Fufflomycins: Arbidol, Amiksin, Anaferon, Viferon, Infpopheron, Inhavirin, Otilococyne, Kagelin, Timalin, Aktovegin (Solfossyril, Cerebrolyzin, etc.)
Physician Ph.D. Andrey Beloveshkin
School of health resources: courses, consultations, research.
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Gold list of the most common fuflomycins. Part one.
Gold list of the most common fuflomycins. Part one.
Antiviral and anti-influenza drugs, immunomodulators, preparations for the treatment of "total". Shaw Fuflomycinov: Arbidol, Amixin, Anaferon, Viferon, Infpopherpferon, Inhabirin, Otilococycinum, Kagelin, Timalin, Aktovegin (Solfossuril, Cerebrolyzin, etc.)
Arbidol, Anaferon, Bioparox, Viferon, Polyoxidonium, Cycloferon, Ershefuril, Immunomax, Licopidid, Isoproprosin, Primaofilyus, Enhistol, IMUDON – immunomodulators with unprovered efficiency.
Fufflomycins |
Each batch of fraction, filtrate, hydrolyzate or proteolyzate of blood of people and cattle or cattle brain is made of 20-60 thousand donors from the blood. Although the KBKY, and the PCA are rare quite rarely, it is estimated that one donor can be infected from 60 thousand people or 20 thousand "cattle". In the case of donor-people, the analysis on the prion infection will not show anything because of the long incubation period, during which the prion can be detected only in the brain. In this case, patients are dangerous. Perhaps there is a certain level of concentration of the caulistant of cow's rabies – BKY, below which the infection does not occur. In 1996, a ban on the use and production of pharmaceutical preparations and allocrant workers produced from the tissues of cattle, as well as hydrolyzates, proteolyzates, filtles and fractions from cattle tissues as nutritional supplements was introduced throughout Switzerland.
I want to draw your attention to that not all fuflomycins are safe, and many have serious side effects. Take it right, doubt reasonably!