Fourthly, osteopathy is recognized as a medical community, and is currently a licensing process in the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Osteopathy: Health through the Balance Balance Restoration

Osteopathy: Health through the restoration of the balance of the body. Recently, in Russia and in the world, such a direction of restoration medicine as osteopathy is becoming increasingly popular. About her

Osteopathy: Health through the Balance Balance Restoration

Fourthly, osteopathy is recognized as a medical community, and is currently a licensing process in the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Osteopathy is the direction of non-drug and non-surgical alternative medicine, which is aimed at restoring the body. Its main goal is to normalize the work of the musculoskeletal system, nervous, blood and lymphatic systems. This knowledge system is built on the laws of physiology, anatomy, biomechanics, hydrodynamics, reflexology, human lifestyle analysis from the moment of development in the maternal womb, birth to the moment.

If nature came up with a disease inside a person, it is completely natural to assume that there is a means of treatment within a person.
E. T. Still

Recently, in Russia and in the world is gaining more and more popularity of recovery medicine as osteopathy. The doctor of osteopathy, a specialist of restorative medicine of the beauty and health clinic "Easy breath" of Gorbunov Konstantin Nikolaevich, tells about its essence and opportunities.

Osteopathy is the direction of non-drug and non-surgical alternative medicine, which is aimed at restoring the body. Its main goal is to normalize the work of the musculoskeletal system, nervous, blood and lymphatic systems. This knowledge system is built on the laws of physiology, anatomy, biomechanics, hydrodynamics, reflexology, human lifestyle analysis from the moment of development in the maternal womb, birth to the moment.

The osteopathy is an American doctor Andrew Taylor Still, who at the end of the XIX century has developed its own approach to the treatment of patients. He explored a person through his bone muscular system and laid the foundation of a structural approach by putting forward the main postulate: "The structure controls the function, the function determines the structure."

Later osteopathy as a direction appeared in Europe, where the development of the School of Cranial-Sacral over the years has been developed (work with skull bones, brain membranes and cranial nerves) and visceral (work with the internal authorities, their position and relationships in the body) approaches. In Russia, osteopathy appeared in the late 1980s in St. Petersburg and is actively developing.

The main idea of ​​osteopathy is that it considers the human body holistly, as a single interconnected system. Accordingly, the treatment is directed not to a specific problem body as a result, but for treating the cause of this problem and the launch of internal self-healing mechanisms.Osteopatiya_ZDorove_Cherez_Vosstanovlenie_Balansa_organizma.

Osteopathy: Health through the Balance Balance Restoration

Osteopathy: Health through the restoration of the balance of the body. Recently, in Russia and in the world, such a direction of restoration medicine as osteopathy is becoming increasingly popular. About her

Osteopathy: Health through the Balance Balance Restoration

Osteopathy is the direction of non-drug and non-surgical alternative medicine, which is aimed at restoring the body. Its main goal is to normalize the work of the musculoskeletal system, nervous, blood and lymphatic systems. This knowledge system is built on the laws of physiology, anatomy, biomechanics, hydrodynamics, reflexology, human lifestyle analysis from the moment of development in the maternal womb, birth to the moment.

If nature came up with a disease inside a person, it is completely natural to assume that there is a means of treatment within a person.

E. T. Still

Recently, in Russia and in the world is gaining more and more popularity of recovery medicine as osteopathy. The doctor of osteopathy, a specialist of restorative medicine of the beauty and health clinic "Easy breath" of Gorbunov Konstantin Nikolaevich, tells about its essence and opportunities.

Osteopathy is the direction of non-drug and non-surgical alternative medicine, which is aimed at restoring the body. Its main goal is to normalize the work of the musculoskeletal system, nervous, blood and lymphatic systems. This knowledge system is built on the laws of physiology, anatomy, biomechanics, hydrodynamics, reflexology, human lifestyle analysis from the moment of development in the maternal womb, birth to the moment.

The osteopathy is an American doctor Andrew Taylor Still, who at the end of the XIX century has developed its own approach to the treatment of patients. He explored a person through his bone muscular system and laid the foundation of a structural approach by putting forward the main postulate: "The structure controls the function, the function determines the structure."

Later osteopathy as a direction appeared in Europe, where the development of the School of Cranial-Sacral over the years has been developed (work with skull bones, brain membranes and cranial nerves) and visceral (work with the internal authorities, their position and relationships in the body) approaches. In Russia, osteopathy appeared in the late 1980s in St. Petersburg and is actively developing.

The main idea of ​​osteopathy is that it considers the human body holistly, as a single interconnected system. Accordingly, the treatment is directed not to a specific problem body as a result, but for treating the cause of this problem and the launch of internal self-healing mechanisms.This distinguishes osteopathy from manual therapy, which uses a set of specific manipulations without taking into account the concept of the unity of body systems. Osteopathic techniques are softer, the emphasis is on all levels of impact: structural, fascial, vascular, nervous, and others. Massage, which is also often confused with osteopathy, has nothing to do with it.

The osteopathic approach can be illustrated by the following example: tension in one ligament of the liver can impair its functioning, this can cause tension in other ligaments in neighboring organs and the spine, and this, in turn, through muscle chains, can cause irritation of the nerve and pain in the knee. Thus, the liver ligament will ultimately be responsible for knee pain.

Who can benefit from osteopathy

The most common reasons adults visit an osteopath are pain in various parts of the body, stiffness, swelling, muscle tension, etc. However, the range of health problems treated by osteopaths is much wider and includes diseases of internal organs, gynecological problems, neurological disorders, endocrine pathology, dental diseases and a number of others.

A lot of research is currently underway and the evidence base for the effectiveness of osteopathy in various fields of medicine is being collected. The best result can be achieved when the osteopath works in tandem with narrow specialists: neurologists, gynecologists, ENT doctors, etc. Recently, the interest and confidence of representatives of classical medicine in osteopathy has increased significantly, which is why a systematic approach and integration of methods of modern medicine and this area of ​​rehabilitation are developing. There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, osteopathy is based on human anatomy, as well as on the physiology and pathology of the processes occurring in the body.

Secondly, modern methods of medical research often do not take into account systemic relationships and see the problem narrowly.

Thirdly, osteopathy does not deny medicine and treatments, but inclined to a more natural approach, complementing them.