Why hurt the heels, treatment and prevention-1200x800

Heel pain? how to understand what is the reason and how is treated

The pain in the heel can be both ordinary injury and a consequence of a heavier disease. This article will help properly understand your body.

Why hurt heels, treatment and prevention

Why hurt the heels, treatment and prevention-1200x800

The pain in the heel may occur as a result of excessive load on the feet, which perform a softening function during walking or running. But some people hurt the heels as a result of injury or the development of a serious illness requiring immediate medical intervention. The diagnosis and treatment of such a problem is the orthopedist traumatologist, which should be visited as soon as possible, if the symptomatics does not pass and exacerbate. Treatment depends on the cause of the resulting pain and implies the use of medication tools, performing special exercises, wearing orthopedic shoes, which will evenly distribute the load on the musculoskeletal system.


What is pain in your heels?

Often pain in the heels occurs in people who spend most of the time on their feet. The increased load on the foot leads to inflammation of soft tissues, resulting in unpleasant discomfort.

The child can also complain that he has a heel hurts, hurts to step on one leg. If the symptom does not pass, but only aggravated, it is necessary to show his children's orthoped as soon as possible. In adolescence, especially if the child leads an active lifestyle, some develop a serious illness, which is called Haglund-Shnica disease. This pathology is necrosis of the bone tissue of the heel boump. Why some children are subject to such a disease, doctors still can not answer accurately. However, a number of predisposing factors are established:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • excess weight;
  • violation of exchange processes;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • excessive physical exertion;
  • Foot injuries.

Of the foregoing, it can be concluded that non-commissioning pain in the heel is associated with inflammatory or degenerative-deforming processes caused by both internal and external factors. Therefore, if a person becomes more worse to step on his heel every day, he needs urgent medical care. Treat the disease without finding out its cause, fraught with serious complications.

Why hurt the heels of legs

The foot performs the support and depreciation function for the whole body, since during the movement it is precisely the highest load. When the load suddenly increases, the muscles of the feet do not have time so quickly adapt to new conditions, resulting in stretching, inflammation, pain in the heel when walking. More than others with such a problem face people engaged in running and other active sports. In these cases, another cause of such a syndrome may be lack of warm-up before the sharp increase in the volume of physical exertion.

But discomfort in the feet is provoked not only by sports loads. For many, the heel on the leg hurts as a result of the negative impact on the musculoskeletal system of factors such as:

  • overweight;
  • footwork;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • development of systemic diseases;
  • injuries, bruises, sprains;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • chronic infections;
  • oncology.

Therefore, if an adult or a child has a heel pain, the cause of the pain should be clarified first. This will help the doctor choose the right treatment regimen and cure the pathology.

Diseases that cause heel pain

Common diseases in which the heel hurts a lot during exercise and walking:

  • plantar fasciitis;
  • plantar fasciitis, aka heel spur;
  • stress fracture of the heel bone;
  • inflammation of the Achilles tendon;
  • heel bursitis;
  • tarsal tunnel syndrome;
  • contusion or heel pad syndrome.

Plantar plantar fasciitis is an inflammatory disease in which pathological processes are localized in the plantar ligament or fascia. Under the influence of negative internal and external factors, inflammation develops in the fascia, the progression of which is accompanied by a pain symptom and problems with walking.

With such a disease, acute pain in the heel on the inside worries, not only during exercise, but also at rest. Discomfort is aggravated if the patient raises his fingers.

Common causes of plantar ligament inflammation include:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • overweight;
  • muscle imbalance;
  • deformation processes in the spine;
  • flat feet;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • diseases of metabolic processes, for example, diabetes mellitus;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • irreversible changes in tissues associated with age.

Another common disease in which the heel on the right or left foot hurts is a heel spur or plantar fasciitis. The disease can occur at any age. The reason for its occurrence is a chronic injury to the plantar fascia and the formation of a bone growth in this area. The mechanism of heel spur development is simple. Under the influence of negative factors, the tissues of the plantar fascia are overstretched, injured and inflamed. Inflammation can spread to neighboring areas of the foot, causing inflammation of deep mucous bags and periosteum.

In the place where the fascia is attached to the calcaneus, calcium salts gradually accumulate, which cause the formation of a hard growth. Over time, the calcified area increases in size. On x-ray, it looks like a pointed spike or spur. With such a disease, a person experiences pain in the heel when stepping on, the back of the heel hurts more.

Common root causes of heel spurs:

  • flat feet;
  • excessive load on the bottom of the body;
  • Complication of articular diseases;
  • Chronic trauma of foot.

If, after an inaccurate fall on the legs, a stop hurts, the side of the heel is discomfort or there is pain over the heel from behind, perhaps a person will have a stressful fracture of the heal bone. This is a serious injury accompanied by unbearable pain, crunch in the foot, the formation of swelling. With a stress fracture, the victim cannot be on the foot, because it is very painful.

Damage to the Achillian tendon also causes unpleasant discomfort in the back of the foot. Achillovo tendon is located right above the heel bone and connects it with the muscles of the back surface of the tibia. It is pretty strong and can withstand the load on the gap weighing up to four hundred kilograms.

More often than others, this tendon damage athletes engaged in:

  • rapid running;
  • tennis;
  • basketball;
  • football, etc.

Injury can get adults or children who have just begun to engage in active sports and have not yet learned to properly distribute the load. In medicine distinguish 2 states of damaged Achilla:

  • Tendinite. The pathological process of inflammatory nature, which arises against the background of microerambos and microcelions of tendon tissues.
  • Tendeninosis. Developed as a result of unbearable tendenit. With such a disease, the fibers of the Achilla occurs.

With inflammation of Achillovo, the heel tendon hurts more from behind, redness and edema of ankle is also observed. If you do not ignore pathological signs, the disease in the initial stages will be able to cure conservative methods. In the launched cases, the Achill may partially or completely break away from the heel bone, so without surgery treatment here is not to do.

The heel bursitis, in which the inflammatory complication in the synovial bag is progressing, is also accompanied by noving pains in the back of the foot. In the medical dictionary there is another meaning of the word Sinovial Bag – Bursa. In total, there are three bucies in the foot:

  • At the point of attaching Achillovo tendon to the heel bone;
  • between the heel bone and the stacked part of the foot;
  • Between Achille and soft tissues.

In the absence of treatment, inflammation of any of the three bags leads to the suppuration and development of serious complications.

Why hurt the heels in the morning, after sleep? At the initial stage of development, the heel bursitis causes a new heel pain. The heel area swells, blushes, becomes hot to the touch. If an purulent process has joined, other symptoms develop:

  • temperature increase;
  • weakness, lethargy;
  • intoxication.

Causes of healing burst:

  • excessive physical exertion;
  • excess weight;
  • inappropriate shoes;
  • Foot injuries;
  • Chronic infectious foci.

If a person has a heel sore, perhaps the root cause of such discomfort is a tannnel tunnel syndrome, resulting from pinching the heel nerve. With such a violation, the pain does not pass even at rest.But pain in the soft tissues of the heel can be a consequence of the heel cushion syndrome. This is inflammation of the subcutaneous fat layer on the heel cushion, which occurs for the following reasons:

  • overload while running;
  • inaccurate landing when jumping from a height;
  • violation of metabolic processes.

What to do if your heels hurt

Hurt the heels

If a person has a heel pain, what to do in this case? First of all, it is necessary to exclude provoking factors:

  • heavy physical activity;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • exhausting workouts.

It is advisable not to overload the legs, to rest more, to completely exclude heels, preferring comfortable or orthopedic shoes. To alleviate the condition and relieve discomfort, a cold compress can be applied to the sore spot. In the case when a person cannot fall asleep due to pain, to alleviate the symptom, you can drink a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. If in the morning the condition has not improved, but, on the contrary, it has become worse, it is urgent to go to the doctor. After a comprehensive diagnosis, the doctor will explain why the heels hurt and prescribe the necessary treatment.

When to see a doctor as soon as possible

Delaying a visit to the doctor is not recommended if the patient progresses such pathological symptoms:

  • Redness of the skin in the heel area. Hyperemia and local temperature increase indicates the development of the inflammatory process. Sometimes untimely relief of inflammation causes suppuration and the spread of the pathological process to healthy tissues.
  • Swelling of the ankle. Puffiness is also a characteristic symptom of inflammation, and may also indicate damage to soft tissues.
  • Problems with flexion-extension of the fingers. This symptom may indicate damage to the tendon or pinched calcaneal nerve.
  • Distribution of pain syndrome to the entire foot, knee. This is an alarming sign, the causes of which can be varied: tendon rupture, inflammation and suppuration of the soft tissues of the foot, swelling.

You need to get to the doctor as soon as possible if it becomes difficult for a person to walk on the heel and walk in general, while the pain syndrome does not decrease after reducing the load and at rest.

Which doctor to contact

When the heel hurts a lot and treatment needs to be started urgently, you must first visit an orthopedic traumatologist. During the initial examination, the specialist will collect an anamnesis, ask about disturbing symptoms, feel the diseased area. However, one examination alone is not enough to determine the exact diagnosis. To find out the causes of pain and discomfort in the heel region, a referral is given for an additional diagnostic examination, consisting of the following procedures:

  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound of the ankle;
  • CT or MRI of the problem area.

If necessary, an orthopedic traumatologist can give a referral for a consultation with other highly specialized specialists:

  • rheumatologist;
  • neurologist;
  • infectious;
  • Endocrinologist;
  • nutritionist;
  • surgeon;
  • oncologist.

After the final diagnosis becomes a famous, specialist or consultation of doctors will select individual treatment aimed at eliminating the root cause of pathology and concomitant symptoms.

Tips of traditional medicine

If the heel hurts, to the councils, how to treat pain in the heel at home can only be resorted after the coordination of all the nuances with the doctor. The self-treatment is fraught with severe consequences, because discomfort in the back of the foot may be a symptom of severe pathology, sometimes requiring immediate surgical intervention.

But if the diagnosis is not complicated and prescribed conservative treatment, as auxiliary therapy you can use folk methods that will help relieve well-being, relieve inflammation, speed up recovery.

If they hurt and bake the heels, what to do at home? First of all, it is necessary to ensure the legs of peace, trying to step less on the sore place. If the back of the feet of echo and blushed, remove these unpleasant symptoms will help cool baths with herbic decoction. Recipe for cooking such a folk agent simple:

  1. Connect in equal proportions of grass: chamomile, sage, plantain.
  2. Board 2 liters of water, after which add 4 tablespoons of herbal mixture there.
  3. Remove the fire, cover with a saucepan with a lid and take another 7 more – 10 minutes.
  4. Ready decoction to strain, cool to room temperature.
  5. Taking a bath with pains in heels 2 – 3 times a day.

If you need to urgently stop inflammation and pain, you can attach to a patient a piece of people for 10 minutes. Then relax 15 minutes and warm up the warming foot. If the pain is acute, it will help the trituration of the heels of ice, alternating with thermal procedures. Warming can be done with a sea salt heated in a frying pan placed in a tissue bag.

A good therapeutic effect has a bath from iodine and salt:

  1. Add 3 – 4 tablespoons of salt and 50 drops of iodine.
  2. Components mix copper to salt crystals completely dissolved.
  3. Lower the leg into the solution, take the bath until the water is completely cool.

At the end of the fee procedure, wipe dry and put on woolen socks.

Iodine and salt have a pronounced antiseptic effect, eliminate inflammation, remove swelling, reduce pain and discomfort.

With acute inflammations of soft tissues of the heel region, clay applications have proven well, to use which is preferably every day after hygienic procedures. Method of use:

  1. Packaging of pharmacy clay is milled boiled and cooled to room temperature with water.
  2. There should be a soft plastic mass of consistency that resembles a thick sour cream.
  3. On the legs to wear cellophane packages and pour into each portion of dissolved clay.
  4. Distribute the mass throughout the foot, securely fix the package, and top to wear warm socks.
  5. Hold means 15 – 20 minutes.
  6. Then rinse the legs with clean warm, wipe dry and lubricate the nutrient cream.

Preventive measures

To prevent the development of dangerous diseases of the musculoskeletal system and avoid strong pain in the heel, it is recommended to comply with such simple prophylaxions:

  • Control the weight, if necessary, sit on a gentle diet to normalize body weight.
  • In deformation of the foot or flatfoot wearing special orthopedic shoes, which will evenly distribute the load on the lower limbs.
  • Avoid injuries and damage.
  • When practicing sports, reconsider the level of physical exercises together with the doctor and coach, will stop on those exercises that will not harm the foot and heel.
  • Daily perform special exercises to maintain the tone of all muscle groups involved in walking.
  • Watch for food, diversify the diet with useful, rich in vitamins, micro and macroelements food.
  • Eliminate bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Timely treat the foci of infection and not give them to move into a chronic stage.
  • Support immunity, harden.

As prevention, at least 1 time a year to attend an orthopedic doctor. If the body develops a disease that affects the musculoskeletal system, the doctor will be able to diagnose it in the early stages and successfully cured, warning serious complications.

What shoes wear

If it hurts to step on the heels, you need to wear orthopedic shoes, which will reduce static and shock loads on the foot, protecting the patient zone from additional injury. Models with orthopedic function must comply with the following requirements:

  • manufactured from natural materials;
  • have a steady low heel and a tight back with a vertical axis;
  • The rigidity of the sole is average, light, non-slip;
  • The heel area at the stelek should be thickened, amortizing the foot when walking;
  • The presence of a supinator.

Before buying orthopedic shoes, you need to take care of listening to sensations. If the comfort model is convenient, you can safely buy and wear it, taking care of my health and preventing the development of unpleasant complications.