Okovid deception. Scam on health

Denis Ivanov, Obvious COVID deception. Health scam – download fb2, epub, pdf at LitRes

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Obvious COVID deception. health scam

Okovid deception. Scam on health

By the time of writing the book, the author has more than 9 years of teaching experience at a medical institute, numerous presentations at international conferences. Also, D.V. Ivanov represented Russian medical science in the People's Republic of China for 4 years. He was recognized by the PRC government as a specialist of the highest category – category A. The invaluable experience gained through working with the Chinese made it possible to study the lifestyle, culture, traditions of this country, and also gave the author the opportunity in February 2020 to draw clear conclusions about what is happening in China, the world and in Russia – in connection with the declared pandemic of covid-19 …

“I won’t be surprised if for some these materials will be familiar, and for some they may become a complete revelation. But after reading, as they say, all the puzzles should fit into a big picture! ”, The author assures, adding that the compilation of the book was built taking into account clinical experience, scientific and teaching activities.

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  • Age limit: 16+
  • Release date on LitRes: October 31, 2021
  • Date of writing: 2022
  • Volume: 340 pages 29 illustrations
  • ISBN: 978-5-00180-398-0
  • Copyright holder: Alistorus

Okovid deception. Scam on health

The Journal of Infection in Infectious Diseases, covering microbiology, epidemiology and clinical practice, published a peer-reviewed study that opened up the facts to the world. Immune cells after vaccination themselves become infected and carry, according to experts, a “virus”. According to the article, the antibodies will be a "Trojan horse" that gives the artificial virus access to all cells throughout the body. We will see massive illness and death among the vaccinated (https://www.journalofinfection.com/article/S0163-4453(21)00392-3/fulltext). Let me remind you: the Nobel Prize winner, Professor Luc Montagnier said that it is the vaccine that creates new variants. In an interview (deleted from all BigTech platforms) he claimed that for this reason, including the mass vaccination program, is a “huge medical mistake”. Does anyone still have doubts after reading the materials presented in this book that not "vaccines" were made for COVID-19, but COVID-19 was invented for "vaccines"! I very often hear statements like “they decide everything up there”, “I can’t change anything”, “what depends on me?”, “What can I do?”. Familiar? Have you ever heard such or similar statements? Absolutely everyone can change the world for the better. To do this is very simple, and for this you do not need to perform courageous feats.It's enough just to smile another person, help him. Do not require foam at the mouth, so that the buyer put on the mask. Do not shout "not to put out, while you don't wear a mask." Do not require that the employee flies to the execution of the procedures "experimental drugs", otherwise – firm. I may argue that these people perform their duties and can be fined. I will answer: you have to look, which is included in their duties. Does their list of duties come in their list of instructions, which contradict the laws? Unlikely. The health of each person is unique and invaluable. And only the person himself is responsible for his health. And only a person himself can decide – to wear a mask or not, to fulfill him a particular medical procedure or not. It is necessary to preserve humanity and humans! Only then we will remain people. Otherwise, it will be an unlike. The path leading to the loss of humanity leads to the extinction of all mankind and will happen faster than the extinction of dinosaurs at one time. Already now in our power to prevent this!

The Journal of Infection in the field of infectious diseases, covering microbiology, epidemiology and clinical practice, published a peer-review study that the facts opened the world. Immune cells after vaccination themselves become infected and carry, according to specialists, "Virus". According to the article, antibodies will be a "Trojan horse", which gives an artificial virus to penetrate into all cells throughout the body. We will see mass diseases and death among vaccinated (https://www.journalofinfection.com/article/s0163-4453(21)00392-3/fulltext). I remind you: the laureate of the Nobel Prize, Professor Luke Montagia said that it was the vaccine that creates new options. In one of the interviews (remote from all platforms Bigtech), he argued that for this reason, including a mass vaccination program is a "huge medical error." Someone else has doubts about familiarization with the materials presented in this book that not "vaccines" were made for COVID-19, and COVID-19 was invented for Vaccines! I often have to hear statements on the type "It's they are there above all decide", "I can't change anything," "What depends on me?", "What can I do?" Familiar? Have you heard such or similar statements? Absolutely every person can change the world for the better. Make it is very simple, and for this you do not need to commit courageous feats. It's enough just to smile another person, help him. Do not require foam at the mouth, so that the buyer put on the mask. Do not shout "not to put out, while you don't wear a mask." Do not require that the employee flies to the execution of the procedures "experimental drugs", otherwise – firm. I may argue that these people perform their duties and can be fined. I will answer: you have to look, which is included in their duties.Does their list of duties come in their list of instructions, which contradict the laws? Unlikely. The health of each person is unique and invaluable. And only the person himself is responsible for his health. And only a person himself can decide – to wear a mask or not, to fulfill him a particular medical procedure or not. It is necessary to preserve humanity and humans! Only then we will remain people. Otherwise, it will be an unlike. The path leading to the loss of humanity leads to the extinction of all mankind and will happen faster than the extinction of dinosaurs at one time. Already now in our power to prevent this!

The question "Why our authorities continue to insist on the use of measures against coronavirus, while their ineffectiveness is obvious