
Prices for PET CT in Moscow

Record on PET CT. Check prices for positron emission tomography in Moscow and contacts clinics. Sign up for a study without a queue!

Prices for PET CT in Moscow

Information about clinics and prices for the study of PET CT in Moscow. Find out where you can make PET CT Study in Moscow: Cost, addresses and clinics phones. In various clinics, prices for positron-emission tomography differ. The following are detailed prices and contacts.

PET Examination in the Center for Medicine and Nuclear Technologies

Type of examination Price
PET CT with glucose, 18f 55 000 rub.
PET CT with choline, 18f 65 000 rub.
PET CT with PSMA, 18F 70 000 rub.
PET CT with Tyrosin, 18F 55 000 rub.

"Medicine and nuclear technology" is located in the north-west of the capital. The priority direction of the Center is the diagnosis of oncological diseases.

OperatorSign up and check prices for positron emission tomography in Moscow in the center of medicine and nuclear technologies can be on the phone
+7 (499) 450-25-90

Address: 123182, pl. Academician Kurchatov, d. 1, p. 113.

Cost of PET Research in Moscow in the Oncocenter of JSC Medicine

Type of research Price
PET CT brain C 18-FDG 80,000 rubles.
PET CT of the whole body from 18th FDG 80,000 rubles.
PET CT Total Body with PSMA-7 84 000 rub.

OperatorSign up and clarify prices for positron-emission tomography in Moscow in the center of OJSC Medicine can be on the phone
+7 (499) 110-48-59

Scanner used for positron emission tomography in JSC Medicine

Oncocenter OJSC Medicine is another place where you can make PET CT research in Moscow. The cost of diagnosis will be higher than in PET Technology. PET Center of JSC Medicine is located next to Mayakovskaya metro station. In the clinic, at which the center of positron-emission tomography is located, not only make this examination, but also conduct treatment of various diseases if they are detected during diagnostics. After the procedure, the patient can receive a consultation of the doctor and, if necessary, to undergo treatment.

The survey is carried out by highly qualified doctors of radiologists with scientific degrees included in various international community devoted to non-invasive diagnosis. The clinic is equipped with a modern high-precision philips genini tf tomograph. The high quality of the research performed is celebrated by foreign doctor, which was treated with our patients.

Address: 125047, Moscow, 2nd Tver-Yamsk Lane, 10.

PET Tehnolodzhi in Moscow – Prices for PET CT

Type of examination Price
Diagnosis of all body
Scanning is performed from eye orbits to the middle of the hip or if necessary before the heel.
59 900 rub.
When appointing bolus contrast 64 400 rub.

Discovery Pet / CT 610 scanner used by PET Technology

The administration accepts applications around the clock, it will be necessary to specify the name and initials directly the patient who is planned to hold PET. In the center of Pet Technology, there are practically no queues.

Scanning is performed on the latest generation equipment. Tomograph Discovery Pet / CT 610 (General Electric) was purchased and installed in 2015.The know-how used is significantly reduced by the scanning time and the radiation load on the patient's body compared with the older generation models. In addition to comfort, with the procedure itself, it makes it possible, if necessary, to diagnose more often, without any side effects and consequences.

OperatorIf you want to sign up for PET CT in Moscow, call the company PET Technology by phone:
+7 (499) 110-27-08

Make PET CT in Moscow in the centers of the Pat Technology network can be in three branches located in the West, the North-West and the south-west of Moscow.

Address: 125367, Moscow, Ivankovskoe highway, d. 3

Address: 121552, Moscow, ul. Orsha, d. 16, p. 11

Address: 117485, Moscow, ul. Trade union, d. 86, p. 3

Prices for PET CT in Moscow Region Centers Pat Technology

Type of examination Price
PET CT of the whole body C 18F-FDG in Balashikha 49 000 rubles.
PET CT brain with tyrosine in Balashikha 59 000 rub.
PET CT with PSMA in Balashikha 69 500 rubles.
PET CT of the whole body C 18F-FDG in Podolsk 49 000 rubles.

In addition to the center in Ivankovsky highway in Moscow, Pat Technology also has two branches in the Moscow region: in Balashikha and Podolsk. The cost of services in them is lower than in Moscow. The center in Balashikha is located near the capital (8 km from the Moscow Ring Road). In addition to PET CT of the whole body with 18f-FDGs, the brain diagnosis with methionine is also carried out in Balashikha.

OperatorThe phone for writing to the centers of PET Tehnolodzhi in the Moscow region is the same as for the metropolitan branches:
+7 (499) 110-27-08

Address PET Technology in Balashikha:
Moscow region, Balashikha, ul. Karbysheva, 6b (8 km from the Moscow Ring Road).

Address PET Technology in Podolsk:
Moscow region, Podolsk, ul. 50 years old wpsm, d. 26

What is PET CT

PET CT is an abbreviation of the name of a complex medical research, combined positron emission tomography and computed tomography.

It is used to cancel the diagnosis of tumors, monitoring their condition and the contagion of treatment, as well as in certain diseases of the nervous system and in cardiology. Currently, combined positron-emission and computed tomography is the most accurate research method for various cancer, allowing you to diagnose cancer in 80-98% of the diseased (depending on the type of tumor). This survey is one of the types of radioisotope studies, in which a radioactive drug with low radiation rates is introduced into the body.

With positron emission tomography, the rate of metabolism (metabolism) of organism cells, cells with a high level of exchange, for example, the cells of the malignant tumor begin to "glow" on the tomogram, and computed tomography allows you to accurately set the location of these cells.

Types of PET surveys

Combined positron emission tomography is divided into different types, depending on the diagnostic area, for example:

  • PET CT of the whole body
  • PET CT brain,
  • chest, etc.

Also, the type of diagnosis depends on the radioactive preparation used (radiopharmaceutiary). With different diseases and different types of cancer, different drugs can be used for more accurate diagnostics:

  • The most common contrast is 18 PDGs or (fluorideoxyglucosis -analog of ordinary glucose).
  • Also, choline can also be used to diagnose, which, for example, is often used under prostate cancer.
  • Methionine with brain tumors.

In Western countries, more than 10 types of various radiopharmaceuticals are used (RFP).

Is the positron emission tomography harmful?

A brief answer is no, such a study does not harm the body.

During the examination into the patient's body, it is introduced through a vein (and sometimes a radioactive substance is inhaled) and, accordingly, a person gets irradiation. However, radioactive contrast, which is introduced during the examination, decomposes into safe components for a short period of time. The total dose of irradiation in diagnostics is approximately equal to the penetration of the chest photographs obtained during computed tomography. For healthy people, it was recommended to not exceed the dose of 50 miles of izverts for the year, the dose of irradiation during the passage of the survey is about 12 miles of the zivers.

Cost of PET research in Moscow in state clinics

Make PET CT in Moscow can also be in state centers. Blokhin on Kashirka and them. Bakuleva, as an OMS quota, when directed by the At Cologue doctor (usually only for Muscovites) and for a fee basis.

  • The main minus is that on the recordings of large queues with the cost of PET surveys comparable to private clinics.
  • Plus, it is possible to make specific surveys when searching for tumors in the brain (with methionine) and a prostate (with choline).

Check out the list of state hospitals in Moscow, where you can make a PET study, and its value in them. Prices for positron emission tomography in these clinics are distinguished, see the price below.

Positronically emission tomography in Moscow

Centre The address Telephone Price
Pat Technology 125367, Moscow, Ivankovskoe highway, house 3 +7 (499) 110-27-08 59 900 rub.
OAO "Medicine 125047, Moscow, 2nd Tver-Yamsk Lane, d. 10 +7 (499) 110-48-59 80,000 rubles.
Medicine and nuclear technology 123182, Moscow, pl. Academician Kurchatova, d. 1, p. 113 +7 (499) 450-25-90 55 000 rub.
European Medical Center 129090, Moscow, ul. Shchepkin, d. 35. 1 100 Euro
Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery. A.N. Bakuleva 117931, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, d. 8, Corp. 4 51 000 rub.
PET Center in the CKBIP when managing the affairs of the Russian Federation 121359, Moscow, ul. Marshal Tymoshenko, 15 The center of positron-emission tomography is currently closed. The recording is temporarily not carried out.

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