Donna Eden - Energy Medicine

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Donna Eden – Energy Medicine

Donna Eden - Energy Medicine

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We are an interweaving of various energies. Invisible energies shape our mood, outlook, lifestyle, psyche and physical health. This fact is the basis of energy medicine. We can activate our body's natural ability to heal itself. We can bring renewed vitality into a weary mind, into a weary body, and infuse vigor into a weakened spirit. To develop these abilities, it is enough to learn the language of your body – the language of energies. This is the secret to a fulfilling and happy life.

This book is a unique fundamental work, a practical guide that has no analogues. It describes in detail the energy system of our body and how to manage it. This book gives us the opportunity to know the secret laws of the functioning of various energies in our body and mind.

Donna Eden is one of the pioneers of energy medicine. Possessing extraordinary psychic abilities, she herself is living proof of her effectiveness. For over 2 decades she has performed to large audiences in the US, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and South America. She is one of the most qualified and recognized specialists in the field of energy healing.

Donna Eden, David Feinstein

Dedicated to the women of my family:

Mame, Dondi, Susie, Modi, Sharon, Shop, Chelly, Christy Ashish, Taye, Mosel, Alice, Coren, Beverly, Mary and Edith.

Dad, Guy, Avon, Clark, Danny, Erinn, Rayon, Case, Leah, Prtschu, Seifert, Saul, Robin, Barry, Mark, Carl, Ray and David.

Words of gratitude

I express my deepest gratitude to Mom, the first alternative healer in my life. I am also grateful to her doctors, Joseph Morgan, Howard Morningstar, and Janet Bates, who gave me back my faith in Western medicine.

I have an immense sense of personal and professional gratitude to Dr. John Tay for his courage and special talent in the 1970s in making the complex self-healing techniques available to the common people through his Touch for Health system. I will be eternally grateful to Dr. Ty, Gordon Stokes, Shanti Dury, Hazel Ullrich, Warren Jacobs, and Touch for Health for getting me started.

Sandy Wand has proven to be an amazing friend, healer, and endless source of support. Paul Brenner, MD, showed me what a doctor can be. My editors, Irene Prokop and Wendy Hubert, were extremely patient, resourceful, and resourceful.My confidant Susan Shulman provided me with sound and encouraging advice. I highly appreciate the institutional support of the organization Inpersoirce and her friends, especially Leila and Hugh Bacon, Jean Lamb and Rodney Plimpton. Valuable suggestions on the structure and content of the book were also made by my friends Carla Cunningham. Norman Friedman, Jane Meinerd and Peg Mayo. Richard Durie provided material for a number of studies described in the book. Rick Jensen, jack of all trades, an irreplaceable person, a prime example of how you can remain cheerful in any difficult and risky situations. My daughters Dondi and Tanya Delin have also always been inspired by the ideas of wholeness and health.

My husband David Feinstein was indefatigable in his conversations with me, and it was he who made the first rough drafts of our conversations, edited the audio recordings of my lectures, did computer and library research, and translated dry informative materials into the language of my intuitive, right-brain thinking. This entire book bears the imprint of his masterful ability to construct a phrase, to draw an analogy, to find order in the midst of complex reasoning, and to accurately relate an idea to its vast intellectual context, while maintaining the spirit my intent. One elephant, that's how I would write this book. if she had the qualities of his mind.

Let the body think of the Spirit as a streaming, flowing, impetuous and radiant stream, Entering it from all sides.


Balance your body's energies for health, joy and vitality

Over the years, I have been asked questions about the nature of energy medicine, namely: what is energy medicine? How is it different from allopathic medicine? What special can she offer a person that he does not get in traditional medicine?

Although such questions may seem simple at first glance, answering them is not so simple. Their appearance is connected with the entry of mankind into the energy era, and we are forced to reconsider our understanding of ourselves. We will soon find out that we have multidimensional sensitivity, although we still adhere to the outdated idea that we have only a line, five senses. We will no longer wonder if our thoughts and emotions affect our cellular tissue, our body; we will treat this relationship as one of the basic truths of life. The laying on of hands, the use of oils and sounds in the healing process will become commonplace for us. And drugs that suppress the disease will be considered harmful rather than beneficial to health.

When will these changes take place? They are happening now: we can see amazing shifts in medicine and healing. Our society respects the holistic movement and energy medicine, which is manifested in the growing interest in alternative methods of treating diseases and the desire to learn more about them.More and more research is being done on the extent and nature of the influence of thoughts and emotions on the physical body, and again and again the results show that the body-mind-spirit system is an accurate reflection, a "portrait" of a human being.

The contribution that Donna Eden made with her book Energy Medicine to the foundation of holistic medicine will continue to be one of the foundational ones. Her research is very high quality, solid, and the suggestions and recommendations she gives to her readers are simple and effective, which should be methods designed to help restore or improve health.

As someone who has been intimately involved in the field of holistic medicine for fifteen years, I have met many people who either wanted to learn more about energy medicine or were willing to take advantage of its techniques. I have every confidence that this book will serve as an excellent guide for many people for years to come, because the information it contains is based on the truth, and the truth does not change.

Observing modern life, one cannot but admit that we live in an era when the energy of not only the body, but of our entire life is transforming the world around us. The advent of the computer age marks the fact that we today rely more on energy information than on sound or written information. We are advancing at a speed that approaches the speed of thought. and thought governs the human body. Energy medicine recognizes the power of our thought and the world we now live in. We need quality books like this one to guide us along the way.

PhD Carolyn Miss

Truly, what heals us is what lives within us.

William Shakespeare As You Like It

You are a web of energies. This single fact and what follows from it is the basis of energy medicine. I invite you to look into this area hidden by the world of external manifestations. Learn about how invisible energies shape your worldview, your way of thinking and lifestyle. Explore your eternal dance with the invisible forces within and around you. And then, like me, you will begin to admire how the magnificently dynamic energies that permeate your body, mind and soul reveal the genius of the "creative hand" of nature.

The very first follower of energy medicine is you, the one who lives in a body that needs care. Through energy medicine techniques, you can activate your body's natural ability to heal itself and stay healthy. You can bring renewed vitality to a tired body, fresh energy to a weary mind, and invigorate a sometimes waning spirit. You can train your energies to deal with stress more effectively, reduce your exposure to anxiety, and free you from various ailments.And what you learned to yourself, you can use for the benefit of your family and other people close to you.

If you want to live a full life today, when people are so much moved away from their nature, then you need to cooperate with the energy system of your body. Learn how to mobilize internal forces that improve your health that strengthen the mind and enlightening your spirit is easier than you may seem.

Stability of energy medicine

Energy medicine is reliable, natural and available. It is modern and at the same time has ancient roots. In our time, the expression "Energy Medicine" is used to describe a wide variety of systems and processes, ranging from the introduction of shamanic healing practices in modern culture and ending with the use of powerful electromagnetic and other technologies in hospitals and medical centers. Energy medicine combines principles and inexplicable phenomena; both routine procedures and art; both matter and spirit. Energy Medicine – This is, in my opinion, the best definition that allows you to describe the growing number of approaches and methods for improving health, healing and achieving happiness in which the body is considered as a system of energies.