Ancient Chinese invented not only compass, powder and paper, but also amazing wellness techniques
Methods of treating from ancient China
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Ancient Chinese invented not only compass, powder and paper, but also amazing wellness techniques
Traditional Chinese medicine has a special view of the disease and methods of their treatment. For example, the Ancient Chinese wisdom says: a man is ill not when he appears a disease, but on the contrary – the disease appears when a man is sick. The goal of Chinese medicine is to find out the cause of the disease and affect it, and not to treat the symptoms. At the same time, in addition to the individual characteristics of a person in the treatment, it is also necessary to take into account the time of year, and even a geographical position.
Energy q – add or drop?
The history of Chinese medicine has not one thousand years old, and not all of her secrets are known to us.
The basics are based on several concepts: five elements (water, wood, fire, earth, metal), twelve guards ("Guardians" are two-hour segments of the changing energy activity of human organs) and five seasons (winter, spring, early summer, full summer and autumn). A person in the presentation of Chinese doctors has always been a microcosm in the surrounding Macrocosm, and therefore it also consists of the same five elements.
According to the canons of the ancient Chinese medicine, each of us has an energy that circulates through the channels of the body and obeys the flow of biological clock. The flow of this energy of Qi in the human body occurs at 12 main ways.
Many factors can affect the order of energy flow – strong nervous stress, poor nutrition, well, and evil thoughts including. All this interferes with the normal flow of energy, blocks the main paths of its circulation in the body. Chinese medicine The purpose of treatment has seen and sees to restore the impaired circulation of energy. For which there are numerous techniques.
More dangerous than the violation of the correct circulation is the exhaustion, lack of energy qi, to restore which is much more complicated. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the level of energy Qi and begin treatment as early as possible until the protective energy of the human body and pathology has not penetrated from the body surface into the internal organs.
One of the principles of treatment of ancient Eastern medicine is the BU-CE rule, or literally "add-to take away". The term "bu" means to fill, toning; The term "CE" is to slow down, soothe.
Therefore, in pathology, accompanied by a decrease in the function (insufficiency of QU), it should be carried out "bu" – toning, add energy, to have an exciting effect. In pathology with an increased function (excessive energy of qi), it is necessary to conduct "CE", i.e.dissipate energy, act as a brake. In Western literature on Chinese medicine, these two kinds of action are denoted by the terms "excitation" and "inhibition." This basic rule applies to all treatments.
A huge advantage of Chinese medicine is diagnostics, which allows you to quickly determine the right methods of treatment. Moreover, even in the very formulation of the syndromes, the ways of treatment are already laid down, as it were. And the doctor's efforts should be aimed at restoring the body's defenses, that is, at eliminating the cause of the disease.
Basic medical techniques from China
The disease was considered by ancient Chinese physicians as a process that occurs due to a violation of normal relationships both in the body itself and between the human body and nature. But one of the most essential connections of a person with the outside world is food. Therefore, it is not surprising that since time immemorial, doctors have noticed a direct relationship between nutrition and human health. If a person eats everything in a row – there is no health, if the food is balanced – excellent health.
nutritional treatment, or diet therapy, is the oldest method of healing. This, of course, applies not only to Chinese medicine, but also to European medicine. A reasonable attitude to the choice of food, a good attitude in the processes of preparation and consumption – this is both the prevention of diseases and successful healing with the help of food.
Vacuum therapy – an ancient method, safe to use and effective in treatment. The principle of vacuum therapy is based on the impact of vacuum jars of various sizes and volumes on biologically active points and zones of the body. That improves immunity, normalizes capillary blood flow, tissue respiration and stimulates the excretory system.
Tuina – another of the healing methods of Chinese medicine, a specific type of massage – an ancient way of treating with hands. It is used not only for the preventive purpose of preventing the disease, but also to provide resuscitation to patients where drugs are powerless. This massage method is a mechanical effect on the human body, which causes deformation of the skin and changes muscle tension. Tuina massage classes teach to redistribute vital energy, balancing yin and yang, increase the physical and intellectual capabilities of a person. The method goes well with other types of Chinese therapy.
Phytotherapy, very popular today, relies on the basic provisions of Chinese medicine. Interest in herbs has recently increased due to side effects and allergic reactions when using chemotherapy drugs. When choosing a prescription for the treatment of symptoms of diseases, Chinese medicine takes into account the characteristics of the plant (warmth, cold, taste, color), which are an expression of the yin or yang character: this is because yin diseases are treated with yang herbs, yang diseases with yin plants.
metal therapy – another of the ancient Chinese methods of treatment. If acupuncture is widely used in Russia and Europe, this method is only making its first steps. It also leads to the restoration of the energy balance of the body and the disappearance of symptoms of pathologies. The foot area is the most effective area for the treatment of internal diseases with the help of metals. The application of metals on the foot and on other active areas of the body can serve as an independent method of treatment, and perfectly complement other methods of oriental medicine.
Qigong therapy as it is
Among other Eastern systems of not only physical, but also spiritual development, qigong therapy occupies a special place.
This is therapeutic gymnastics, which allows a person to get rid of diseases and achieve harmony of mind and body. It serves not only to protect the body, but allows you to activate almost all the internal resources of the body. With the help of smooth movements, concentration of attention and certain breathing techniques, the regulation of external and internal qi energy and its transformation is carried out. As a result, the bioenergetic potential of a person is restored.
The hieroglyph "gun" means work, action, skill. Literally, the word "qigong" is translated as "the work of vital energy." The task of qigong practice is to control the energy of the body, the so-called energy centers.
Qigong allows you to get rid of many diseases and achieve longevity, make the physical body strong, strengthen the spirit, and better understand the world around.
There are three basic concepts for the qigong system:
– yin and yang – the theory of two interconnected opposite principles, male and female, inherent in the entire universe and man, as part of the universe;
– wu-sin – the theory of five primary elements;
– the theory of energy channels and bioactive points.
All qigong exercises are based on the concentration of qi energy, which circulates through the meridians of the body. Each person has twelve main meridians and eight reserve ones, which we resort to in extreme cases. The inclusion of these spare meridians is made by manipulating bioactive points and allows you to achieve incredible results.
The human body, from the point of view of physiology, consists of internal organs that interact with each other and with the external environment.
According to Chinese medicine, each organ corresponds to one of the five elements of the universe, and they are interconnected: friendly or hostile. The chain of friendly influences of these primary elements forms a cycle: Water – Wood – Fire – Earth – Metal – Water. A destructive result is obtained with the following interactions: Water – Fire, Fire – Metal and Wood, Metal – Wood, Water – Earth.
One of the tasks of the qigong system, in addition to the healing effect on the entire body, is to prevent conflict between it and the environment.
Комплекс лечебной гимнастики, входящий в состав цигун-терапии, включает в себя особое диафрагмальное дыхание. В основе этой гимнастики лежат дыхательные упражнения, освоить которые может даже ребенок.
Гимнастика цигуна максимально эффективна при небольших затратах времени, и к тому же не требует много места для занятий. В традиции цигуна комплексно сосуществуют дыхательные упражнения, массаж, а также приемы расслабления тела.
Любопытные способы, стабилизирующие работу конкретных органов тела:
* Древние китайцы считали, что легкие похлопывания по ушам или потирание ушных раковин помогают предупреждать болезни и продлевают жизнь.
* Чтобы улучшить работу почек, надо часто растирать рукой ямку на подошве. Или чаще сглатывать слюну, проделывая это 10-20 раз за вечер.
* Стимуляция функции почек происходит и при ежевечернем постукивании зубами (если делать это 30-40 раз за вечер), что полезно и для укрепления зубов. Как ни удивительно, сходное действие оказывает. щелканье семечек! Но если вам не нравится подсолнечник, перейдите на дынные семечки, которые еще и препятствуют развитию атеросклероза.
* Когда болит живот, почти все мы автоматически начинаем его поглаживать. И оказывается, правильно делаем! Такой массаж улучшает пищеварение и тонизирует органы брюшной полости.
Также очень полезно растирать руками лицо, повторяя движения, как при умывании. Это увеличивает запас жизненных сил и дает дополнительную энергию сердцу.
На первый взгляд некоторые из приведенных здесь упражнений выглядят нелепо и кажутся смешными. Но ведь китайцы всегда славились своими необычными и действенными практиками оздоровления, поэтому некоторая доля смысла в них наверняка есть.