Evidence-based medicine: what, when and why to take» Kirill Galankin – book description | Evidence-based medicine | AST publishing house

"Evidence-based medicine: what, when and why to take" Kirill Galankin, Evidence-based medicine. Books of publishing house AST. Annotation, characteristics, cover photo, information, where to buy the book.

Evidence-based medicine: what, when and why to take


Evidence-based medicine is a widely known term, even very well. And everything that is widely known, having gone to the people, is filled with a new, sometimes unexpected meaning.

Some believe that evidence-based medicine is a legal term. Others consider all official medicine as a whole to be evidence-based, which is not entirely true. Still others know from reliable sources that no evidence-based medicine actually exists, it is an invention of pharmaceutical corporations that helps them promote their products. There are many options.

In fact, evidence-based medicine is not a branch or fiction, but an approach or, if you like, a principle. According to this principle, everything that is used for preventive, therapeutic and diagnostic purposes must be effective and safe, both of which must be supported by reliable evidence. Evidence-based medicine is evidence-based medicine.

This book will help you understand both the concept of evidence-based medicine and what research methods help prove the effectiveness of a drug or treatment. Indeed, in traditional, official, completely scientific medicine, there are a lot of problems with confirming the effectiveness and safety.

Proper clinical research must be transparent and completely objective. Evidence-based medicine stands on these two pillars. And these pillars rest on a foundation called "experiment."