Rehabilitation Center "April" – for patients

We accept adult patients with neurological diseases, we work as outpatients or we can come to consult at home

Our services

Injections of botulinum toxin type "A" (BTA) not only reduce muscle tone and increase the range of active movements in spastically tense muscles, but also help to slow down and sometimes prevent the formation of persistent joint-muscle contractures and dislocations in the hip joints.

In Russia, BTA preparations have been approved for use in children since 1999, and botulinum therapy has been introduced into the standards for the treatment of cerebral palsy in Russia since 2004.

In addition to specialist consultations and rehabilitation, we also participate in the work of a lecture hall for patients with multiple sclerosis – the lecture hall takes place in our center, and our specialists often act as speakers. The lecture is free of charge.

Another additional service is that we can teach relatives sets of exercises that they can perform with their loved one at home. Such a complex is selected individually for each patient.

Primary neurologist consultation* (50 min.) — 4000 ₽

Repeated neurologist consultation (30 min.) — 2500 ₽

Consultation of a neurologist (primary) with testing according to the ICF and drawing up an individual rehabilitation program (90 min.) – 5000 ₽

Consultation on the selection of TSR (60 min.) — 4000 ₽

Physiotherapy doctor's primary consultation* (60 min.) – 4000 ₽

Repeated consultation with a physiotherapist (30 min.) — 3500 ₽

Comprehensive consultation with the participation of two specialists (60 min.) — 5000 ₽

Multidisciplinary consultation with the participation of five specialists – 17500

Primary consultation of a traumatologist-orthopedist** (45 min.) — 4000 ₽

Consultation of a traumatologist-orthopedist (repeated) (30 min.) — 2500 ₽

Consultation of a neurologist, PhD, specialist in demyelinating diseases
Bryleva L. V. primary* (45 min.) – 7000 ₽

Consultation of a neurologist, PhD, specialist in demyelinating diseases
Bryleva L. V
repeated (30 min.) — 5000 ₽

* A consultation is considered primary if you contacted this specialist more than three months after the previous consultation

* * A consultation is considered primary if you contacted this specialist more than a month after the previous contact.

Group exercise therapy (60 min.) — 800 ₽

Individual session with a physiotherapist (50 min.) — 3500 ₽

Individual kinesitherapy session with a leading specialist (50 min.) — 3500 ₽

Individual lesson in kinesitherapy, primary (50 min.) — 3800 ₽

Individual kinesitherapy session (50 min.) – 3000 ₽

Medical taping (one procedure). Tapes are included in the price of the service. — 800 ₽

Therapeutic taping as part of an individual exercise therapy session (one procedure). Tapes are included in the price of the service. — 500 ₽

Therapeutic taping of the face (one procedure).Teypa are included in the cost of the service. – 500 ₽

Individual activity of kinesitherapy using functional electrostimulation (Callibri Motion Assistant) (50 min.) – 3800

Individual activity of kinesitherapy using the biologically feedback method (Callibri Biofeedack) (50 min.) – 3800

Individual lesson with a specialist in organizing household rutin and re-equipment of the home space (primary) (50 min.) – 3800 ₽

Individual lesson with a leading specialist in organizing household rutin and re-equipment of the home space (50 min.) – 3500 ₽

Individual occupation with a specialist in organizing household rutin and re-equipment of home space (50 min.) – 3000 ₽

Individual lesson with speechoped (50 min.) – 3500 ₽

Individual lesson with an alternative and additional communication specialist (50 min.) – 4000 ₽

Individual reception of a psychologist (50 min.) – 4000 ₽

Individual lesson with a musical therapist (50 min.) – 3000 ₽

Individual occupation of mirror therapy (30 min.) — 1500 ₽

Individual activity of adaptive physical culture (50 min.) – 3000 ₽

Stimulation of the peripheral nerve Electrostimulator BiBravo (primary procedure with a selection of mode) (30min.) – 2000

Stimulation of peripheral nerve Electrostimulator BiBravo (Repeated procedure) (30min.) – 500 ₽

Individual exercise on the simulator brushes (15min.) – 400 ₽

Consultation of the doctor-manual therapist in the center (50 min.) – 4000 ₽

Session of manual therapy in the center (30 min.) – 2500 ₽

Organization of the departure of a specialist (for consultation) Zone 1 (90 min.) – 7000 ₽

Organization of the departure of a specialist (for consultation) Zone 2 (90 min.) – 8000 ₽

Organization of the departure of a specialist (for consultation) zone 3 (90 min.) – 9000 ₽

Organization of the departure of a specialist (for consultation) zone 4 (90 min.) – 10000 ₽

Departure Instructor LFC at home Zone 1, 2, 3 (60 min.) – 5000 ₽

Departure Instructor LFC to the house Zone 4 (60 min.) – 7000 ₽

Read more about the departure zones – here.

Consultation at home specialist in organizing domestic rutin for recommendations for re-equipment of home space and selection of rehabilitation means of zone 1, 2, 3 (60 min.) – 5000 ₽

Consultation at home specialist in organizing household rutin for recommendations on the refurbishment of home space and selection of the rehabilitation of zone 4 (60 min.) – 7000 ₽

Individual occupation with an additional and alternative communication specialist Zone 1,2,3 (60 min.) – 5000 ₽

Individual lesson with an additional and alternative communication specialist Zone 4 (60 min.) – 8000 ₽

Read more about the departure zones – here.

Installing a nasogastric probe — 2500 ₽

Night Pulse oximetry — 2500 ₽

Orthopedic manual with the use of a cut (active on the ray-tank joint with a thumb out of neoprene) (60 min.) – 6500 ₽

Orthopedic manual using plastic orthodes (passive / night on a brush and ray-taking joint with a pinch of thumb) (60 min.) – 7900 ₽

Orthopedic manual using Orthz (active on the ray-tank joint with a thumb out of neoprene with rigid riffers) (60 min.) – 6800 ₽

Orthopedic manual using Orthza (active on the thumb of neoprene) (30 min.) – 5000 ₽

Orthopedic manual using Ortez (active on a thumb out of plastic) (60 min.) – 6300 ₽

Orthopedic manual using Ortez (active on a ray-tunny joint with a latter pin with plastic) (30 min.) – 7300 ₽

Orthopedic manual using Ortez (active on a thumb with a turwing tape from neoprene) (60 min.) – 5500 ₽

Orthopedic manual using an orthosis (active on the thumb and ray-tunny joint with a turbulent tape from neoprene) (60 min.) – 6300 ₽

Orthopedic manual using Ortez (on foot) (60 min) – 10000 ₽

Orthopedic manual using Ortez (correction for the joints of the fingers from plastic) — 2500 ₽

Orthopedic manual with the use of the cut (active on the ray-tank joint with a thumb out of neoprene) – (60 min.) – 6500 ₽

Consultation orthopedic for the correction of Ortez (15 min.) – 1200 ₽

Phased drying (one procedure, 45 minutes) 3000

Intramuscular injection of botulinum toxin type-A (excluding the preparation)
(60 min.) – 6000 ₽

Introduction of botulinum toxin in neurological diseases (dysport 300 units)
(60 min.) – 23000 ₽

Introduction of botulinum toxin in neurological diseases (dysport 500 units)
(60 min.) – 27000 ₽

Introduction of botulinum toxin with neurological diseases (dysport 600 units)
(60 min.) – 36000 ₽

Introduction of botulinum toxin in neurological diseases (dysport 800 units)
(60 min) – 40000 ₽

Introduction of botulinum toxin in neurological diseases (dysport 1000 units)
(60 min.) – 44000 ₽

Introduction of botulinum toxin in neurological diseases (Botox 100 units)
(60 min.) – 22000 ₽

Introduction Botulinic toxin with neurological diseases (Botox 200 units)
(60 min.) – 35000 ₽

Introduction Botulinic toxin with neurological diseases (Botox 300 units)
(60 min) – 48000 ₽

Introduction Botulinic toxin with neurological diseases (Botox 400 units)
(60 min.) – 62000 ₽

Introduction of botulinum toxin in neurological diseases (Kseomin 50 units + administration) (60 min.) 16 000

Introduction of botulinum toxin in neurological diseases (Kseomin 100 units + administration) (60 min.) 22 000

Introduction of botulinum toxin in neurological diseases (xseomine 150 units + administration) (60 min.) 29 000

Introduction of botulinum toxin in neurological diseases (Kseomin 200 units + administration) (60 min.) 35 500

Introduction of botulinum toxin in neurological diseases (Kseomin 250 units + administration) (60 min.) 42 000

Consultation specialist remote primary * (60 min.) – 3500 ₽

Repeated remote remote specialist consultation* (30 min.) — 2500 ₽

Remote lesson with an exercise therapy doctor (60 min.) — 3500 ₽

Remote lesson with an instructor of exercise therapy, AFC (60 min.) – 3000 ₽

Remote lesson with a speech therapist (60 min.) — 3000 ₽

Remote lesson with a specialist in the organization of household routines for recommendations on the refurbishment of home space (60 min.) – 3000 ₽

Remote consultation of a neurologist, candidate of medical sciences, specialist in demyelinating diseases Brylyov L.V. primary* (45 min.) — 6000 ₽

Remote consultation of a neurologist, candidate of medical sciences, specialist in demyelinating diseases Brylyov L.V. repeated* (30 min.) — 4500 ₽

A comprehensive consultation with the participation of two specialists remotely (60 min) — 5000 ₽

Individual reception of a psychologist remotely (60 min) — 4000 ₽

* A consultation is considered primary if you contacted this specialist more than three months after the previous consultation

* * A consultation is considered primary if you contacted this specialist more than a month after the previous contact.

We accept patients from other cities. But, since we do not have a hospital, we will need to resolve the issue of accommodation and, if necessary, the organization of patronage care.

Near our center there is a small cozy and relatively inexpensive hotel, you can stay there. We have arrangements for discounts for our patients, but let our receptionist know in advance if you plan to stay at this hotel.

In addition, in the houses adjacent to the center, you can rent an apartment for rent through the website

When you come to us for the first time, please take your passport – it must be the passport of the person with whom we will sign several mandatory documents. Most often this is the patient, but sometimes this person may be the guardian of an adult patient or the person who will pay for our services.

Please note that you need a passport, because according to the current legislation, the contract, informed consent and the act of acceptance of the medical services provided must contain reliable passport data that allows you to identify the person.

A passport is required only at the first appointment, in the future it will not be needed.

Foreign citizens will need to submit a foreign passport with a Russian visa, a residence permit or a temporary residence permit for processing documents.

At the first contact with us at the center, we will sign an Application for accession to a public offer agreement for the provision of paid medical services, which includes an Informed voluntary consent to medical intervention (IDS) and Consent to the processing of personal data. Read the Public Offer Agreement >>

All basic documents will need to be signed only once at the first visit to our center.These documents are provided for by Russian law and are necessary for the full and comprehensive protection of the patient's rights.

A social tax deduction is a refund of a part of the amount of income tax paid earlier (or withheld at the place of work). We are talking about income that is subject to personal income tax at a rate of 13%.

Such a deduction can be received by those who independently paid for medical services, purchased medicines, paid insurance premiums under a VHI agreement.

Thus, 13% of the amount spent on treatment or the purchase of medicines in the tax period can be returned annually (the maximum amount of spending on treatment per year, taken into account in this case, is 120,000 rubles).

Moreover, you can compensate not only for the cost of your own treatment, but also for the medical care of your spouse, parents and children, including adopted children or wards under the age of 18.

You can receive a tax deduction within three years from the date of payment for the treatment. To do this, you need to submit documents to the tax office at the place of residence.

To apply for a tax credit, you will need the following documents:
– Application for a deduction (filled in in your account on the website
— Tax return in form 3-NDFL for the year in which the treatment was paid (download sample)
— Certificate of income from work in the form 2-NDFL for the corresponding year
– A copy of the contract with a medical institution for the provision of medical services (the contract with our clinic is in your hands)
— A copy of the license of a medical institution to carry out medical activities
— Certificate of payment for medical services issued by the medical institution that provided the service (order through the administrator)
— Copies of medical bills

If you need to receive benefits for paying for the treatment of relatives – children or parents, you will need to add papers confirming the degree of relationship to the standard package of documents. To reimburse personal income tax from the amount spent on the treatment of a spouse, a marriage certificate will be required. The person who paid for the parent's medical care will need to provide their own birth certificate.

In this case, it is also important that the payment documents be issued to the person with whom the contract for treatment was concluded, and not to the person for whom the treatment was paid.