❌ with individual intolerance of components and allergic reactions

Mobile FAP based on Sadko NEXT

Development and production of mobile feldsher-obstetric stations based on Sadko NEXT with all-wheel drive, approved by Rosdravnadzor

Mobile medical and obstetric station Sadko-NEXT

The mobile FAP, made on the basis of the Sadko-NEXT all-wheel drive chassis, has excellent cross-country ability and is suitable for operation in difficult road conditions.

❌ with individual intolerance of components and allergic reactions

❌ for children under 6 years

❌ during pregnancy and breastfeeding (due to the risk for the fetus)

❌ With diseases such as nephrosis, jade, prostate adenoma.


  • The special vehicle is provided with autonomous life support systems: lighting, ventilation, heating, air conditioning. Power supply in the working position is autonomous (generator) or from an external network.

The medical complex has a single-row driver's cab and a van superstructure made of modern composite materials that are highly resistant to abrasion, interaction with acidic environments, detergents and disinfectants.

Thermal insulation materials used in the manufacture of the van allow operation at temperatures from -40˚С to +40˚С, have hygienic certificates and are approved for use in medical institutions.

Dorganic herbs can be an excellent alternative to synthetic diuretics. They act softer, safer, more comprehensively, providing an additional effect in the form of anti-inflammatory and stuffing effects, have a beneficial effect on the work of other internal organs.

There is a medical compartment in the salon, divided into a corridor and two rooms – "Women's Health" and "Diagnostics", which are equipped with medical equipment in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2012 N 543H "On approval of the regulation on the organization of the provision of primary health care to an adult population."

The mobile FAP complies with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles", has a "Vehicle Type Approval" and a Registration Certificate of Rosdravnadzor.Mochegonnie_travi_pokazaniya, _printsipi_deystviya_i_protivopokazaniya _-_ Fitomarket

Diuretic herbs: indications, principles of operation and contraindications – Fitomarket

Diuretic Herbs for centuries were used in traditional medicine. Before the appearance of drug diuretics, they were whether people helped people get rid of excessive accumulation of fluid in the body

Diuretic Herbs and Folk Diolets

  • The site does not give any applications or guarantees, direct or indirect, with respect to the completeness, accuracy, accuracy or compliance of the contents of this blog for any particular purpose. Please consult your doctor about any medical and health associated diagnoses and methods of treatment. Information on this blog should not be considered as a replacement for advice with a doctor.
  • 09/29/2021 Comments: 2
  • Diuretic Herbs for centuries were used in traditional medicine. Before the appearance of drug diuretics, they were whether they helped people to get rid of the excessive accumulation of fluid in the body, as well as from toxins and slags, contributing to the cleaning of the body. Flowers, fruits, herbs, roots and leaves of some plants and to date remain in the arsenal of evidence-based medicine as effective and safe diuretic means.
  • Principles of exposure to diuretic herbs on the body?

The correct operation of the urinary system is of great importance to health and normal human well-being. Its main function is to purify the body from products of vital activity, poisonous substances, infections and pathogens.

Age changes, improper nutrition, some diseases and other adverse factors can lead to a fluid delay in the body. It is fraught with such symptoms as an eternal face, legs and hands, shortness of breath, high pressure, a significant weight gain, wheezes in the lungs, night cough.

The advantage of using herbs is their reputation in folk medicine, proven in centuries. By minuses include the need for long-term admission, as it usually happens when using preparations of phytotherapy.

In this case, diuretic drugs come to the aid, which may well replace diuretic tablets used either independently or as part of complex disease therapy.

The diuretic effect of such domestic products is due to the reduction of salt suction in the renal tubules by suppressing the sodium-potassium exchange process in the kidneys, controlling the level of hormones actively involved in the metabolism of the aqueous salt, enhancing the formation of urine and increase the amount of water removed due to the osmotic effect, more frequent Its conclusion by inhibiting carboanhydrase enzyme involved in the process of hydration and dehydration of coalic acid.

Dorganic folk remedies work in several directions:

increase urine formation rate

Prevent her delay

contribute to the rapid and painless output of excess fluid from the body

Normalize the water-salt balance

Unlike synthetic diuretics, almost all medicinal herbs act much wider than the antioxidants, not only the diuretic, but also a gilent, astringent, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antimicrobial effect, purify the body from slags, toxins, decay products, improve the kidney function and liver As well as the gastrointestinal tract, support immunity, contribute to weight loss.

Indications for the use of diuretic herbs

The water delay in the body can be caused by various factors: from too much use of liquid, salt and acute food, to serious ages, such as renal and heart failure, diabetes, as well as infectious diseases.

Many use diuretic folk remedies as an alternative to synthetic diuretics, as they act on the body more gentle and less aggressively.

Indication to the use of phytotherapy are:

➦ tendency to swells

➦ urinary system and liver disease

➦ Resistant enhancement of blood pressure

➦ Extra weight

➦ Varicose Lower Limits

➦ Polycystic ovarian syndrome

  • ➦ poisoning, etc.
  • States under which it is advisable to start using natural diuretics:
  • ➤ Even.Причиной может быть генетическая предрасположенность и неправильное питание. В этом случае стоит начать именно с фитотерапии.
  • ➤ Цистит. Прием мочегонной травы с антибактериальным действием рекомендован при цистите, который характеризуется воспалительным процессом с болезненным мочеиспусканием и наличием в моче примесей крови.
  • ➤ Пиелонефрит. При этом заболевании развивается воспалительный процесс, который требует немедленного воздействия, так как застой жидкости приводит к ухудшению состояния. В этому случае травяные сборы используют параллельно с антибиотиками, чтобы обеспечить быстрый отток жидкости.
  • ➤ Сердечная недостаточность. Плавное и быстрое выведение излишков жидкости из организма – залог снижения уровня давления и нагрузки на сердце, поэтому прием диуретиков растительного происхождения также оправдан при заболеваниях сердечно-сосудистой системы.

➤ Борьба с лишним весом. Мочегонные травы полезны при похудении. Они активируют обменные процессы, а также выводят лишнюю жидкость и шлаки из организма, оказывая противоотечное действие и снижая вес.

➤ Очищение организма. Благодаря мочегонному действию фитопродуктов происходит очищение организма от токсинов, обменных накоплений и продуктов распада. Кроме того, почки выводят избыток жидкости, что также способствует устранению воспаления.

Использование натуральных фитопрепаратов имеет ряд преимуществ:

high efficiency

минимумом противопоказаний и побочных эффектов

In any case, medicinal herbs, like any medicine, must prescribe a doctor. To obtain a good result, without negative side effects, it is necessary to adhere to prescription dosages and recommendations for receiving, to be aware of the contraindications, before use, to conduct allergos.

снижение риска воспалительных патологий и процессов

можно использовать дольше, чем синтетический аналог

возможность использования при лечении различных заболеваний

дополнительное действие (противовоспалительное, бактерицидное, отхаркивающее и т.д.)

Добавки для поддержки мочевого пузыря


Травы и растения, обладающие мочегонным эффектом

Диуретики — это вещества, которые стимулируют работу почек и вывод жидкости. Они помогают ограничить задержку воды, похудеть, устранить отечность, вывести соль и предотвратить высокое кровяное давление.Unfortunately, some diuretic medicines can harm the body. As a natural alternative, it is possible to use herbs with a scientifically proven diuretic effect.

10 herbs with scientifically proven diuretic properties


Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) – a herbaceous plant of a family of comprehensible. The leaves and roots of the eyelids were used in traditional medicine for kidneys and liver. It has a rich composition in which there are vitamins (A, B1, B2, B4, C), macro and trace elements, a lot of potassium, acids (melissa, olein, palmitic, coffee, apple, etc.), carotenoids, resins, terpenoids, Phytosterols, Inulin, Bitter Actukinic substance and other useful ingredients.

As a medication, the roots of the dandelion, from which diuretic extracts are preparing. Edible leaves can be in salads or in the form of infusion. Due to the large content of potassium, the reception of dandelion preparations contributes to the removal of a large amount of sodium and water. This is particularly relevant at present, when the human diet contains a lot of salt and little calcium, which leads to a fluid delay in the body.

In 2009, the pilot study checked the effect of water-alcohol extract of dandelion leaf on 17 women aged 18 to 65 years. The drug was accepted three times during the day: at 8, 13 and 16 hours. The authors discovered a significant increase in urination frequency within 5 hours after receiving the first dose. An increase in excretion was also observed within 5 hours after a second dose, measured as the ratio of the volumes of remote and absorbed water.

In mice, the extracts of dandelion leaves have an effect compared to a diuretic preparation of furosemid, but with a significant amount of dandelion. Since the plant is rich in potassium and magnesium, it can help replenish minerals lost with urine release. Animals add a dandelion leaf removes less potassium and magnesium than medicines.

Phytomarket recipe:

Infusion. 2 tbsp. Spoons of crushed roots put in a thermos, pour with two glasses of boiling water and insist 8-10 hours.The finished drink is drinking in 3 receptions 20-40 minutes before meals.


Hawthorn Blood-Red (Crataégus) – a spiny shrub of a family of rustic, growing in the moderate regions of the northern hemisphere (America, Europe and Asia). Flowers and berries of plants are used as a diuretic. Use both a cookie or as a food additive.

In the flowers of the plant contains quversealkin, vitexin ramosides, phenolocislotes, amines. The fruits found organic acids, sugar, pectin substances, sorbitol, ascorbic acid, betta carotene, vitamin K, phenolic compounds, sterols, triterpene acids.

Studies have shown that a diuretic action has a diuretic procyanidine rats. When using preparations based on hawthorn, symptoms of stagnant heart failure are eliminated, the excretion and stream of urine increases.

In addition to diuretic action, hawthorn has cardiological, hypotensive, sedatives and antispasmodic effect. The extract of the fruits of this plant is part of cardiac drugs.

Phytomarket recipe:

Infusion. 5 g or 1 tbsp. A spoon of dried flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist for 10 minutes. Drink on ½ cup 2-3 times a day.

Field Horst

Field Horsetail (Equisetum Arvense) – a perennial herbaceous plant, occurs throughout Ukraine, as weeding grows on meadows, fields, grazing and forest-shops. Overhead parts are dried and used as an effective diuretic in the form of infusion, decoction, chickel.

The composition of the cheering contains up to 25% silicic acid, flavonoids, isokvetinetin, luteyoline, carotenoids, saponins, resinous and bitter substances, steroids, organic acids, vitamin C.

Horsetail is a strong diuretic grass, which also has an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic effect, normalizes mineral exchange in the body.

In 2014, in a small Brazilian clinical study, the influence of the horsetail on 36 healthy men was checked. They were divided into three groups of 12 people: for four days, they took either a dry ear extract (900 mg / day), or placebo, or a diuretic drug (25 mg per day of hydrochlorothiazide).The researchers measured the diuretic effect by comparing the volumes of fluid ingested and excreted. Result: The diuretic effect of horsetail was better than placebo and equivalent to the drug. It is believed that the diuretic properties of horsetail are related to the presence of flavonoids, phenolic compounds and its mineral content. The abundance of silicon salts also promotes remineralization.

Recipe from Phytomarket:

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Infusion. 20 g herbs or 4 tbsp. spoons of dry raw materials pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist 30 min. Take 1/3 – ½ cup 2-3 times a day 1 hour after meals.


Juniper (Juniperus communis) is a small slow-growing tree that grows in coniferous, less often in mixed forests, tundra woodlands, and is also cultivated as an ornamental plant in parks and gardens. An essential oil containing monoterpenes is prepared from the berries, and is also used in the preparation of herbal drinks.

The chemical composition of juniper fruits contains essential oil, carbohydrates, glucuronic, ascorbic and organic acids, sesquirterpenoids, carotenoids, steroids, tannins, coumarins, flavonoids, higher fatty acids, wax and other compounds.

Juniper preparations increase urine output and disinfect the urinary tract. In addition, they have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. It is recommended to take juniper to relieve edema, with chronic pyelonephritis and cystitis, urolithiasis. Juniper increases urine production without causing leakage of electrolytes (electrically charged minerals).

The diuretic effect of the plant is due to the terpenes in its essential oil: terpineol, terpinen-4-ol. However, this molecule is an irritant to the kidneys, so overuse should be avoided, especially for inflammation of the urinary tract. Medicinal use of juniper is not recommended in acute inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and during pregnancy.

Recipe from Phytomarket:

Infusion. 10 g or 1 tbsp.Dried fruits pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist for 30 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day after meals.


Lingonberry ordinary (Vaccinium Vitis-Idaeva) is an evergreen creeping bush family. In Ukraine, it is found in Polesie, in the Carpathians, in the north of the forest. As a medication, lingonberry leaves and berries are used, which contain phenolic glycosides, vitamins, flavonoids, carotene, micro- and macroelements, waterbumin, pectins, tannins, organic acids, etc.

Due to this composition, the plant has a strong diuretic action, and also lowers blood sugar levels. In addition, drugs based on it have a choleretic, antiseptic effect, help with liver diseases, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis, during acute inflammation in the urinary system.

Phytomarket recipe:

Infusion. 2 tbsp. Spoons of leaf lingry pour 200 ml. boiling water. Insist for 30 minutes. Drink on ½-1/3 cup 2-3 times a day.


Petroselinum Crispum – a two-year-old grassy plant, very popular in cooking. His Motherland is the mountainous areas of the Mediterranean, Ukraine is cultivated everywhere and is used as spicy seasoning. Parsley is also known for its diuretic properties.

All parts of the plant contain essential and oily oils, flavonoids, coumarins, glycerides, ascorbic and nicotinic acids (in the leaves), betta-carotene, tocopherols, glucose, fructose, pyridoxine, vitamins and other connections.

Parsley has a spasmodic, diuretic and choleretic effect, dissolves sand and stones in the urinary tract, successfully copes with heartfelt edema, eliminates inflammatory processes in the bladder, increases the uterus tone.

In 2007, the study showed that the rats that saw the extract of parsley seeds were highlighted more urine in 24 hours than if they used water. Parsley acts, suppressing sodium-potassium (Na + / K +) pump in the kidneys, which limits the reabsorption of these minerals and increases the amount of water removed due to the osmotic effect.The sodium/potassium pumps are involved in the regulation of blood pressure. Parsley can be taken as a decoction or capsules.

However, parsley preparations are not so harmless. They are contraindicated in acute cystitis, pyelonephritis and gout, as well as during pregnancy, as the plant has abortive properties.

Recipe from Phytomarket:

Infusion. 1 st. l. root crops pour 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Strain. Take ½ cup 4 times a day before meals.


Bearberry (Artostaphylos uva-ursi) is a small evergreen shrub from the heather family. Occurs in Polissya, in pine and larch forests. The leaves are used as a diuretic.

The chemical composition of the plant contains triterpenoids, phenols and their derivatives, coumarins, catechins, tannins, flavonoids, anthocyanins, wax, resin, mineral salts.

Pharmacological action is provided by phenols, tannins and flavonoids. Arbutin and methylarbutin break down to hydroquinone, which has irritant and antibacterial properties, helping to increase urine output while clearing bacteria from the urinary tract.

The plant is widely used for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the urinary tract and kidney failure with impaired water and mineral metabolism.

Recipe from Phytomarket:

Infusion. 1 st. l. leaves pour 2 cups of boiled water at room temperature. Insist 6-8 hours, strain. Take 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day.


Warty birch (Betula pendula Roth) is a monoecious tree, found throughout Ukraine, in forests and forest-steppe areas, as well as in parks, squares and gardens.

Birch extract (pendula) has a weak diuretic effect. Used as a "detox" drink, birch sap is known to be a natural diuretic.

The bark, buds and leaves of the tree contain saponins, essential oils, tannins, resins, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, flavonoids, carotene, etc.Birch sap contains sugars, tannins and aromatics, malic acid, iron, calcium and magnesium compounds.

Preparations from warty birch are excellent diuretic, additionally have choleretic, anthelmintic, antispasmodic, wound healing, antifungal and antiparasitic effects. Decoctions and infusions of buds and birch leaves help with edema (especially of cardiac origin), chronic diseases of the kidneys and bladder, urolithiasis, and improve metabolism.

Recipe from Phytomarket:

1 Infusion. 2 tsp leaves pour 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes, cool, strain. Add baking soda to the infusion at the tip of a knife. Take 50 ml 3-4 times a day before meals.

2 Drink 1 glass of fresh birch sap 2-3 times a day.


Nettle (Urtica dioica) is a dioecious perennial herb. It grows everywhere on the territory of Ukraine. The leaves and seeds of the plant are used as medicine.

The chemical composition consists of organic acids, essential oils, vitamins B, C, E, K, PP, tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, coumarins, and also contains micro and macro elements (silicon, iron, manganese, copper, titanium, nickel , boron). Fresh leaves contain a lot of vitamin K, the roots contain fatty acids, especially linoleic acid.

Traditionally, nettle is used as a fairly strong diuretic. In addition, it has a hemostatic, choleretic and tonic effect.

Studies in rats have shown that injections of extracts from the aerial parts of the plant lower blood pressure and increase urine output. Nettle can be taken as a decoction or in capsules.

Recipe from Phytomarket:

Infusion. 10 g or 2 tbsp. l. nettle leaves pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist 30 min. Take 1/3-1/2 cup 3-5 times daily before meals.

What you need to know about the passe


Common corn (Zea mais) is an annual monoecious herbaceous plant native to Central and South America. In Ukraine, it is grown as one of the most important grain crops.As a medicinal product, columns with strokes, so-called corn stiggers are used.

In the chemical composition of cornflowers contained saponins, tannilic substances, bitter glycosides, flavonoids, alkaloids, essential and oily oils, sterols, vitamin K, ascorbic and pantothenic acids, alcohol, trace elements, etc.

Preparations based on cornflowers have a diuretic, choleretic hemostatic effect, help in the treatment of urolithiasis, from edema due to heart failure, obesity. As a medication, dry raw materials, capsules, liquid extract of cornflowers, as well as corn oil are used.

Phytomarket recipe:

1 infusion. 10 g or 2 tbsp of cornflowers pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist for 30 minutes. Drink to ¼ cup every 3-4 hours before meals.

2 Corn oil take 1 tbsp. 3 times in time for 3 weeks. Then take a break for 3-4 weeks and the course repeat (only 3-4 courses per year).

The list of diuretic phytopreratics can be continued. Among the most famous natural diuretic – cranberries, chamomile, watermelon, coffee, green tea, celery, cucumber and many others. Before moving to the "heavy" artillery of synthetic medicines, it is worth trying the gifts of nature – the diuretic folk remedies proven.

Are there any general contraindications?

Like any pharmacological preparations, diuretic herbs are not recommended to be appointed independently. We need a recommendation of a specialist, especially since many of them are widely used in evidence-based medicine and are often appointed by attending doctors.

Diuretics plants can have a different target effect and side effect. Some acts are stronger, only an easy diuretic effect is applied. For each herb there are special testimony and contraindications to use.

So, any diuretic herbs and fees from them are not recommended: