Changes in the wage system of workers of state and municipal institutions. Indexing salary from 01.10.2021 and in 2022-2023. Who are the civil servants and state employees. Education, medicine, culture. Country consolidated country. Wage indexing in 2022 by state employees. Minot raise from 01/01/2022. Regional decisions.
Salary of state employees and fresh indexing news in 2022
Increased wages to state employees in 2022 (expected) – taking into account the crystal indexation of about 8%. From 01.10.2021, the monetary allowance of officials, military personnel and other security officials has already increased by 3.7%. In addition, from this January, the transition to a new system of remuneration of workers of state and municipal institutions began.
From 01.10.2021 there was an indexation of salaries of civil servants, in 2022 the following increase is planned also since October. By 3.7% increased salaries:
- government officials;
- prosecutors;
- servicemen;
- police officers;
- FSIN employees;
- firefighters;
- customs officers;
- employees of the Federal Feldgerer's Communications;
- Employees of budget organizations not mentioned in the May Decals of Vladimir Putin.
Medikov, teachers, cultural workers and other employees who are included in the presidential decrees of the presidential decrees to increase wages to state employees to the level of medium in regions, directly affects the increase in the minimum wage and its derivatives from 01/01/2022, taking into account local and industry allowances and coefficients.
Changes in the wage system of workers of state and municipal institutions
Federal Law No. 362-ФЗ dated 09.11.2020 in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there are changes that relate to the formation of wages of state employees. Now the Federal Center establishes the wage systems for federal state employees, in the regions and at the municipal level they are engaged in local authorities. As a result, "significant interregional differences in the wage conditions, including the size of salaries on equal positions in different organizations within a single subject." Even the difference in wages is found on the same positions in different regions. Moreover, in some subjects of the Russian Federation, regulatory systems of remuneration of NPA are not obligatory, but recommendatory. As a result of the decision on wage systems and salary size systems, it is completely or partially given to otkup directly to the organizations. Result: Formally increased salary to teachers (for example) occurs, the average s / n fit into the necessary framework, but in practice the situation is worse and worse.
After the entry into force of the amendments "Different" rules in wages will go into the past. The government will establish uniform requirements for state employees remuneration systems, including compensatory and stimulating payments. As the authors of the initiative indicate:
Giving the government this authority will make it possible to more flexibly set the requirements for the relevant sectoral wage system, taking into account the specifics of a particular industry.
At the legislative level, requirements for official salaries will be established. They will make up at least 70% of wages. The system of allowances, compensation and incentive payments will become transparent and with uniform conditions for everyone. The amendments came into effect on 01/01/2022, their implementation in the regions will take place in stages, until 2025.
Experts of ConsultantPlus analyzed how the wages of public sector employees are indexed. Use these instructions for free.
Salary indexation from 01.10.2021 and in 2022-2023
- in 2021 — by 6.1%;
- in 2022 — by 6.5%;
- in 2023 — by 6.3%.
The instruction concerns the remuneration of certain categories of employees of healthcare and social security institutions, education, culture, and science.
In September 2021, a meeting of the Tripartite Commission for the regulation of social and labor relations was held. The commission's work resulted in the Uniform Recommendations on the Establishment of Remuneration Systems for Employees of State and Municipal Institutions at the Federal, Regional and Local Levels. The recommendations contain instructions on the basis of which, among other things, the wages of state employees will be indexed in 2022 in the regions of the Russian Federation:
- it is unacceptable to include allowances, surcharges, coefficients in the minimum wage;
- for doctors, the share of salary payments in the salary structure should be at least 55%;
- for cultural workers the same indicator – not less than 50%;
- when determining wages for those working in preschool educational institutions, one should use the methodological recommendations on the formation of a wage system for employees of general educational organizations and performance indicators approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 73n dated December 13, 2018.
Who are civil servants and state employees
In everyday life, this is the name of all those who receive a salary from the budget: officials, security officials, employees of state institutions, doctors, teachers, scientists. But to unite all state employees in one big category is not quite right. In accordance with the law, they are divided into different categories:
- civil servants (persons working in state bodies, in state institutions);
- public sector employees (teachers, scientists, doctors, kindergarten teachers, employees of cultural institutions and university professors).
The difference lies not only in the name, but also in the approach to material support, subordination and social services. As usual, it is somewhat better for civil servants. Yes, and their salaries and allowances are regulated by separate legislation.
Example. In addition to the increase in salaries, the increase in salaries for civil servants, both civil and security forces, involves a regular increase in bonuses for ranks, ranks, ranks, etc.So, for civil servants, the corresponding additional payments for 2022 were established by Presidential Decree No. 749 dated December 31, 2021.
Since the salaries of officials and the military are subject to specific rules, we will dwell in more detail on what increase in salaries was provided for the so-called "other categories".
Education, medicine, culture
According to rough estimates, about 33 million people work in the public sector in Russia. Of all citizens of working age (approximately 83 million people), the share of state employees is more than a third. Of these, about half are those who cannot be called civil servants, in particular, employees:
- schools;
- kindergartens;
- secondary and higher educational institutions;
- medical institutions;
- libraries, museums and other cultural institutions;
- scientific institutes.
All of them receive wages from the state budget of the Russian Federation: federal or local. The conditions of their work are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts developed by the department that manages the activities of the institution. For example, for doctors it is the Ministry of Health, and for cultural workers it is the Ministry of Culture.
It is noteworthy that, although all these legal acts (unlike law enforcement agencies) are open and publicly available, it is difficult to officially understand the level of salaries of employees of these structures. The remuneration system involves not only a salary, but also a whole layer of various bonuses, subsidies and bonuses. Therefore, for example, the salary of a chief accountant in a budgetary organization is set to be the same, but different employees in different industries will receive completely different amounts.
However, when it comes to average salaries, then when they are calculated, all additional payments are usually taken into account. For example: from the documents of Rosstat it follows that the average salary in the country in February 2020 was 47,257 rubles. Since statistics were sampled for all regions and cities, for small towns this figure turned out to be too high: in practice, doctors and teachers in small municipalities receive only 12,000-15,000 rubles a month. Every year in July, Rosstat publishes data on the average wages of certain categories of workers in the social sphere and science in organizations of state and municipal forms of ownership in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the previous year.
Summary data by country
Wage indexation in 2022 for state employees
Salary indexation was announced by Vladimir Putin in 2012, the May presidential decrees on raising the salaries of medical workers and other state employees are just one main document – Presidential Decree No. 597. Then, in May, immediately after taking office, the head of state issued 11 decrees that concerned increase the salaries of civil servants and other public sector employees. Then the president promised to raise salaries by 2020, first to teachers and doctors.
Raise salaries first for those state employees who are subject to presidential decrees:
Повышение является поэтапным. Finally:
- у преподавателей вузов и врачей (медработников с высшим образованием) уровень зарплаты составит не менее 200% от средних зарплат в регионе;
- у среднего и младшего медперсонала и социальных работников уровень зарплаты — не ниже средней зарплаты по региону.
К сожалению, не все категории бюджетников попали под действие «майских указов». Очевидно, что тех, кому оклады не повысили, достаточно много. В связи с этим чиновники пообещали не обойти их стороной и провести индексацию и их зарплат. Так, в соответствии с законом «О федеральном бюджете на 2020 год и на плановый период 2021 и 2022 годов» , запланировано повышение окладов бюджетников (размеры индексации смотрите в таблице ниже).
Педагоги детских садов и общего образования
Teachers of additional education
Преподаватели и мастера среднего и начального профессионального образования
Средний и младший медицинский персонал
Педагоги образовательных, медицинских организаций и организаций, оказывающих социальные услуги детям-сиротам и оставшимся без попечения родителей
Специалисты по кадрам
Специалисты по комплексной реабилитации
Инженерно-технические и вспомогательные работники, обслуживающие здания и оборудование: техники, электромонтеры, слесари, сантехники, уборщики служебных помещений
Бухгалтеры и экономисты
Повышение МРОТ с 01.01.2022
Надо отметить, что некоторым бюджетникам оклады должны повысить независимо от индексации. С 1 января увеличен минимальный уровень оплаты труда, что влияет на оклады младшего и среднего персонала со средним образованием. С 01.01.2022 МРОТ равен 13 890 рубля. Такое повышение окладов затронет около 1,6 млн человек в бюджетной сфере.
Региональные решения
Распоряжение Правительства Российской Федерации от 28.12.2012 № 2599-р обязывает правительства субъектов РФ принять распоряжения о своих региональных «дорожных картах», в которых прописать конкретные цифры индексации по каждому году. Так, «дорожная карта» Свердловской области по повышению заработной платы 2021 года утверждала, что уровень средней зарплаты социальных работников составит не менее 100% от среднемесячных зарплат по Свердловской области. Проведенная индексация заработной платы бюджетникам с 01.10.2021 потребовала от правительства дополнительно 2,9 млрд рублей из федеральной казны, чтобы учесть районные надбавки и северный коэффициент.