Treatment of peripheral lung cancer in the oncology department of the St. I. P. Pavlova. Learn about the clinic and symptoms of the disease at a consultation with a specialist.
Clinic and methods of treatment of peripheral lung cancer
Peripheral lung cancer is a malignant tumor that develops from the alveoli, small bronchi (4-6th order) and their branches and is located far from the root of the lung, on the periphery. The danger of pathology consists in a latent asymptomatic course, it makes itself felt, as a rule, at an inoperable stage.
Causes of Peripheral Lung Cancer
Factors in the development of pathology are divided into genetic and modifying. They talk about hereditary prerequisites when lung cancer has already been seen in his closest relatives.
Peripheral lung cancer often occurs due to the influence of external factors. The most significant among them are aerogenic carcinogens, primarily contained in cigarette smoke.
Among the exogenous causes are:
- inhalation of air polluted by industrial emissions, dust and gases;
- the influence of industrial carcinogens (asbestos, graphite and cement dust, nickel compounds, chromium arsenic).
Endogenous prerequisites for the development of peripheral cancer are:
- age over 45;
- lung diseases (tuberculosis, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, limited pneumosclerosis);
- dysplasia of the epithelium of small bronchi and alveolar epithelium.
However, about 30% of patients with LC have never smoked, and the number of such patients has been increasing in recent years. The causes that influence the occurrence of various subtypes of lung cancer, as well as the highest incidence of adenocarcinoma in non-smokers, especially in women, have not yet been studied.
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Types of peripheral cancer
There are three forms of peripheral cancer:
- nodal;
- Pancoast tumor (apex of the lung);
- pneumonia-like.
The most common squamous cell form of peripheral lung cancer. At the onset of the disease, symptoms are absent or mild. As the tumor grows:
- dyspnea;
- cough against the background of normal general well-being;
- swollen lymph nodes;
- chest pains;
- copious sputum.
General symptoms include fever, weakness, decreased ability to work, loss of appetite, and weight loss.
Approaches to the treatment of peripheral lung cancer
In the treatment of patients with peripheral lung cancer, surgical, radiation, chemoradiation, drug (chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy) and combined methods are used. With small cell lung cancer, drug treatment is in the foreground.
A surgeon, a radiologist and a chemotherapist take part in the development of a treatment plan, and other specialists are involved if necessary.After completing the individual stages of this plan, the subsequent stages are corrected depending on the results obtained.
The treatment strategy is determined by the stage of peripheral lung cancer.
In local forms of peripheral non-small cell lung cancer (stages I-II), the method of choice is surgical treatment. Lung resections (lobectomy, bilobectomy) are performed. Currently, most of these operations are performed minimally invasively using video-assisted thoracoscopic technologies.
In stage III peripheral lung cancer, the optimal treatment is a combined treatment, including radical surgery in combination with pre- or postoperative anticancer drug treatment.
The indication for combined treatment for non-small cell peripheral lung cancer is: metastatic lesion of the intrathoracic regional lymph nodes, the transition of the primary tumor or metastatic lymph nodes to neighboring structures and organs.
In patients with stage IV disease, only drug antitumor or symptomatic supportive therapy is possible.
Oncology department No. 4 (thoracic surgery) IP Pavlova has the technical capabilities and qualified personnel for the treatment of peripheral lung cancer.