Larina Veronika Vladislavovna

Biological feedback | Bos-therapy

The Medgard clinic conducts a biological feedback method (BOS), whose task is to teach patients to arbitrary management by physiological processes of the body.

Bos therapy in the clinic "Medgard"

Larina Veronika Vladislavovna

Biological feedback or babo training in the Clinic "Medgard"

American psychologist and physiologist Neil Miller, on the basis of the teachings of the Russian academician Ivan Petrovich Pavlova, developed a unique, non-drug highly intelligent technology to correct the psychophysiological and emotional state of the patient.

This is the so-called biological feedback method (BOS), or Bos training, the essence of which is to teach patients to arbitrary management of physiological processes of the body, such as heart rate frequency and blood pressure, psycho-emotional status.

When is bos therapy applied?

BOS can be used not only the therapy of a wide range of diseases, but also rehabilitation, by considerable strengthening the life tone.

Bos trainingThe following problems will be the following problems with readings for BOS or computer

  • headaches;
  • psycho-emotional violations, including neurosis, depression, sleep disorders, panic attacks;
  • disorders concentration;
  • stuttering;
  • Disorder of an expressive letter (difficulties in mastering the skills of letters – spelling words and expressions of thoughts);
  • ticks, obsessive states;
  • Some forms of epilepsy;
  • Enapers (urine incontinence);
  • The consequences of encephalopathy and neuroinfection;
  • cerebrascency syndrome;
  • arterial hypertension
  • Bronchial asthma – some skin diseases, neurogenic origin;
  • as well as an irritable bowel syndrome.

It should be noted that as this technology develops, the circulation of indications for its use is constantly expanding. In addition to the purely therapeutic scope of application, the BOS method has proven effectiveness in psycho-emotional deviations, since:

  • Reduces emotional stress;
  • eliminates negative emotional background;
  • reduces the level of anxiety;
  • increases self-control and self-organization;
  • Increases stress resistance;
  • improves memory and attention;
  • Accelerates mental processes and increases creative potential.

The method is based on the formation of new behavioral stereotypes, their consolidation. Acquisition of relaxation skills, relaxation. The basic information for the BOS method is the EEG – electroencephalography data, the testimony of cardiac activity, muscle tone (miography), body temperature. The procedure is very comfortable for the surveyed and carried out in a comfortable chair.


A specialist based on analyzing the data of special sensors determines the physiological status of the patient, according to priority corrected parameters – electroencephalography (alpha rhythm and beta-rhythm), pulse frequency and respiration, muscle tension, body temperature.
Then begins the actual bos training session, during which the patient actively masters the methodology for fixing the functional state of the functional state in need of correction and learns to influence it.

Benefits of biological feedback method

Psycho-emotional Bos training allows you to effectively compensate for the consequences of stress and psycho-emotional overvoltage. A distinctive feature of BOS -Technology is purely individual approach .
To do this, there is a bank audio and video files that allow a session in a fascinating, relaxed format. At the same time, the electro-encephalography fixes the change in the brain activity of the surveyed.
Thus, an active, conscious participation of the patient is achieved in the process of correction of its condition.

On the patient's head dressed sensors for bos-therapy

The duration of one procedure and the duration of the course is also selected individually, depending on the objectives and tasks and in, average, is 30 – 40 minutes, and the course includes – from 10 to 40 sessions.

Contraindications for biological feedback

Procedures are safe, interesting and comfortable. Nevertheless, there are a number of contraindications.