Профессор, доктор медицинских наук Тобиас Кек

Raising the salaries of health workers is being phased in; Official website of the Muravlenko Municipality

In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the results of the execution in 2016 of the Order of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin on a systematic increase in the level of salaries for medical workers.

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Increased salary to health workers is stages In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the results of the execution in 2016 of the Order of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin on a systematic increase in the level of salaries for medical workers.

The task of national importance in Yamal is being carried out in stages, according to the approved schedule, and will be completed on time in full. The regional roadmap until 2018 establishes an annual indicator of wage growth for healthcare workers by category in relation to the average wage in the economy of the Arctic region.

Thus, in 2016 the salary ratio for doctors and workers with higher medical (pharmaceutical) education, to the average monthly income from labor activity in the region was approved at the level of 150%. In fact, the ratio reached – almost 154.8% – the average salary of Yamal doctors exceeded 113 thousand rubles.

Planned for 2016 indicator of the ratio of the average monthly salary paramedical (pharmaceutical) personnel to the average income in the economy was approved at 82%. The indicator reached 84.7%, the average salary of this category of health workers in Yamal was more than 62 thousand rubles.

By junior medical staff (personnel providing conditions for the provision of medical services) the ratio of salary to the average monthly income from labor activity in the district is approved in the amount of 50%. At the end of the year, the ratio of the average salary of the junior level of medical institutions was about 49.3%, with the prevailing average salary of this category of medical workers over 36 thousand rubles. This figure will be adjusted this year.

There are objective data factors in the sector of junior staff: frequent changes in personnel, the lack of an appropriate level of education and work experience among workers in this category, including in the Far North.

This category of medical workers will receive increased attention this year.

Taking into account the increase in the level of wages of junior medical personnel, the requirements for the level of education and professional training are also increasing, the requirements for the functional duties of this category of workers are changing. All this leads to the need for structural changes in medical organizations. Planned and carried out by the Health Department of the YNAO, together with the medical organizations of the district, are measures to transfer part of the junior medical personnel with an inappropriate level of education and functional responsibilities to the category of other personnel.For example, by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection approved in 2016 by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, employees who are not related to the provision of medical services, such as cooks and buffets of medical institutions, are translated into the category of other employees.

In the teams of medical institutions, there is a constant explanatory work of new federal requirements and standards in the health care system.

Additionally, we inform you that the achievement of the tasks occurs openly for monitoring and public control of any level – all information about the implementation of the "Roadmap" is submitted monthly through the analytical information system "MONITORING Yamal", as well as in the State Automated Information System "Management".