Dysplasia of the hip joints in dogs – the veterinary center "Pride"

Dysplasia of hip joints in dog dysplasia of the hip joint dogs is one of the pathologies in veterinary medicine, which originates from the stages of animal domestication.

Dysplasia hip joints in dogs

Dysplasia of the hip joint of dogs is one of the pathologies in veterinary medicine, which originates from the stages of animal domestication. Wolves or wild dogs that have taken this pathology could not move and hunt in full and therefore died as a result of the natural selection of nature. In the process of domestication, the dog carried a serious function in a person's life: this is hunting, security, and so on, so weak and non-visual dogs clearly chosen from breeding.

In the present time, the dog is regarded by us first of all as a member of the family, loves or just a companion for life, and therefore the criteria for strict selection of animal working curves are departed into the background. Most often, people evaluate dogs from the nature and exterior and often forget about such an important part as health. Therefore, in the veterinary medicine of today's time, doctors meet with pathologies in animals, which previously did not have the mass and did not constitute a serious problem for veterinary professionals, breeders and just dog lovers.

From the side of the veterinary specialists in orthopedics, not only our country, but in all over the world, there are tremendous work on the prevention of this disease, various tactics of conservative and operational methods for the treatment of hip dysplasia are being developed, statistics are underway to the methods of treatment and outcome of the disease.

The dysplasia of the hip joint is found in all breeds of dogs, but most of all are susceptible to dogs of large breeds: Rottweiler, Labrador, German and Eastern European Shepherd, Alabai, Moscow Watchdog. Among the small breeds of dogs, the dysplasia of the hip joint is found at pugs.

The dysplasia of the hip joint is a pathology characterized by certain anatomical inconsistencies, which will be described further. To better figure out these inconsistencies, you need to understand the structure and functions of the hip joint of the dog.

Dog hip structure

The hip joint dog is not difficult. This is a spherical joint consisting of a masterpiece pelvis and a femoral head in her. The bundling apparatus of the joint is represented by the articular capsule and a round bundle, which is located at the bottom of the masterpiece of the pelvis. The round bunch connects the head of the femoral bone and the accumulative depression, providing the stability of the joint. The godfather besides the place of attachment of the round bundle and the hip head are seeded with a cartilage cloth. In the hollow of the joint there is a synovial liquid.Movement in the hip joint can be performed in different planes. This is primarily due to its anatomical structure in the form of a spherical joint. Its mobility is controlled by several components: a circular lunch, a joint capsule and a special form of the surface of the godded depression.

To normal fulfill its function, the joint must also be stable. Stability provide a binder (articular capsule, a round bundle, muscles around the joint), as well as a clear comparability of the joint surfaces – the presence of congruence. To reduce the friction of the joint surfaces in the joint there is a synovial or articular liquid. In addition to decreasing friction, the synovial fluid performs the function of the power of cartilage cells on the joint surfaces.

For the proper functioning of the hip joint, such aspects are important as:

  • anatomical structure of the masterpiece (take into account its size, depth and shape);
  • anatomical structure of the head of the thigh (take into account its shape and size);
  • Congrunce and the degree of mobility between the joint surfaces;
  • The angle of inclination and the length of the hip neck;
  • The strength of the articular capsule of the hip joint;
  • Structure and functioning of tendons and muscles.

What does dysplasia mean dogs

The name of the disease – dysplasia – carries its functional substantiation and when translating from Greek means "pathological growth". The displasion of the hip joint in many data of foreign veterinary specialists is a hereditary disease occurring during the growth period of the dog. Initially, the dog can be born with healthy hip joints, but further in the process of growth there is a weakness of the ligament apparatus of the hip joint and the process of the development of the disease will be launched. Puppies have a change in the load on the surface of the masterpiece or any other anatomical disorders in the period of active growth may irreversibly change the shape of the joint surfaces, as well as lead to the fusion of the joint. This will greatly affect the functioning of the joint and leads to the occurrence of the pathological burden on them. Over time, it develops to the remodeling of the hip joint and the development of deforming arthrosis.

The reason for the occurrence of the pathological weakness of the binder apparatus of the hip joint in puppies is still not clear. According to some reports it is believed that this is caused by a violation of the development of the head of the femur and the masterpiece initially, in other changes in the ligament apparatus of the joint.

In modern veterinary, it is believed that the intended cause of the development of the displays of the hip joint in dogs are:

  • Changes in the anatomy of the hip joint: a compassion of the godded depression, a change in the seed-diaphysicular corner;
  • changing the anatomy of other joints of the pelvic limb;
  • genetic factor;
  • underdevelopment of muscle mass;
  • obesity or too rapid dog growth;
  • Hormonal violations by sexual system;
  • neuromuscular diseases;
  • Lack of vitamin C.

In any case, regardless of the causes of the occurrence of dysplasia, the disease leads to the interpretation of the joint capsule and the submission. At the joints of the joint there is an excessive load and its damage and inflammation occurs. The enemy and sublifiers lead to violation of the mobility of the joint, irritation of nervous endings occurs and strong pain syndrome develops.

Clinical signs of hip dysplasia in dogs

The clinical signs of the displays of the hip joint depend on the age of the animal and on the degree of dysplasia. At puppies, clinical signs are developing gradually as the problem has been developed. They become more noticeable from 4-9 month old. Initially, when inspecting a puppy, the signs of instability of the hip joint will be invisible even to the most experienced veterinary specialist. As the submission of the hip joint is growing, it will increase, the joint capsule will begin to stretch and subjected to inflammation, resulting in painful syndrome. Such puppies become larger, it is difficult to get up, when the sore limb is administered, pain syndrome may occur. In cases where instability is significant, a click in the hip joint may occur.

Also at the initial stage of the disease, the puppies will be noticeable "blatant gait." Such a strange gait is the result of the instability of the hip joint on the transverse axis. The dog is trying to go fine, but due to pain, it compensates for the burden on the joints, swaying the back from the side to the side. It helps the dog go forward, without increasing the amplitude of the movement in the hip joint.

Reducing mobility in the hip joint, the dog also reduces the amplitude of the movement in the knee and the drumming joints, putting the paws at right angles. As a result, the dog walks on the paws disinnted in the joints.

In cases where the instability of the hip joint is expressed quite strongly, putting a hand to the area of ​​the hip joint of the dog in step, you can feel a click.

In the manifestation of pain, athrophy of the muscles of pelvic limbs will be manifested in 1-1.5 months. Visually, such a dog has a more massive front of the body than the rear. This is due to the transfer of body weight when driving on breast limbs due to pain.

In dogs, patients with dysplasia, there is a process of remodeling of the hip joint. The peak comes around after a year when the dog's body ceases to grow. The process of remodeling is the natural response of the body for instability and it consists of many mechanisms.

The final stage of the remodeling process is damage to the cartilage of the articular surfaces, the stretching or breaking of the lipid joint, the formation of the non-controversy of the joint surfaces, the formation of bone outflows in the region of the burnt depression, and the final stage is the development of the deforming arthritis of the hip joint.

In adult dogs, clinical signs will be observed as a result of the degenerative change in the hip joint. In the process of remodeling, the joint is exposed to irreversible changes. As a rule, the joint becomes stable, but the articular surfaces will be irreversibly changed and exposed to arthrosis. Such dogs have soreness, especially when the rise, often such dogs refuse to get up. In case of inspection, a decrease in the amplitude of mobility in the joint as a result of deforming arthrosis may be observed. Also observed atrophy muscles of pelvic limbs. As a result of the impossibility of normal movement, such dogs often observed overweight. The dog with overweight and the presence of dysplasia practically does not tolerate physical exertion.

Diagnosis of hip joint dysplasia in dogs

Diagnosis of hip joint dysplasia in dogs is consisted of different research methods, as it is very important to determine the type of dysplasia and take the right decision on the treatment of an animal. The owners are as far as the early visit to the veterinary specialist even when a strange gait is manifested or simply for prevention. When diagnosing dysplasia at an early age, the effect of treatment is achieved better than when the sickness stages running. Also early diagnosis will allow not expensive and fairly traumatic operations.

The diagnosis of hip joint dysplasia consists of an inspection of an animal, conducting special diagnostic tests for hip joints, x-ray examination and in some cases computed tomography.

When conducting an inspection, a veterinary specialist will collect history, it will estimate the degree of mobility of the hip joint, will determine the presence or absence of pain in the joint, chromotype or atrophy of the muscles of pelvic limbs. In some cases, when the instability of the hip joint is significant, when inspection, you can feel the moment of sublifting or dislocation.

The competent general inspection will help in the diagnosis, but only special tests and specialized research methods will finally help it. Special diagnostic tests in dogs are recommended to be carried out under sedatives, so as not to prevent the voltage. The essence of these tests is to establish whether there is instability of the hip joint (dislocation or sublifting) and determine the special corner of the Barlow for further surgical treatment.

There are two common tests in hip dysplasia:

Test Ortolani

The essence of the Ortolanian dough is to create a sublux in the hip joint. This test is held in the lying position on the side. Veterinary doctor with hands creates pressure on the knee joint, it leads to its sublime. Without reducing pressure, the veterinarian takes the finiteness of the dog in the lateral direction, and the hip joint rises in place. It feels a clock in the joint, it means that the test is positive. Normally, due to the pressure on the knee joint, the submission of the hip joint does not happen.

Test OrtolaniTest Ortolani

Test Barda

The essence of the Bardens test is also achieving the hip fusion. This test in the side position is carried out. The veterinarian holds his fingers at the same time on a sedanized bugarh and a large steroper of the hip, while the other hand shifts the thigh into the medioral side, exercising a shift of the hip head from the master's depression down. When sublifting the hip joint feels a shift of a large spit in the lateral side. This symptom is positive.

For complete diagnosis on the displascence of the hip joint, a radiographic study is carried out. The prerequisite for this procedure is the use of sedation.

On radiographs, all signs of hip dysplasia are taken into account, namely:

  • Detect all signs of the instability of the hip joint on the displacement of the hip head from the gloomy depression:
    – Zenny Rhodes index – measurement of the lowest and highest points of the masterpiece;
    – Corner of Norberg Olsson: Determine the center of the hip head using a stencil with crushes and spend the line between them, then the angle formed by this line and the line conducted through the upper bone edge of the godded depression is measured. Norma 105 degrees.
  • Assess the structure of the hip joint on the head of the hip and the gloomy depression.
  • Signs of the degenerative disease of the hip joint during dysplasia are detected.

Sometimes, during displays of the hip joint, you can make stress pictures according to the Penn method. With this method, the joints are estimated under load. The assessment is based only on the instability of the hip joint.

Computer tomography of hip joints can be used in the same value as X-ray diagnostics, for example, to measure the angles and detect instability. If you compare X-ray diagnosis and CT, then X-ray diagnosis is a cheapest and no less informative research method.

After the formulation of such a diagnosis as the displays of the hip joint, it is determined by its type.

The hip dysplasia is divided into two types:

  1. Acetabular dysplasia (DYSPLASIAACETABULA).
    This type of dysplasia is due to a normal seed-diaphysic angle (135 degrees) and the weakness of the ligament.
  2. Cee-diaphysarity dysplasia (CoxavalgaANTetorta).
    This type of dysplasia is characterized by a change in the diaphysic angle and the presence of a normal godded depression. The angle with this pathology is more than 150 degrees.

Understand the difference between the types of dysplasia is very important for making a decision on conducting surgical treatment.

To determine the degree of dysplasia, have created a special classification. In different countries, it may differ, but the essence is saved. In Russia, it is customary to classify the dysplasia as A, B, C, D, E:

A – normal joint;
B is a joint under permissible limits;
C – dysplasia is an easy degree;
D – moderate dysplasia;
E – severe dysplasia.

Estimation of the degree of dysplasia TBS in dogs

Methods for monitoring the displays of hip joint in dogs

Methods for controlling the displays of hip joints should be carried out by breeders and owners of breeds of dogs in the risk group. At the moment, X-ray examination on the dysplasia is carried out from a 12-monthly age when the dog has already grown. If such a diagnosis is confirmed, the dog should be chosen from breeding and sterilize.

In suspected of the displassen of the hip joints, it is better to carry out x-ray research from 2-16 weeks. A study at an early age will significantly affect the process of recovery of the dog and will avoid radical surgical interventions.

Treatment of displays of hip joints in dogs

There are two types of treatment of hip joint dysplasia – this is conservative and surgical treatment.

Conservative treatment Aims to reduce the burden on the joint, especially in young animals. It should be seriously controlled by the weight of the dog using a balanced diet to avoid high load on the sore joint. It is also important to control the physical exertion of the dog in frequency, duration and form. It is important that the dog suffering from the dysplasia had a good muscular frame to provide support to the sore joint. The best exercise is slow hiking on a leash. Dogs with a strong degree of dysplasia hiking start with 5 minutes a day, then increase 5 minutes. If the chromoty is enhanced, then the time is not added. In the occurrence of pain syndrome, especially in elderly dogs with secondary signs of deforming arthrosis, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

Surgery The hip dysplasia depends on the type of dysplasia and the age of the animal.

Juvenile symphysiodez.

This is the simplest surgical technique to prevent the displays of the hip joints. When coagulation of the LONA FIRE, the pelvis slows down the growth of the lane, and the pelvis begins to grow as it were in the width. With such an increase, the godded depressions unfold in such a way as to cover the hip head and make joints stable.Such surgical intervention is not painful for the dog and makes it possible to walk immediately in full. Such a procedure makes dogs up to 20-week age. The best time for this technique is time to 16 weeks.

Juvenile symphysiodez.

Osteotomy pelvis (double and triple)

This type of surgical treatment is carried out by dogs from 6-7 months of age with acetabular dysplasia, when juvenile symphysiodesis is already inexped. Also, this type of operation is not suitable for dogs with damage to the dorsal edge of the grueling depressure and the presence of signs of arthrosis of the hip joint. Osteotomy pelvis, though quite complex operations, but in veterinary practice it is used quite often. The essence of the operation is to turn a part of the pelvis so as to reverse the gloomy depression and cover the hip head, as a result of which the joint will become stable. After the operation, the mandatory rule is to limit the mobility of the dog for the battle period of the pelvis. The advantage of such an operation is the preservation of the joint.

Triple osteotomy pelvisTaste Taste with Triple Osteotomy

Interrobate osteotomy

This type of surgical intervention is carried out in dogs with an incorrect cerulmonic angle of more than 150 degrees. The operation is carried out on the femoral bone. The essence of the method is to change the angle and immersing the head of the femoral bone into the godpadin.

Precondition Art Pressure Task

This type of surgical intervention is to remove the hip head and the formation of the false joint. The use of this technique is possible only in the destruction of the hip joint as a result of deforming arthrosis. The operation is carried out primarily to eliminate pain.

Prosthetics of hip joint

This is a total replacement of the hip joint in dogs – a technique that gives a good result, but costly.

In conclusion of this article, I would like to say about the problems of breeding in our country. When buying a puppy of rock, prone to the displays of the hip joint, it is necessary to see the documents on checking the parents of the dog on the dysplasia. If you already have a dog and you notice the change of gait and other above-mentioned signs of dysplasia, then do not pull with the arrival of the veterinary specialist. Remember! The faster the disease will be diagnosed, the easier it will cure your pet.

Clinical case of treatment of displays of hip joints in the dog

The hosts of the German Spitz on Nickkey Olly (6 years old) turned to Gavoc Pride with complaints about the fact that she ceased to adopted on the right pelvic limb. After conducting a radiographic study and examination by the doctor orthoped-traumatologist was diagnosed with a pathological dislocation of the hip joint on the right as a result of the displays of the hip joints with the developing arthrosis.

Dysplasia of hip joints in dogs is a violation of the joint development, its structures from bones to the ligament.If a dog over 10 months and she has already developed a secondary osteoarthritis, then resection arthroplasty is carried out. After this operation, the joint function will be restored and there will be no pain.

Willi passed a preoperative examination and researched arthollasty was conducted, after which it came out of anesthesia in the hospital of the clinic under the supervision of doctors and went home.

After a few days, the ullie began to use the operated paw.

Veterinary surgeon, specialist in traumatology, orthopedics and neurology Maslova E.S.
Veterinary Anesthesiologist Smirnova O.V.

Dislocation of hip joint on the right and displays of hip jointsAfter resection arthroplasty on the rightGerman Spitz named Olly (6 years old)

Article author:
Veterinary surgeon, specialist in orthopedics, neurology and neurosurgery.
Maslova Ekaterina Sergeevna