Применение Сабельника в народной медицине, лечебные свойства и рецепты из Сабельника
Сабельник – полезные свойства и применение
Полезные свойства экстракта сабельника известны и в народной, и в традиционной медицине. Фитопродукт нашел свое применение также и в косметологии. Приобрести этот полезный экстракт вы можете в нашем интернет-магазине. Мы предлагаем только высококачественные экстракты, которые весьма полезны для здоровья и ни в коем случае не содержат вредных примесей.
Ботанические описание сабельника
Латинское название – Comarum palustre L. Лечебные свойства травы были изложены еще в восемнадцатом веке. Растение входит в род принадлежащий к семейству Розовоцветных.
Корни целебного травянистого растения уходят в почву на 3 метра, стебли растения толстые, имеют характерный красно-бурый окрас. В верхней части растения стебли опускаются.
Листья имеют сложную, непарноперистую структуру, количество листочков варьируется от трех до семи. Верхние листочки имеют более тривиальную структуру. Они сверху имеют зеленый окрас, а снизу они бархатистые, имеют беловатый оттенок.
Цветет в начале и середине лета. Имеет крупные багровые цветки, собирающиеся в соцветия щитковидного типа. Плоды растения созревают в конце лета или в начале осени. Они врастают в ложе соцветий и оказываются как бы закутанными в него. Ягодками растеньица любят лакомиться пернатые представители фауны.
Сабельник родом из подсемейства Розановые, которое, в свою очередь, является частью семейства Розовых.
География сабельника
Можно встретить в центральных и северных районах Европы, в Америке. Растет в Сибири и на Кавказе. Произрастает на грунтах, изобилующих кальцием. Наиболее часто встречается на болотах, а также на прибрежных территориях водовместилищ со стоячей водой.
Состав растения
Полезные свойства сабельника объясняются наличием нерастворимых в воде органических веществ ароматического ряда. Стебель заключает в себе 12,5% процентов данных веществ, а корневища – 10%. Лечебные свойства сабельника также можно объяснить наличием в химическом составе высокомолекулярных углеводов, пигмента каротин, а также витамина Р. В сабельнике присутствует небольшая доля смолистых субстанций и летучих маслоподобных жидкостей. Растение изобилует большим набором микроэлементов.
Полезные свойства сабельника
Лечебные свойства сабельника издревле известны людям. Применение болотного сабельника оправдано в тех ситуациях, когда пациентам необходимо результативное противобактериальное и антифлогистическое средство. Известны диуретические и ареопатические возможности травы. Предусмотрено применение сабельника в роли антипиретического, успокоительного фитопрепарата, быстро и качественно утоляющего спазмы и оказывающего гипотензивное воздействие.According to some data, the sabelnik is effective in the fight against the development of tumors. Scientists and physicians of a number of states recognize these healing qualities of the plant, among them the countries of the Far Eastern region.
Useful features of grass favors the strengthening of immunity. The plant has nephroprotective and anticoagulant properties. The use of a sabel in the role of analgesic and means that reduces inflammation is also very acquitted. The composition of the aromatic series, which are part of the product determine its anti-breast activity, contribute to the improvement of the elasticity of the walls of the vessels.
The antiflogistic properties of the plant are widely exploited by scientific medicine. Medicinal products prepared on its basis are often used to treat many ailments that violate the functioning of muscles and joints.
The use of the saber is possible as an antibacterial drug. Useful qualities of the plant make it possible to apply it for therapy of the GTS diseases. The miraculous phytopreparations based on the sabelnik showed excellent results in the fight against bronchitis and even tuberculosis.
Characteristics of the stem, rhizomes and leaves
The underground part of the stem contains:
- essential oils;
- vegetable polyphenols;
- Organic substances of the aromatic series.
Leaves and stems contain:
- trace elements;
- acid ascorbic.
The use of a sabelnik to stop the development of tumors is widespread in medicine non-traditional. Cups from the plant extract are famous for hemostatic, aropathic and astringent qualities. Drinking this kind is very positively affecting the immune system. Take tea from the drawing can be for the fight against rheumatism and illness associated with the gastrointestinal tract. It is impossible not to say about the opposite effect of this phytoproduct.
Sabelnik extracts on alcohol can be useful in eliminating salt sediments, as well as problems in the joints. The use of a saber in these situations is designed for a long period. Apply grass and to create ointments for tightening wounds. In this case, it is necessary to use the leaves of the saber of the marsh. In the case of mastitis, hemorrhoids, some experts are recommended to apply compresses using dispersed brewed leaves. The beneficial properties of the plant are used to treat the bleeding of the gums, as well as for dental pain. In these cases, Kroshevo from the roots, stalks, flowers and leaves are used. Such a phytoproduct also allows you to accelerate the healing of the epidermis under flexible ulcers and erosions.
Sabelnik and cooking
The use of sabelnik by housewives is also not uncommon. From the roots and young leaves, a delightful additive in salads, fragrant seasoning for meat, grain dishes, as well as fish. A rather nutrient dish is boiled with butter of root.Flour from the dried root of the plant can serve as an excellent seasoning for the dough from which cakes and bread are baked. The peoples of the North use the marsh saber as a drink.
Sabelnik in alternative medicine
Due to the tannic acid contained in the plant, the saber allows you to deal with inflammatory processes developing on the skin and in the intestine. Compounds from glycosides and flavonoids strengthen the walls of the vessels. Sabelnik is used to stop inner bleeding. In folk medicine, the sabelnik Bolotnaya is used to combat colds, against head and toothache.
For external consumption and anesthesia, preheated compresses can be used:
- A pair of tablespoons of dried leaves flooded with boiling water (half a compartment), bring to a boil, cool and put it in a gauze case. The compress is effective against pain in the joints, as well as with bruises and lobs.
Package oil tincture (outdoor use):
- To get a similar hood, you need to take 0.5 liters of soluble oil and the third part of the crushed product. It follows the exhaust for three weeks. Store the finished product should be in a dark place. The tincture is designed for rubbing sick places. The procedure is carried out before bedtime.
Preventive tincture of leaf on alcohol, recipe:
- The alcohol-containing tincture of the sabelnik is widely used to prevent a number of diseases. It is prepared with 100 grams of dried grass leaves, 0.5 liters of high-quality vodka. It insists 14 days. In the container should be stirred with water up to 30 droplets of the drink and take inside to protect against hemorrhages in the brain. Drinks are also advised to use for rinse the oral cavity when the gums inflammation.
Sabelnik and cosmetology
The sabelnik is allowed to produce a useful miraculous balsam, strengthening and attending joints and muscles. The main component is the saber of the Swamp replete with biologically active substances. It has painful, as well as anti-inflammatory effects.
The plant is quite effectively treating diseases associated with joints and muscles.
- Regeneration of weakened cells without negative impact on health;
- Activation of natural rehabilitation processes;
- healing property;
- Strengthening the walls of the vessels.
Other ways of application
The coloring substances contained in the sabelnik allow the use of a plant for coloring of wool, cotton and linen products, as well as for tossing the skin. The plant gives products a characteristic sandy-brown tint.
Used as feed for beavers, moose, reindeer. Veterinarians use a plant for the treatment of intestinal colic in horses. Using the nectar of the plant, the perga is made by bees.
Scientific research Sabelnik
The healing properties of this colossal plant are exploring scientists.Inquisitive researchers are actively studying the qualities of cinquefoil, which allow them to fight tumors. The plant helps to overcome kidney ailments, this property is described in detail in many scientific works. Dried cinquefoil extract is used to combat chronic kidney disease. The product is also used in the acute form of the disease. Scientists have also tested the analgesic properties of the cinquefoil. The plant not only relieves pain, but also does not have a harmful effect on the body. Such a study was conducted by Sapozhnikova S.K. The above property distinguishes phytoproducts based on marsh cinquefoil from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents.
Growing cinquefoil
Naturally, due to the large size of the cinquefoil, it is impossible to grow it in a flower pot in an apartment. In addition, this grass needs special conditions under which it will be comfortable to grow. The plant can take root in the garden. It can be grown in several ways. A great option is to have marshy shores near your house. The ideal conditions for the plant are a small pond with a low bank. With this option, you can put a couple of plant seedlings in the ground. It gets along well with other representatives of the flora growing in marshy areas.
If your backyard is not swampy, it is recommended to dig a large, but not too deep, pond. Fill the artificial reservoir with water. In such a place, good conditions for a sabelnik will be obtained. Simply place the pieces of rhizomes in water. Their length should not exceed 50 centimeters. Rhizomes can float on the surface, don't worry, after a certain period of time they will grow and turn into a floating island.
There is another option – dig a small hole in the area, fill it with peat. Pour water on top, add lake silt. The soil in the hole should become liquid. In autumn, plant seeds should be sown in this hole, another option is to plant parts of rhizomes to a depth of up to three centimeters.
plant care
Sabelnik is an unpretentious plant, which, nevertheless, requires compliance with a number of rules:
- The plant should be grown in swampy, wet places.
- The most acceptable method of transplantation is the direct transfer of the cinquefoil to a previously prepared site. If you use seeds, the plant will grow too long.
- For a successful plant transplant, it is recommended to use a rhizome up to 20 centimeters long.
- The plant is ideal for acidic, loose soil. Fresh peat will help create such conditions.
By adhering to all the recommendations that were given above, you can grow a cinquefoil in your summer cottage.
There are no contraindications for long-term use of drugs based on cinquefoil.However, it should be noted that the consumption of phytoproduct during pregnancy is undesirable. Children under fourteen are also not recommended to consume products with a saber. The individual intolerance to this plant is extremely rare.
If you decide to be treated with a saber, pay attention to this feature of the plant: the healing property of the phytoproduct may be accompanied by exacerbation of your illness. Do not be afraid – this is a characteristic feature of this medicinal grass. Most of those who used the preparations based on the saber, remained satisfied with the result. Sabelnik not only treats the body, but also cleans it from toxins, it helps to improve metabolism, and also enhances the protective functions of the human body.
Do not forget that the sabelnik is a medicinal plant, and, as you know, when using any medicinal product, it is always recommended to get advice from a doctor. It should also be verified in the absence of individual intolerance to the components of the means.
Interesting Facts about Sabelnik
Since the sabelnik is a healing plant that has a centuries-old history, then there were a lot of legends about it. Many interesting facts are connected with it. One of the legends says that some people of the North, who lived in a wetlastone, suffered a lot from a variety of ailments. In response to the prayers of the unfortunate people, a rider was a rider who sabers sabers swamp fogs and people found a huge number of colors with a purple tint at this place. These flowers helped the people to overcome diseases and adversity. Nowadays, the use of a sabelnik for therapeutic purposes is widespread in the small peoples of the North.
According to another old legend, the ancient army, tired of battles, wandered along the roads until he stopped in Altai. Warriors were fascinated by the beauty of these places. They stuck their weapons to the ground as a sign of the end of the war, and after that the saber grew up on that place.
The plant has a fairly large number of synonymous names, which, as a rule, correspond to the terrain on which the plant grows. Translated from the Greek scientific name of the plant means the fruits of the strawberry tree, this is explained by the fact that the fruits of the sabelnik are very similar to them.
China, Japan, Korea, and Mongolia recognized the sabelnik of the marsh medicinal plant and included it in the official pharmacology. It is used in these countries as an antitumor agent.
An herbal plant is also known in Tibetan medicine as a powerful agent restoring immunity.
On the territory of the Russian Federation, roots, as well as the leaves of this plant, ancient times are used to treat diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system.
Sabelnik is often referred to as Russian ginseng. This name is due to the fact that the plant has many healing properties.Synonyms of cinquefoil – cinquefoil, dekol, marsh cinquefoil.
The plant has been famous for its medicinal properties since ancient times. We can find mention of the miraculous properties of the plant in manuscripts of the seventeenth century.
The stem of the plant is usually cut off at the new moon during flowering. During this period of time, juices rise from the roots and accumulate in the leaves and stems.
As for the rhizomes, they should be collected before the flowering period in spring or autumn, in other words, during the period when the aerial part of the plant is absent, and the roots do not spend nutrients to maintain the life of the stem. Also harvest the rhizomes of the plant should be from the full moon. It is in the phase of the waning moon that the rhizomes of the plant accumulate juices. The healing properties of the roots of the plant during this period increase many times over.
Our online store receives high-quality plants that have passed the necessary control. You can order healing products based on cinquefoil using our website. We provide our customers with products that comply with modern production technologies.