Tank – Bioacoustic Brain Correction

Tank method passed clinical trials and is used in medical practice in a number of leading clinics

Tank – Bioacoustic Brain Correction

The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by 25-year studies in the most authoritative medical institutions of Russia, the tank method passed clinical trials and is used in medical practice in a number of leading clinics of Moscow and St. Petersburg, such as: North-West State Medical University. I. I. Mechnikova, SPB State Pediatric Academy, Ambulance Ambulance. N. V. Sklifosovsky.

Bioacoustic correction (tank) – This is an innovative method of hardware and program diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of diseases, incl. Disorders of the central nervous system.
Bioacoustic brain correction combined the latest technology of neurotherapy, bio-controlled and music therapy.

The bioacoustic correction procedure consists in listening to the patient acoustic image of its own electroencephalogram.
Any cell of a living organism, including nervous cells – neurons – carry electric potential. The unique computer program converts the total electrical activity of the brain into the sound of the audible range. Thus it becomes possible to hear the brain music in real time and evaluate its functional state.

The opposite effect of sound of sound on neurons allows to normalize the brain operation.
The functional state of the central nervous system before and after the sessions of bioacoustic brain correction is reflected in the improvement of EEG parameters.

How does bioacoustic brain correction work? The method is valid at the deep level: restores the normal activity of the brain, disturbed by virtue of various adverse factors. And the brain, as is known, manages almost all processes in the body. Thus, during the bioacoustic stimulation of the brain, it is possible to activate the natural processes of the organism self-regulation, to correct most of the functional disorders, to normalize the work of the internal organs, improve the psycho-physiological state of the person, eliminate various types of pain, strengthen the adaptive and protective resources of the body.

General advantages of the method

  • non-drug, non-invasive treatment of functional disorders of the central nervous system;
  • lack of addiction, side effects and age limitations;
  • high efficiency proven by long-term use;
  • Compatibility and acceleration of other types of treatment, reduction of drug load, the ability to replace drug treatment.

How the procedure is carried out

Headphones are put on the child, and the sensors are fixed on his head, which read the EEG parameters.After that, the baby begins to hear the music, which, in fact, is electrical signals of the brain, converted into acoustic waves.

Each Tank Procedure is under the control of EEG records in 4 channels in Online mode (Overview and Indoometric Analysis). After the procedure, the specialist has the opportunity to estimate the change in various EEG parameters (indometer, pattern, cross-correlation analyzes).

Indications for the use of bioacoustic correction method

  • Hyperactivity syndrome with attention deficit
  • Psycho-speech development delay, uneven development of higher cortical functions
  • Receive Disorder, Expressive Speech (Motor, Senso-Motor Alalia, Stuttering, Dysarthria)
  • Autism, autistic spectrum disorders
  • Neurosis, neurosis-like diseases, functional enuresis
  • Tiki, ticoid hypercines, obsessive movements syndrome
  • Disssony – sleep disorders
  • FIRST CHMT, recovery period
  • Cerebro asthenic syndrome
  • Scientation of training in school (Dysgraphy, Dysxia, Discalculus)
  • The consequences of perinatal hypoxic-ischemic lesions of the central nervous
  • Neurocirculatory dystonia, diancephal disorders
  • Adaptation disorders in the preschool-school team
  • Treatment of neurotic, neurological disorders
  • Treatment of mental disorders (alarming syndrome, phobic syndrome (panic attacks), astheno-depressive syndrome).
  • Treatment of emotional disorders: anxiety, anxiety, increased irritability, fatigue, reduced performance, internal stress, reduced mood background.
  • Treatment of sleep disorders, appetite.
  • Vegeth-vascular disorders (both diancephal nature and parasympathetic crises)
  • The consequences of ONMK, organic brain lesion, cranial injuries: restoration of cognitive functions and speech violations, Normalization of sichophysiological status
  • Removing the "chronic fatigue syndrome"
  • Elimination of the consequences of stress.
  • Elimination of post-traumatic stress.
  • Removing the "loss syndrome".
  • General recovery of the body and psychoprophylaxis
  • Increased and supporting the optimal level of adaptive capabilities of the body, the process of self-regulation.
  • High performance maintenance.
  • Preventing the development of stress disorders.
  • Improving the concentration of attention and memory.
  • Increased stress resistance.
  • Optimization of the activities of persons with a high level of neuropsychic stress (employees of rescue and military-force structures, operators, business representatives and management services, workers of mental labor).
  • Activation of training athletes.

Psychosomatic diseases

  • Normalization of blood pressure (hypertension 1-2 stages, arterial hypertension 2-3 degrees)
  • Normalization of the psycho-physiological state of patients after myocardial infarction.Saving or reducing angiosis pains. Improving systemic and regional hemodynamics.
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases
  • With ulcerative disease of the stomach and 12-rosewood, chronic gastritis, colitis (reducing psycho-emotional voltage and increase self-regulation, removal of pain syndrome, normalization of appetite, normalization of vegetative status)
  • In the irritable intestine syndrome (normalization of the intestinal work, the elimination of pain)
  • Functional constipation
  • With atopic dermatitis (effective elimination of itching, reducing treatment time, increase the length of the period of remission)
  • Bronchial asthma (improving the functional state of the central nervous system in patients with bronchial asthma, accompanied by improving the indicators of the function of external respiration (respiratory resignation, increase the life capacity of the lungs and indicators of bronchial patency, reducing the manifestations of hypoxemia and hypercaps)
  • After transferred pneumonia
  • The treatment of post-pentine disorders in patients who consume alcohol and drugs.
  • Improving the body's resistance at any kind of dependencies (gaming, alcoholic, narcotic, psychogenic overeating, etc.).
  • Treatment of headaches of different etiology
  • Pain syndromes for diseases of internal organs
  • Post-traumatic pain

Recommended course: from 10 to 15 sessions for 15-25 minutes.
Contraindications: acute postoperative period; hypertensive crisis; acute infectious diseases; acute skull injuries; acute violations of cerebral and spinal circulation; Myocardial infarction in the acute period; acute and subacute inflammatory diseases of the head and spinal cord, its shells (myelit, meningitis, etc.); sharp bleeding; Acute mental illness.