First St. Petersburg State Medical University. Acad. I.P. Pavlova Medicina ARS Nobilissima – Lat. Medicine greatest arts. Latin phrase on
First St. Petersburg
State Medical
University. Acad. I.P. Pavlova
Medicina Ars Nobilissima. – Lat. Medicine greatest art.
Latin phrase on the emblem is a paraphrase of the aphorism of the hypocratic.
Different translation options can be associated with the Latin version of the saying (Omnium Profecto Artium Medicina Nobilissima – from all sciences medicine, of course, is the most noble).
The Latin word ARS (tracing with ancient Greek techne) meant both science and art (in the sense of mastering skill). Nobilissima is an excellent degree from the adjective nobilis – noble.
Medicine is the most noble science (of all), medicine is the noblest art (of all).
1897 – Year of opening of the St. Petersburg Women's Medical Institute (now Pspggm. Acad. I.P. Pavlova).
Wreath of laurel and oak branches – Lavr – a symbol of victory, fame, high awards. In ancient Greece and ancient Rome, they were awarded winners. The laurel branch on the emblem personifies the successful development of medical science, its recognition and honorary position in the world. Oak meant strength, courage, endurance, longevity, fertility, nobility, loyalty. Oak branches in a wreath – loyalty to deep traditions, a solid position of the university.
Stake Asklepia (God medicine and turning), Blasting a snake crawling up, is a symbol of help and support rendered to the patient.
Gigay – Goddess of health. It was revered in Athens as an impersonation of clean air and healing sources.
Torch – In Greek mythology, a symbol of life. The torch in the hand of the Kentaurian Hiron scientist symbolizes love and desire for knowledge. The burning torch is connected and with the image of Titan Prometheus, who kidnapped the divine fire for people. Fire is a knowledge that protects a person from hostile forces of nature and makes his life happier and happy.
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The main color of the image of the emblem of PSPBGMU. Acad. I.P. Pavlova – blue (on a white background).
You can depict the emblem white color (on a blue background), as well as gold or silver (on blue or white background).
A black and white version is allowed when it is impossible to use a color image, for example, when creating black and white printed materials (if the background contains at least 50% of the black color, the emblem is depicted white, if less than 50%, then the emblem is depicted black).
The use of gradients and multi-color is not allowed.
The emblem can be used both on a monochrome background: blue or white and on multicolor (for example, color image). It is important that the emblem remains readable.
In order to ensure recognition and correct perception of the logo when it is placed on advertising, informational and other media, one should be guided by the rule of the "protective field". The "security field" is the minimum allowable space around the emblem, free from any graphics and text, which allows you to visually separate the emblem from other elements surrounding it.
The emblem can be used in any size starting from 15 mm in diameter. The maximum size of the emblem is not limited. The size and ratio of the elements of the emblem, if necessary, should be changed proportionally. Changing the size of individual parts of the emblem is not allowed.