Surgery of newborns

The development of neonatal surgical service is inextricably linked with the history of our city, because it is in Leningrad, in the largest in the Soviet Union of the Center for the Surgery of Newborns since 1955

The development of an neonatal surgical service is inextricably linked with the history of our city, because it is in Leningrad, in the largest in the Soviet Union, the center of newborns surgery with 1955. The basics of modern surgery of congenital defects are laid. Attokov stood such outstanding personality as a corresponding member of AMN USSR Laureate of the USSR State Prize Professor Bairov G.A., Doroshevsky Yu.L., Professor Nemmikova. N. E. Surin, G. V. Glotovich V. D. Tikhomirova, K. L. Dreier, N. S. Mankina, R. V. Stepanova, E. P. Sevbo, I. A. Marshev, E. A . Ostropy, A. L. Captainaki and many others.

The experience and knowledge of these talented people received continuity not only in our country, but also beyond. As the founders of newborns surgery, they laid the foundations for the most difficult direction in children's surgery. A great participation in the formation of views, determining the tactics and treatment of patients, the scope of operation and the forecast in the vices of the development played close work of children's surgeons and services of anesthesiology and resuscitation.


A new stage in the development of the surgery of newborns was the opening of the perinatal center in 2013 on the site of the former maternity hospital SPBGPMU. At the moment, the surgery of newborns SPBGPMU is represented by neonatal surgeons of the perinatal center.

Operations performed the doctors of the highest category, the head is the main freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for Children's Surgery – D.M., Podkamenev Alexey Vladimirovich.

When you need to find your doctor

How to get to the consultation?

  • Consultation of patients doctor neonatal surgeon,
  • Implementation of the ultrasound of the interested area –In the presence of a congenital malformation (observation of patients with VD in the absence of testimony to surgery, the observation of patients in the pre-and postoperative period, the selection and correction of conservative therapy, determining the tactics of reference, operational intervention timing).

Pregnant women in suspecting the presence of congenital fetal defect

  • Consultation of the Children's Surgeon with the implementation of the ultrasound of the fetus in order to determine the plan for further pregnancy, clarify the need for a delivery in a specialized institution (availability of indications),
  • Consultation of parents about natural course and treatment planRevealed congenital malformation.

Consultative and diagnostic separation of the perinatal center
(ul. Lithuanian, 2, Liter X, 1st floor – Entrance from the side of B.Sampsonievsky Prospect)
Phone: +7 (812) 416-53-00