RUB 10,532 Gold badge symbol of medicine bowl with a snake KOYUZ М14020138 buy in the Treasure Island jewelry online store with delivery by courier or Russian Post in Russia
Gold icon symbol of medicine bowl with a snake KOYUZ 2757M in Russia
The minimum amount of a wholesale order for gold is 50,000 rubles.
The minimum amount of a wholesale order for silver and bijouterie is 5,000 rubles.
Discounts for bulk orders for silver and bijouterie:
– in the amount of 50,000 rubles. up to 100,000 rubles – 7%;
– in the amount of 100,000 rubles. – fifteen%.
Buy golden badges of medicine snake in a bowl in the online store "Treasure Island" Russia.
What does the golden sign of medicine mean, the meaning of the sign of medicine?
A bowl with a snake is the most common medical emblem in Russia. For a long time, some historians of science interpreted the symbol of medicine – a snake wrapping around a bowl – as a statement of the healing properties of snake venom. such an image appeared only in the 16th century thanks to the famous physician Paracelsus, who first proposed such a combination. The true meaning of this emblem remains debatable. It is possible that it personifies the healing properties of snake venom, so widely used in medicine, and means a vessel where snake venom was stored. The snake symbolizes wisdom, knowledge, immortality and in general all good beginnings.
Icon symbol medicine snake and bowl.
The first images of a bowl with a snake date back to 800-600 years. BC e. The snake and the bowl were depicted separately and were mainly attributes of the goddesses of health Hygiea, the daughter of Asclepius – she held the snake in one hand and the bowl in the other. And only much later the images merged into a single whole. Images of an amphora or a bowl entwined with a snake appeared much later. In the ancient world, the emblem of medicine was not a poisonous snake, but a harmless one. It was they who were called "Aesculapian snakes." These reptiles were honorary residents of cult healing centers in Rome and Greece. The snakes freely moved around the house and treated the sick – they licked the wounds. The Romans and Greeks were very fond of their snakes, they kept them in houses, at baths and baths.
In Russia, this emblem is called "Hippocratic bowl" became the main medical symbol in the 18th century, although no official state documents confirming this have been found. As a distinction of medical service in the army, a bowl with a snake (two snakes) was introduced under Peter I. The snake wrapping around the leg of the bowl and bowing its head over the bowl itself, as a symbol of military medicine, was approved in our country by the Revolutionary Military Council in 1924.
Most often, the goblet is associated with a container for storing snake venom, a well-known healing substance, and the snake symbolizes wisdom. However, there is another interpretation. According to him, the emblem reminds the doctor of the need to be wise, and draw wisdom from the cup of world knowledge, the human mind, embracing the whole world.Есть парочка весёлых толкований символа: первый придумали студенты-медики. По их мнению, символ означает, что медик «хитер, как змей, и очень любит выпить», а второе – народная, когда шутливо называют «тёща кушает мороженое». Today, such emblem is most often used to designate pharmaceutical activities.
Носят золотые значки змея с чашей на халате или в лацкане пиджака
Золотой значок медицинский змея и чаша – отличный недорогой подарок для работников медицины.
Золотой медицинский значок змея и чаша отгружается после поступления предварительной оплаты, счет на которую высылается после резервации товара. Стоимость изделия может незначительно отличаться от цены на сайте (в большую или меньшую сторону), так как каждое изделие имеет индивидуальный вес. При наличии нескольких изделий на складе, покупатель может выбрать вес и стоимость украшения.
Купить значки змея с чашей из золота с доставкой в Россию
, а так же за рубеж Вы можете в нашем интернет магазине. Доставка производится: а) курьером или самовывоз из пункта выдачи заказов в России
и районных центрах , б) Почтой России по всей территории РФ (с наложенным платежом – серебро и бижутерия, на сумму до 2500 руб., заказы на сумму до 700 руб. и более 2500 руб., все золотые украшения – отгружаются по предоплате). Способы и стоимость доставки за рубеж, уточняется в каждом конкретном случае. Read more.
Для наших зарегистрированных покупателей действует система скидок:
а) Скидка за регистрацию новых покупателей – 3% .
б) За предоплату 100% – 5% , за предоплату 50% – 3% .
в) На День Рождения покупателя или родственников, друзей (действует 15 дней до и после дня рождения) – 5% .
г) Накопительные скидки за суммы выполненных розничных заказов: – 2% – от 10 до 20 т.р.; – 3% – от 20 до 30 т.р.; – 5% – от 30 т.р.; – 7% – от 50 т.р.; – ten% – from 100 tr.
Attention! Все скидки суммируются! Постоянным клиентам с наложенным платежом могут отправляться заказы с суммой украшений до 5000 рублей. Новым покупалелям золотые украшения отгружаются после поступления оплаты за зарезервированные изделия.
Некоторые золотые украшения имеют минимальную акционную цену и отгружаются только по 100% предоплате, информация об этом указанна на странице товара. Дополнительную информацию о действующих скидках и акциях Вы можете получить у менеджера при подтверждении заказ.
Пересчет скидок в заказе производит менеджер при подтверждении заказ.
При смешанных заказах скидки на золотые украшения, серебро, бижутерию и акционные товары считаются отдельно.
Просим обратить внимание, что заказы на сумму до 700 руб. отгружаются по 100% предоплате (скидки не действуют).
Наложенным платежом отгружаются заказы от 700 до 5000 рублей на ювелирную бижутерию, серебряные украшения и столовое серебро.
Информацию о вариантах отгрузки золотых украшений можете получить на странице товара и/или у операторов, во время звонка с подтверждением заказа.
Orders worth up to 700 or more than 5000 rubles. We are shipped by prepayment: 100% or 50%.
Wholesale orders, table silver sets and any orders worth more than 5,000 rubles, products for sale – shipped after receipt of 100% prepayment.
Payment of order in cash courier in the jewelry online store "Treasure Island".
Payment of goods and delivery is carried out by courier in cash, in rubles, only after receiving and inspection of the delivered goods and design of the accompanying documentation, according to the cash check.
Payment by cash at the point of self-registration.
Payment of goods is made after receiving and inspecting the order and design of the accompanying documentation, on the cash check.
Online payment by bank card through Sberbank Equiphering (Recommended).
Payment is made after confirming the receipt of the order, the reservation of the goods and notification of the buyer about the need for payment.
If you wish to pay for payment by bank cards Visa or MasterCard
While when placing the order, select the Sberbank payment method, payment occurs through the authorization server of the Bank's processing center. Payment is made after confirming the receipt of order and reservation, you go to your personal account (from the site or by reference from an email received after ordering), then go to order and click the "Pay on the Sberbank website". For payment of the purchase you will be Redirected to Payments Gateway PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" for entering the details of your card. Please prepare your plastic card in advance. The connection with the payment gateway and the transmission of information is carried out in protected mode using the SSL encryption protocol. Fill the bank card data and click the "Pay" button.
Payment of ordering by a bank card in the jewelry online store "Treasure Island". (Recommended)
This method is one of the simplest, rapid and favorable commission for the translation. You can pay for:
1. Online payment by bank card from your personal account on the site of your bank.
To do this, choose when ordering Payment method "by receipt", After placing the order, you can print it by clicking on button "Print receipt".
2. Payment from the card in the bank.
You can print the receipt and pay it in any bank from your card. To do this, choose when ordering Payment method "by receipt", After placing the order, you can print it by clicking on button "Print receipt".
Payment of order by bank transfer in the jewelry online store "Treasure Island".
You can pay your order in cash or bank card In any branch of Sberbank of Russia or any other bank. When forming an order in the "Payment" section, specify "payment by receipt". Print the receipt for payment of the order you can independently after placing the order.Or go to your personal account, select an order, and click the "Print Recipment" button. If you fail to print a receipt of payment yourself – let us know, after that, the receipt will be sent to your email address, and an SMS message with details will come to your mobile phone to pay your order.
We draw your attention to the fact that when transferring translations, the Bank may charge a commission, the amount of which needs to be clarified in the bank's separation nearest to you (usually the Commission is 1-3%).
Recommended! If you have a bank card of Sberbank of Russia, then you can pay for the order on the Sberbank of Russia's website in the section "On-Line Payment", without a fee and crediting payment takes place within an hour, which will significantly speed up the order.
Dear buyers, To speed up the delivery of your order We ask you to send a scan / copy of the payment document on EL. mail [email protected] either by fax 8 (499) 500-38-69.
Payment of the order by cash on delivery upon delivery by mail of the Russian Federation in the jewelry online store "Treasure Island".
Payment for the cost of the order at the time of receipt in your post office at the place of residence.
We ask you to pay attention to when paying for the order in this way 2% charged From the amount of the order, for the transfer of the cash on delivery.
Cashless payment of the order for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the jewelry online store "Treasure Island".
During registration, fill in all Mandatory Fields, namely, the company (in this field, specify the name of the organization and JR. address) and TIN
In the process of placing the order, select the "Payment in Account" item. Next print an invoice and make payment in the bank.
Replicates of the account, invoice and invoice will be sent to you along with the goods. Please note that VAT does not allocate.