ayia. Task: Letters for Nexus Additional tasks Ayia. Task: Extensive rabbit Additional tasks Ayia. Task: Avangost Prips on Char Additional tasks Ayia. Task: Avangipost Prips on Cadar Additional tasks Ayia. Task: Avanpost Prips on Eladen Additional tasks Ayia. Task: Avangost Prips to EOS Additional tasks Ayia. Task: Past, Present and Future Additional tasks Ayia. Searches for past Tasks in Elee: Ayia Ayia. Trade benefits Tasks in Elee: Ayia Ayia. H-047C: New World Allies and relations Storm Guest Tasks in Elee: Storm Storm Jal Ama During: Friends or Enemies? Allies and relations Storm Cinenere: Snack Tasks in Elee: Storm Storm Cinemaer: Snacks better Tasks in Elee: Storm Storm Cinenery: Beginning Tasks in Elee: Storm Storm Cinemaer: Need Tasks in Elee: Storm Storm Киновечер: Последняя деталь Tasks in Elee: Storm Storm Киновечер: Стоит выпить Tasks in Elee: Storm Storm Лекси Т’Перро: Дно бутылки Allies and relations Storm Лиам Коста: Дипломатия вокруг брони Allies and relations Storm Лиам Коста: Прогулка по Айе Allies and relations Storm Лиам Коста: Сообщество

Прохождение побочных квестов в Mass Effect: Andromeda

Когда разработчики говорили, что побочные квесты Mass Effect: Andromeda окажутся не хуже, чем в The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, то они не лукавили. Большинство второстепенных заданий в игре действительно оказались весьма интересными и оригинальными. Естественно, встречаются миссия типа «убей – принеси», но крайне редко. В основном же нам предстоит искать преступников, проводить сложные расследования и выполнять другие интересные вещи.

К тому же у многих дополнительных заданий имеются несколько вариантов решений, каждый из которых обладает своими последствиями. В данном прохождении побочных квестов Mass Effect: Andromeda мы постараемся рассмотреть все возможные пути и их конечные результаты.

Примечание: для удобства мы решили разместить прохождение миссий на лояльность в отдельной статье.

Cinenery: Beginning

  • Требования: посетить Айю, получить в команду Джаала и завершить все беседы с Лиамом
  • Стартовое местоположение: звездолет «Буря»
  • Получение: побеседуйте с Лиамом на корабле

Это задание является первым из 5 миссий цепочки «Киновечер», которые вы сможете взять у нескольких членов своего экипажа. В конце вас ждет небольшая вечеринка с просмотром интересного фильма. Итак, первым делом вам стоит отыскать Лиама в кладовой, расположенной в грузовом отсеке корабля (иногда он тусуется в исследовательском центре [1], находящемся на 2-м уровне). Лиам предложит вам собраться как-нибудь вместе и посмотреть интересный фильм. Для этого следует сначала загрузить библиотеку кино со станции «Нексус».

Летите к станции и направляйтесь в ее командный центр. Там отыщите комнату, которая примыкает к камерам заключения и торговой лавке. Воспользуйтесь терминалом [2], открывающим доступ к Архивной системе. Затем загрузите все фильмы. Далее вернитесь к Лиаму и побеседуйте с ним. Теперь нужно дождаться электронного письма от Суви.

Cinenere: Snack

  • Требования: выполните задание «Киновечер: Начало» и завершите все беседы с Суви
  • Стартовое место

Гибнущая планета / Mass Effect: Andromeda

Task Type: Задачи в Элее: Хаварл

Required conditions: завершить задание «Помощь учёным Хаварла»

Начальная локация: Хаварл

How to get the: поговорить с Кииран Далс

Поговорить с Кииран Далс о бедах Хаварла

Хаварл: Научная станция «Пелаав»

Поговорите с Кииран Далс (1) после вызволения её команды из поля стазиса («Помощь учёным Хаварла»). Она рассказывает об ухудшении ситуации на Хаварле. Кроме того здесь не хватает третьего монолита Реликтов, а значит невозможно активировать Хранилище Реликтов и запустить процесс восстановления планеты.

Научная станция

Need a study interface and development? Do not rush to return to the storm, in the headquarters of the hangar there is a scientific station.

Find the entrance to the refuge of Mitra

Go to the East through the abyss of builders, and then follow south. Continue to follow the channel with water, fighting with relics along the way. As a result, you will reach the door reminding similar in the repositories of relics (2). Come in.

Go straight to the back wall, which looks like a waterfall of green lights; This is at the end of the pond. The navigation marker indicates the area to the left of you, but you can use your scanner to detect an underground channel leading to the relics console. Find and activate the console (3).

Rise to the top of mitrava

Go to the West on the tunnel to the Rickett Platform (4) With a high column. Jump up on top of the columns and continue the rise using narrow protrusions as a capture point to climb the next level. You must pass four levels to reach the vertices.

On the top, find the gravitational well. Activate it to make horizontal to the tunnel (5).

Go to another gravitational well (6) And also use it.

Climbing Mitravu

Find a console (8) In the right corner next to the columns.

Use the console to lower the protrusion above you, which will be climbed above. Start with a leap (9). Then jump on the ledger (10) and pick up to the very top (11).

Use the Realt Console (12)To create a bridge.

Continue the path from the point (13) And take another higher. All this time you will be disturbed by the relict, so follow the level of your shield. Another console (14)which creates a bridge.

Left just a little bit. Use the protrusions (15)to achieve entry (16). Enter the Mitrava Tower. Inside the gravitational well. Use it to climb to the top of Mitrava, where you will find the hangar.

Top Mitrava, Sanctuary
Chief sage of Esmus

The main sage of Esmus is quite surprised by your visit to his hidden sanctuary. (17). Talk to him about Jarla and the missing monolith. He says that the memory of this monolith slipped out of the hands of the hangar, but they believe in reincarnation. Esmus says that the memory of monolith can be transferred to the hangar, reincarnated from Zorai – the one who knows where the third monolith. You believe or not in these bikes of the old sage, but there is no other choice. It is worth trying, although it will not be easy; The hangar you need – Rochar.

Strengthen the top of the tower. Scan new objects and talk to local inhabitants. Make sure you activated the advanced station (A)Otherwise you will have to repeat the rise. You can also find an activator of memory. (B) Sam.

Task: Forest

In the sanctuary of Mitravah, talk to a sage flira (C) On the north side. She needs your help to find the devices of relics, which sometimes squeeze on the surface of Jarla.

Missing sister

Перед тем, как покинуть святилище Митравы, обязательно поговорите с мудрецом Амурдом (D), чтобы получить задание «Пропавшая сестра».

Отправиться в указанную Эсмусом локацию

Бездна Реликтов

Используйте передовую станцию (18) в центре карты Хаварла для быстрого передвижения и направляйтесь к месту назначения (19). Войдите в Хранилище, чтобы добраться до места (28), о котором вам говорил Эсмус.

Найти реликвию Зорая

Хранилище Реликтов

Используйте Гравитационный колодец (19), чтобы добраться до нижнего уровня Хранилища. Выйдите из первой подземной камеры через единственную дверь внизу (она разблокирована). Изучив следующую камеру (20), вы обнаружите, что единственное, что нужно сделать, это взаимодействовать с консолью Реликтов в центре.

Направляйтесь через правый проход (21). Разберитесь с несколькими Реликтами в туннеле и продолжайте движение к следующему проходу (22).


Будьте осторожны, впереди предстоит бой с Реликтом-Разрушителем (23); также следите за турелью и другими более маленькими Реликтами, которые постараются помочь Разрушителю убить вас.

Find a console (24) и активируйте её, чтобы создать мост. Пройдите к небольшой камере Хранилища (25), where can I find container. Обыщите его и возвращайтесь обратно.


open the door (26). Проход ведет в другую камеру (27), где дежурит Реликт-Обнулитель и несколько Реликтов-Сборщиков.

Разберитесь с ними и используйте консоль, чтобы активировать лазеры, открывающие следующую дверь, которая также выпускает Реликтов, включая еще одного Обнулителя. Перед тем, как уйти, запрыгните на верхнюю квадратную колонну посреди комнаты, чтобы проверить там container.

Идите к точке (28), чтобы добраться до следующей двери. Внутри находится груда древних останков. Это то, ради чего вы пришли.

Сканируйте останки, чтобы получить реликвию Зорая — перчатку. Также изучите древний накопитель данных и просканируйте Ядро Реликтов. Напоследок проверьте Containers и выбирайтесь на поверхность с помощью Гравитационного колодца (19).

Найти Таавоса в лагере роекаар

Пропасть Строителей

Теперь направляйтесь к Пропасти Строителей (29).

Используйте укрытия, когда прокладываете свой путь через длинный мост. Адхи и снайперы роекаар атакуют с многоэтажной платформы (30). Хорошая тактика — бежать вверх по лестнице к стрелкам, оттачивая на них свой навык ближнего боя.

Передовая станция (31) вызывается с Бури, когда вы достигаете конца следующей платформы. Доберитесь до лагеря роекаар (32) в Старом Пелааве.

Задание: Манифест Роекаар

Find data block роекаар на верхнем уровне платформы. Прочитайте его, чтобы начать «Задание: Манифест Роекаар».

Победить роекаар в их лагере

Найти Таавоса

Старый Пелаав

В Старом Пелааве (33) войдите в первое здание слева (A). Здесь вы найдите data block роекаар для «Задание: Манифест Роекаар».In the building on the right (C) there is another data block. Here you can also advance in the mission "Missing Sister" (B).

Find and speak with Taavos (34). During the conversation, you convince him to help you recover your lost memories of the Remnant monolith using the relic you found in the vault. He reluctantly agrees to help.

Meet Taavos at the entrance to the Lost Monolith

If you've been working on the Missing Sister quest, now is a good time to quickly return to Mitrava's Sanctuary to complete it. From there, head to the forward station (35). Jump down into the water and head north to the very end. Taavos is waiting for you (36).

Escort Taavos to the monolith

buried cave

Oddly enough, Taavos begins to remember places he has never been to. his life. In that case, let him be your guide through the caves. When the roekaar stops, look on the ground audio log. Listen to it and then examine the remains (37).

Examine the remains

On the recording, Zorai talks about working with the machines of the Relics. Her remains lie nearby, scan them (37). She died before she could get into the third monolith. Follow Taavos until he leads you to the Gravity Well (38).

Activate the third Havarl monolith

Forgotten Depths

Use the Gravity Well to carefully descend to the lower level of the cave. Use the console (39).

Put your hand on the Relic console and activate the third monolith. Don't forget to explore the Forgotten Depths to find the SAM Memory Activator.

Find and activate the Vault on Havarl

Back to the surface

Taavos thanks you for what Zorai couldn't do. He wants to stay here and be alone with his thoughts while you go looking for the entrance to the Vault. Use Gravity Well (38)to return to the entrance (36). Find the Relic Vault icon (40) on your map. It is located near Mitrava. Use the forward station (31) for fast travel.

Turn on the emergency generator

Vault of Relics

You have descended to the lower level of the Vault (41). Not far from you is the Relic power console (42)to be activated. On the opposite ledge (43) there is another console, turret and Observer Replication Controller, which can be scanned (below this ledge there is a container protected by a force field) . But nothing works until you activate the power console (42). Once you've done that, get ready to fight a few Watcher Relics.

Raise Vault Blocker

Powering up fires up four other consoles that emit blue lasers towards a large locked doorway. (44). To unlock the door you need white lasers instead of blue ones. To do this, the consoles must be activated in a certain order, which can be determined by the number of glowing blue orbs above each console.Activate them in this order: (A), (B), (C), then (D). Another order will call relics.

When the correct sequence is achieved, and all four consoles emit white laser rays, a large cleaning chamber door opens (44). Check out ContainersBefore removing the lock using the cleaning console. Pay attention to the second relic console in this chamber (45). Solve the relics puzzle associated with it using our screenshot. Power field under platform (43) weakened and now you can get to Container.

Leave the cleansing area and exit the repository

Activate the cleansing console (46). This is the smallest repository in the game, so escape from its field of cleaning, it's like a walk through the park or, or rather, a jogging to the gravitational well in the next chamber. Run to the aisle (44)Use the Activation Console (43). You earn 900 opa.

Return to Kiiran Dalus

Talk to Kiran. (1)To complete the mission. She, together with Taavos and the main sage Esmus, praise you, the Savior Jarla, and you earn even more points of the prospects of Andromeda.

High-quality role-playing fighter developed by BioWare, Mass Effect: Andromeda saw the light in March 2017. The possibility of the game is carried out for computers, Play Station 4 and XboxOne. Also players can play both single and command mode.

Mass Effect: Andromeda – General Information

The game has the opportunity to choose the floor of your hero: it will be determined between Scott and Sarah Rider. Andromeda in the game is named an international project created for the founding of the colonies in the accumulation of Elea in the Galaxy of the same name.

Andromeda is the third game in the Mass Effect series.

As a result of developments and design work on Andromeda, Nexus was launched. On board the command center were representatives of 5 galactic races. Arrival to the destination is scheduled after 634 years. The main characters of Travel Scott and Sarah. Heroes will have to find suitable planet.

Reference! Mass Effect: Andromeda, the passage of which is pretty simple, is distinguished by the dynamics and classic space set of plots.

System requirements, how long does the whole process takes

For the passage of Mass Effect: Andromeda 100 percent required minimum system requirements:

  • Windows 7, 8.1 or 10;
  • 64-bit system;
  • The processor is not lower than Intelcore i5 3570 or AMD FX-6350;
  • Runs will be required from 8 GB;
  • Places on the hard disk at least 55 GB;
  • The video card level is not lower than NVIDIA GTX 660 2 GB / AMD RADEON 7850 2 GB;
  • Installed DirectX 11.

It is recommended that the availability of RAM is recommended – from 16 GB, the video card – from 4 GB. You need a keyboard and mouse to control, and on the consoles – gamepad.

Attention! To pass the main line of the plot, you will need 25 hours, additional quests will occupy about the same.

The game is translated into Russian.

Users did not like the quality of the game

Character creation process, descriptions of classes and skills

When creating an image of a character, you can choose not only the floor, but also appearance, the main difference from previous versions of the game is the lack of ADEPT or Infiltrator classes.You can fully select all the abilities of a customizable character.

It is also interesting that it is permissible to customize the appearance of not only your hero, but also his twin. At the same time, the second one may well look like a freak monster, but their appearance will also affect the final appearance of their father, Alec Ryder.

The process will not change at all depending on the character's gender or appearance. The plot is created alone, regardless of the preferences in the appearance of the user. Gender will affect the ability to build romantic relationships in the game.

Andromeda contains characters of various races

Attention! But the right choice of training set will definitely affect the possibility of obtaining more powerful abilities.

The type of training you choose will have a significant impact on the first 15 hours of gameplay. As a result, the possibility of selecting abilities at the start and their further unlocking will change.

There are 6 types of workouts in total:

  • Technician. Engineering specialist.
  • Soldier. The main skill is combat.
  • Stormtrooper. A fighter who has access to different types of weapons as an adept.
  • Scout. Fighter and technician rolled into one.
  • Adept. The main skill is the power of the mind.
  • Guard. Combines the skills of technical thought and spectacular biotic skills.

After completing the tutorial, in any case, one starting ability will be unlocked. A soldier and a technician develop only their skills, the rest can combine two skills at the same time: military and technical. The second will help break the enemy's security system and reduce the impact of opponents' weapons.

Guide to the passage of the main storyline completely 100%

After choosing a quick start, when the hero will have a default appearance, or creating a character, you should immediately start playing. It will take a little time and perseverance to go through the entire plot. Below is a complete walkthrough of Andromeda.

Prologue: "Hyperion"

After waking up from suspended animation, a relative should be checked. Look around and talk to people around you. After that, you need to follow the door indicated by the arrow. Then you should find the necessary items to repair the device. All that is required can be highlighted with a scanner: this way the objects will turn orange.

Heroes of Andromeda can build relationships

Scan a highlighted object with the button corresponding to it pressed. Having repaired three nodes, it is necessary to switch the force field on the side of the panel. Proceeding further, the hero enters a new compartment. You need to take a helmet and weapons with you, then go through the door next to Cora.

"On the surface"

After falling, you first need to scan all the buildings – this will bring additional science points, and go forward. When puddles appear, you need to make a strong jerk and run as quickly as possible through the danger zone.

Climbing onto the ledge, you need to find a cave. On the left side, it will be possible to detect a deep gap in which there is a strong energy. These caves will be discovered all over the planet, they will definitely find something useful. Then you will need to adapt to the jetpack.

Attention! Climbing to the surface, you will have to meet with the native race. At this moment, it is important to kill everyone and save Fisher, after which the hero will come to a fork.

Regardless of the chosen path, there will be the entire crew of the ship.

On the right side, you can see an alien ship that you can inspect, and Kirkland, but he will still die. On the left there will be an ambush and the ruins of aliens. When inspecting the ruins, you need to turn on the electricity on the left in the corner. When leaving, you will again have to pacify the kett, and Greer will be in a cave, to save you will have to fight with aliens.

The plot of the game is quite simple and banal.

In the place where you want to make a jump over the abyss, you can hear Cora. Tasks for searching for team members will be counted.

The kett will reappear near the shuttle. At the end of the battle with them, you should replenish health and weapons near the containers.

Next will be a new war. After her, you need to go to your father and follow to the door.

Attention! Having placed the heroes in the highlighted areas, you should keep the defense from enemies while the code is being decrypted.

"Reunion with the Nexus"

Cora and Liam will lead you to the monorail, on which you need to reach the Nexus. In the farthest corner, you need to find a builder and talk to him. Kandros will lead you back to the monorail, and after talking with Tann, you can get distracted and go through several side stories.

"From scratch"

Before fulfilling Tann's order, you need to talk with Sam on Hyperion, for this you should go to the Atrium on the monorail, find Sam's module along the corridor on the right. Now the hero's abilities can be changed. Leaving Sam, on the left in Alec's cabin, you can find a lot of interesting things, after which you will need to arrive at the docking area on the monorail.

Having met the new members of the game and the ship Tempest, the hero goes to the Pytheas system using a galaxy map. After scanning the planet Eos, you should find the landing zone and land.

In Andromeda, you can customize the hero according to your preferences

At the marker there is a door, which requires codes to open, at the marked point you need to find a data block. Returning, you should unlock the door and use the console. At the station, you will need to go downstairs and turn on the generator, as it does not work. After scanning the towers, the hero must climb up and turn on the power supply on both towers. The kett will not keep you waiting. After the fight with them, you need to return to Clancy at the station.

Attention! The power supply must be connected inside the console.

There is a vehicle in the marked area. A large container should be scanned. You can call the station by going to the desired point with the projection. There will be a Nomad inside the container, you can pick up the transport using the side console. Once in the car, the hero drives to the glowing zone (glyph required). Behind the forests there is a building of relics, at the top of the glyph – they scan it and launch the ship. Another small fight. Now we need to activate the monoliths.

Next, you need to go to the east.Secondary tasks should be performed in parallel. It will be possible to get inside only by turning off 4 generators. After returning to the console and scanning the chains that glow with golden light, you can use it. On the western monolith, another skirmish with relics. You can find the glyphs by scanning the console. To climb up, you need to use devices near buildings.

After scanning the first glyph, you need to go down and solve the Sudoku – each wrong decision activates the aggression of the relics. At the end, there will be a war with the kett. Peebee is waiting for the hero near the lake, you need to create a bridge using the console. The character enters the vault.

Attention! The jump can be strengthened using the corresponding button.

Kett fights happen all the time in the game.

The door is entered through the console (along the way there will be several skirmishes with relics), useful little things will be found in the rooms. In a room with lights, you need to connect the side consoles and interact with the central device.

Approaching the console, you must wait for permission to repair the circuit. Having scanned the path, the hero moves on. This is followed by the activation of the consoles by moving between platforms. At the end, you need to activate the console on the right, then the hero enters the side space, there will be a container and a puzzle.

Once in a room with a column of light, you need to activate the console and quickly run. Almost at the end, a new task will appear, you can complete it by searching the container in the room on the left. After that, you should go to the exit. The hero advances to the specified point. There you need to establish a settlement, while deciding what kind of base it will be – military or scientific. Then you need to return to the Nexus.

Attention! Before returning to Havarl, you will have to complete the mission of the Relic Architect.

In this task, you will have to fight scary monsters controlled by the central processor. It is important to find the control panel and reprogram it.

400 points for destroying one architect

"Ray of hope"

In the Onaon system there is the planet Aya. PaaranShiye will lead to Ephra at the headquarters of the resistance. Walking around the city, you can complete some quests. You can return to the Tempest using the Docking Control terminal.

To continue, you will need to complete one of the missions:

  • Help the scientists of Havarl. To do this, you need to take a squad of Jaal with you. On the planet Havarl, a destroyed bridge will lead to a monolith, a battle will take place inside. Nullifier's attack is dangerous, you need to hide from it in cover. Having won, you should find scientists in the depths of the structure. After scanning both glyphs, you will need to deactivate the console and solve the puzzle. Then the hero returns to Kiiran Dals, and then to the Storm.
  • Meeting with resistance. It will take place on the planet Voeld. This is a very cold desert, so you should immediately run to the base along the red signals. Then you need to call the advanced, and with its help – a nomad. A new task will begin at Hyara Station. In the camp, you need to remove the blockage from 4 cells (aliens will help in the battle).В конце герою предстоит провести разговор с Ниилжем.

Пилот для продолжения основной игры будет на планете Воелд. На базе кеттов надо справа сломать служебную панель, а через вентиляцию – подняться на второй этаж. На балконе нужно войти в дверь справа. Проходя по коридорам, герой попадает в помещения с кучей врагов. Далее следует снова пройти в вентиляцию.

Синее поле убирается при помощи консоли в центре. Через коридор герой выходит к двери. Все это время кетты постоянно атакуют. С помощью лифта нужно подняться наверх и сразиться с Кардиналом.

Attention! Для победы нужно расстрелять шар, летающий около него, затем можно будет наносить ему урон. При этом следует держать большую дистанцию с боссом.

После победы персонажу будет предоставлен выбор дальнейших действий. Предпочтение следует отдать варианту с полным разрушением комплекса. Далее нужно вовремя попасть на необходимую платформу для эвакуации: тут нельзя гибнуть.


Все концовки и ключевые решения

В игре Масс Эффект: Андромеда прохождение даст один итог, но путь можно облегчить, принимая правильные решения в той или иной линии, выполняя определенную миссию, строя разные отношения с союзниками.

Важные решения сюжетной линии

В Прологе нужно активировать питание лаборатории чужих: тогда будет возможность спасти одного из членов команды Грига, иначе он в одной из сцен окажется мертвым.

Attention! Выбирая строительство военной базы на Эосе, позже появится помощь в виде дополнительного отряда Продромос.

Важные решения побочных миссий

Дополнительный квест на Нексусе потребует выполнения расследования, в результате которого понадобится отпустить или изгнать Ренсуса Нилкена. Второй вариант будет лучшим решением для героя Нилкена и его судьбы.

После выбора героем сделки со Слоун Келли, казнят Вен Терева. При квесте с протестантами нужно выбрать отказ от их требований: это завершится миром.

В квесте Рэйес Видаль против Слоун Керри нужно помочь Келли, она потом окажет поддержку в игре.

Важные решения союзников и отношений

Создать романтические отношения с журналисткой помогут интервью и правдивый отчет о проделанной работе.

Рецепт наркотика лучше вернуть доктору Рету, он положительный герой. Просьбу Рэйеса Видаля следует выполнить и найти убийц: после прохождения квеста смерти закончатся.

Независимо от принятых решений, итог игры останется тем же, значительных изменений в сюжете не стоит ожидать. Игра оказалась не такой захватывающей, как ожидали поклонники предыдущих игр этой серии, и она уже через полгода была снята с поддержки производителя. В любом случае, активные бои и космические пейзажи пользователям обеспечены.

Выдается автоматически. Разговариваем со всеми указанными персонажами и лучше узнаем о ситуации на Нексусе.

Неподалеку от директора охраны Тирена Кандроса можно повстречать турианку Мариэтту, которой нужна помощь в оправдании ее мужа. Поговорите с сержантом Экером, а затем с Нилкеном Рензусом, сидящем в камере.We go to the director of the security to give us access. After that, we study the audio recording on the terminal nearby, and also ask the witness of those events, Cassidy Shaw. After that, you should approach the director Tanna and raise permission to study the Body of Reynolds. The continuation of this quest is already on EOSE. Scan alternate armor elements scattered through the desert, while at the end you will not find the right item. We return to the "nexus", we speak with Nilken, then with Tanne, where we accept the final decision on the defendant: let it go or not.

He is taken from Dr. Aridana. The ship is in the Ericsson system. Let's fly to the system, Sam will tell you that there is an anomaly here. Scan the ship, the mission is completed.

After passing the second chapter, a letter from LED will come to the terminal. After talking with her, you will get the first task.

Stage 1: Investigate the attacks on the ships of Nexus

The necessary goals are in four different systems. Depending on the moment of passage, not everyone can be open immediately. Scan anomalies in all systems and analyze. Wait for the result.

Stage 2: Trace over three sabers to refuge on Cadar

The camp is located in the south-east map. Mercenaries surround the complex, join the battle. After that go inside. There, on the second floor, scan the data block. New goal.

Stage 3: Talk with Yelem on Eos and Eddison on Nexus

In Prodromos, go to the hut, where Yel lives and listen to his story. Then return to the nexus to conversate with Eddison. LED will enter the discussion and you will have to choose someone's side.

Talk to Dr. Ariadna in the port on Nexus. It will give the file to be calculated in the Sam on the Hyperion module.

Stage 1: Calculate the equation

In the module, start a conversation with AI and select the appropriate item. When a failure starts, pay attention to the holograms that appeared are Sam's tips. When the threat is eliminated, return to Ariadne.

Stage 2: Find fighters against AI on Nexus

After a conversation with the doctor it becomes clear that the third party is involved in the case – mysterious fighters against AI. Go down and go to Avine. It will glow a strange red light, say. We hacked the hacker and thinks that Sam was destroyed. Raise him and ask meetings from Knight. Now you need to wait for a letter from the leader.

Stage 3: Go to the asylum of hackers on Cadar

Approximately after the master of the cadar, the Knight will contact you by the postal terminal. Go to the planet in their lair. It is slightly above the center of the card. There you will be met by the leader, but immediately leaves leaving you on the basis of several hackers and your son. It is necessary to find evidence against Knight, and for this there are several ways.

Stage 3A: Secretly learn about the plans of Knight

Scan the scheme, email and map of Nexus to search for evidence. In the shelter is the AI ​​detector and after three scans will be revealed. We will have to enter into battle with hackers.After victory, scan new evidence, and then go to the Knight Computer. Return to Nexus.

Stage 3b: Collect the healing device for Alena

Talk to the Son of the leader and collect the necessary implants for him. To do this, you need to return to the storm and in assemble the device according to the drawing in the scientific center. Return to Alain and give the device for which it will give you a hint to the password from the mother's computer. Go to it and scan (if you used to use the scanner twice, the hackers will attack). Return to Nexus.

Stage 4: Find Amy Knight Devices

The first device at the bar in the port, behind the plant. Others two in the team center – one in Karzer, the other in the management zone (where the post Eddison).

Stage 5: Speak with Knight

Speak with the Hacker Leader and listen to her story. Depending on your actions earlier, the outcome of the task may be peaceful or not.

Stage 1: Talk to protesters

After the basis of the advancement on the EOS, protests will begin on the nexus. People require their relatives to bring from cryostasis. Talk to them in the docking zone and find out their requirements.

Stage 2: Talk to the managers

To begin with, go to Kandros, and then the remaining control stations will be suitable for you. Make a choice to disperse the protesters (stage 2a), or defrosting the relatives (the replica "we have a whole planets", step 2b).

Stage 2a: Return to Port.

Return to the protesters and report your decision. You can convince them to disperse themselves without the help of the militia. The quest is completed.

Stage 2B: Confirm your decision

Go to the console in the control zone and confirm the decree on defrosting. After that, the protesters leader will contact you and thank.

You will receive a letter from Captain Dunn with a request to help in one delicate matter.

Stage 1: Meet with Dunn on Hyperion Residential Deck

The captain will tell that the deathly sick and infectious relative of Dr. Carlisle, which he dragged on the hyperion, is walking on the nexus. Need to find it, and so that no one knows about it.

Stage 2: Talk to Harry in a cryo compartment and an official in the docking zone

Go to the doctor and listen to the instructions. Then talk to the immigration service agent in order to find out the last place Ruth Becker.

Stage 3: Collect information

Sam says the places where the root can be found with the help of the scanner. Explore: Immigration, showcases, path to monorail, passage to hydroponics, entrance to the vortex bar, rack in the bar. Talk to visitors and bartender to find out where to go on.

Stage 4: Go to the tracks

In the team center, speak with a touring, which will say that she has seen Ruth in the common area. There, near the Center of Culture, talk to a man who will say that a woman is suitable for the description of hijacked a shuttle. Return to the storm. Take the course in the system of Solmina and Anas, where to scan anomalies. Now the way to Cadar.

Stage 5: Check the trail of Chellak.

In Cadar, take the course to the north-west and go to the upper left corner of the card. They scan the wreckage of the ship, there are no traces of life. Next to the crash site, pick up the onboard recorder who should be heard. Next trail found.

Stage 6: Wander Roshekar.

Go to the north, there you will find traces of kidnappers. Examine them and follow the next until you find their lair. Destroy all enemies in the district.

Now enter the side door of the building, activate the console. Then go around the marker to the second floor and find the root. Here you have to make a choice on which its further life depends.

After the first conversation with Tann on Nexus, Raj Patel will work next to the command center. Talk to him:

Stage 1: View equipment

It seems that someone sabotes the work of Nexus. The technician gave you the coordinates of places where damage could happen. The first in the control center is the panel in the wall. The second in the headquarters of the militia – in the opposite of the Candaros corner. The third begins in the tanna office – scan the wall to the left of the director, and then go along the next floor of the command item.

Stage 2: Touch with saboteurs

Patel gave the coordinates of the alleged saboteurs. Go to the residential compartment and talk to the boiler Kellos. The girl will tell that he also noticed traces of sabotage and the evidence collected by her lead to Raju. Apparently, someone's third is observed here.

Stage 3: View Security Records

In the command center, use the security panel to view records. You need to run three different files, but everyone will be damaged. Sam will be able to use damaged records to search for a saboteur, but for this you need to scan suspects.

Stage 4: Touch with suspect

You don't need to scan all. The culprit is on the hyperione, in the last corridor before entering the residential hall of the ark. Before conversation, scan. Make a choice about his further fate.

Talk to Dr. Camden on the farm of Nexus (right from the exit from MONORES). The task is 10 plants from Elea.

Neolecta Riftia. – Located on the EOS, is located on the southeast shore of the lake, near the rocks, close to the object 2.

Lactarius Assefa. – Located on Jarle, is located at the southern walls in the center of the map. Grows on a hill near a tree, a big mushroom.

Sargania Fructanis. – Located on Jarle, from the opposite side to the previous mushroom. Located on the top of the hill.

Cardaha Cthonis – Find on the chairs, in the cave of Teschiks (just north of the center of the map).

Lagnaria. – Located on Eladen, in the West card. Hiding under the stone at the hill.

Amanita Jatanum – Located on Eladen, in the center of the map, in the cave.

Rhaum Taelkarum – Located on Cadar, in the Central North Coast of the Acid Lake.

Ruberia Majora – Located on Cadar, east of the shore, where they found the previous one.

Diplazium dizone – Located on Cadar, in the south of the card, not far from the start point, in the cave.

NereoCystis Hamonia. – Located on Cadar, in sulfur sources.

After finding all 10, come back to the doctor for the award.

Talk to Herik in the team center (before the Avanpost on the EOS) or in the Scientific Laboratory. After talking, go to the console and activate the task.

The easiest way to perform this task is to scan all the living objects that meet along the passage. Therefore, it is best to take the task at the beginning of the game. To check your progress it is worth looking into the code. It is noteworthy that similar species on different planets are considered for different. List of objects that are counted to perform the task: Arcnide, Crypper Rellets, Carkin, Shemris, Hallirion, Eirh, Ancient Eirh, Taurg – with EOS; Rellerts, Drall, Scris, Hallirion, Eirh, Ancient Airh, Galorn, Rilekor, Wild Adhi, Manta – from Jarla; Crypper Rellets, Hallirion, Eirh, Ancient Eirh, Galorn, Wild Adhi – from Chairman; Crypper Rellets, Drall, Karkin, Shemris, Ancient Eirh, Taurg, Wild Adhi – from Cadar; Arcnide, Cryper Rellets, Carkin, Eirh, Ancient Eirh, Taurg, Wild Adhi – with Elauden.

After all the scans, come back to the doctor for the award.

Talk to Sanger Clement at Tanna Office. He asks to find evidence of the innocence of his friend, whom he was tightened to the exile. Go to Cadar.

There, in slums, go to buildings that closer to the outlet on the planet. Where the buildings end up and the cave begins, under the stairs in the dark, there will be a corpse of the touric and data block. Pick it and the quest on this is completed.

Rowekar / Mass Effect: Andromeda

Task Type: Additional tasks

Required conditions: Open Jarl

Initial location: Rowekar camp north of the abyss of builders

How to get the: Examine the Roshkar data block on the top platform

Find Six Rowekar Manifests on Jarle

Camp Rochar

Find the first manifesto "Fire" on the platform of the Northern Bridge (1). This area will be available after you find the zorah relic in the task "Delivering Planet".

Old Pelaova.

In the old pelava, in the Rowekar camp, find data block called "invasion" (2) and one more data block "Hope" (3).

Abdicted builders

On the way to a meeting with Taavos, during the passage of the Mission "Delivering Planet", find this cave on the left side, at the end of the abyss of the builders. Inside you will find galorne and data block Rootekar "Invasion" (4).

Camp Rochar

When you finish the task "Accelerated Growth" in the Northeast Roshekar camp, find the Manifesto "Conquerors" (5) On the box in the center of the camp.

House Taldir

You can choose this manifesto during a visit to Taldir in the mission "Jal Ama Mass: Friends or Enemies?". Manifesto is on the table in her house (6). Take it to complete the task.

– Completion (Azure Batch Service)

Completes the specified task.
When the task is complete, it goes into a completed state. For tasks with multiple instances, the completion operation of the task is synchronously applied to the main task; The subtasks are then completed asynchronously in the background.

In this article

With additional parameters:

URI Parameters

way Truth

The base URL for all Azure Batch service requests.

way Truth

ID of the job containing the job.

way Truth

The ID of the task to complete.

request Truth Client API Version

request int32

The maximum time the server can spend processing a request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.

Request header

Media types: "application/json; odata=minimalmetadata"

Request ID generated by the caller, in the form of a GUID without decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.

Whether the server should return the client request ID in the response.

Request time. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.

An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will only be performed if the resource's current ETag in the service exactly matches the value specified by the client.

An ETag value associated with the version of the resource known to the client. The operation will only be performed if the resource's current ETag in the service does not match the value specified by the client.

Timestamp indicating the last time the resource was modified as known to the client. The operation will only run if the service resource has changed since the specified time.

Timestamp indicating the last time the resource was modified, as known to the client. The operation will only be performed if the service resource has not been modified since the specified time.


The request to the batch service was successful.

  • client request id: string
  • request id: string
  • ETag: string
  • Last modified: string
  • DataServiceId: string

Error from batch service.



Azure Active Directory OAuth3 Flow

Type: oauth3
Flow: Implicit Authorization URL
: https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth3/authorize

Areas of use
Name Description user_impersonation Impersonate your account


Type: APIKey
In: header


Task to stop

Request example


Error response received from Azure Batch.

An additional information item included in the Azure package error response.

Error message received in Azure Pack Error Response.


Error response received from Azure Batch.

Error identifier. Codes are invariant and intended for programmatic use.

A message that describes the error and is intended to be displayed in the user interface.

A collection of key/value pairs containing additional information about the error.


An additional information item included in the Azure package error response.