
Evidence base of magnetotherapy – Articles from the company Elamed

All about treatment: evidence base of magnetotherapy. Useful and current articles on the website of Elamed.

Evidence base of magnetotherapy

Hadron collider and train on the magnetic pillow, computers and water treatment facilities … where only the magnetic field energy is not used today! Naturally, medical science has adopted a magnetic factor in order to put him to the service of human health – magnetotherapy was born.

As a professional treatment for the musculoskeletal system, the magnetotherapy crystallized not one dozen years, until it was embodied in perhaps the optimal form – in a convenient portable technique, such as Almed's brand apparatus from Elamed.

Tested clinically


And today, scientists in all over the world continue painstakingly study the powerful potential of a pulsed magnetic field to help people increase the freedom of movement and improve the quality of life [I]. Numerous trials of the factor were carried out on the basis of the Almag-01 apparatus – a bright sample of the Medical Apparatus of the XX and XXI centuries, which had gained popularity as among specialists and among patients with chronic diseases of the joints and spine.

Results are convincing

For the first time in Russia, a controlled study of the medical and economic feasibility of introducing a magnetic factor in the arthrosis of the knee joints was carried out. It turned out that this strategy makes it possible to improve the dynamics of the disease, reduce pain and discomfort, reduce treatment costs practically 2 times [ii].

In the work "The use of pulsed magnetotherapy in complex treatment with gonarthrosis patients" (Ryazmma. AK. I. P. Pavlova) [III] You can read about the influence of the magnetic field of the Almag-01 apparatus on pain syndrome and inflammatory process, and about the ability to increase the freezing range Walking – in the article "The use of a low-frequency running magnetic field in the treatment of osteoarthrosis of the knee joints" (Bialovsky Yu. Yu., Larinsky N. E., Ivanov A. V.) [IV].

In 2019, the results of the experiment should be published. Ph.D. The founding of I. P. on the basis of FGBOU to Ivanovo State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. In the course of a randomized placebo-controlled study, the use of tape recorder with diclofenac in patients with osteoarthritis [V] was estimated.

The conclusions made by experts of the main military clinical hospital of AK deserve attention. N. N. Burdenko Regarding the reduction in the terms of treatment and reduce the admission of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [VI].

The data obtained was based on further developments.

Works – Checked!


Systematizing information on the work of the apparatus for 30 years, Employees of the Elamed Scientific and Technical Center created an upgraded Almag + with three modes and improved design, designed to combat acute pain and exacerbations of arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and post-traumatic rehabilitation.

Almag + makes it possible:

  • eliminate acute pain and inflammation;
  • Remove the aggravation due to the special method of combining modes;
  • improve the mobility of joints and spine and general activity;
  • slow down the progression of diseases;
  • Accelerate the recovery after injuries.

The manufacturer organized a number of additional clinical studies for even more thorough detection of the role of the apparatus in the medical complex, including:

"The use of impulse low-frequency magnetotherapy from Almag + in children", 2018, on the basis of the Russian Academy of Scientific Center for Medical Rehabilitation and Resortology, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

"Evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of magnetotherapy in osteoarthritis" – a multicenter blind placebo-controlled study of the Cosmo (clinical assessment of modern magnetotherapy with osteoarthritis) [VII].

Thus, the device rightly enjoys confidence in medical professionals and in patients.

And people with the problems of the joints and the spine are very important convenience – Almag + comfortable and easy to use in clinical and home conditions, and in its reliability you can be confident!

1) Fuad A. Abdulla, Saad Alsaadi, Mir Sadat-Ali, Fahed Alkamis, Hani Alkhawaja and Serigne Lo // Effects of therapy with a pulsed low-frequency magnetic field in patients with musculoskeletal chronic illuminate pain: Randomized double blind placebo-controlled study / / The Korean Journal of Pain 18 (1): 43, January 2005, DOI: 10.3344 / KJP.2005.18.1.

2) Serap Tomruk Sutbeyaz, Nebhat Sezer, Belma Fusun Koseoglu // Effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields in the treatment of cervical osteoarthrosis (coverage of the results of a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind clinical study) // Rheumatol int (2006) 26: 320-324, DOI 10.1007 / S00296-005-0600-3.

Economic feasibility of incorporating magnetic therapy in complex treatment of osteoarthrosis. R. Bodrova, A. Ivanov, N. Larinsky and others. Scientific and practical magazine "Doctor" No. 4, 2014

Yu. Yu. Bialovsky, Rakitina I. S., etc. Physical and rehabilitation medicine, medical rehabilitation. 2020; 2 (3)

Magazine "Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation" No. 3, 2012: "Medicine"

Foundation I.P., Alekseeva N.V., Ivanov A.V., Sequin A.B. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of the tape recorder of transdermal diclofenac in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee joint.

Topchi N. V., Ivanov A.V. The use of portable physical apparatus in the work of the family doctor: a methodological manual. – Moscow: MMA, 2005).

Scientific and practical rheumatology, 2020, 58 (1): 55-61, D.M. Karateev D.E., Bourgeon E.Yu. and etc.