Bioacoustic Correction – PSYMED

Bioacoustic correction Bioacoustic correction (tank) is a method of diagnosing and treating a wide range of diseases, combining neurotherapy technology, bio-controlled and music therapy.

Bioacoustic correction

Bioacoustic correction (tank) – Method of diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of diseases, combining neotrotherapy technology, bio-controlled and music therapy.

Bioacoustic correction is a non-drug, non-invasive rehabilitation method aimed at restoring the functional state of the central nervous system and mobilizing the natural reserves of the body.

Through this technique, the state of the brain is corrected. The computer program reads, and then, in real time, converts the electrical activity of the brain into the sound signals – "the music of your brain". After listening to this music, the central nervous system receives a kind of feedback on its state and on the deep level restores its normal activity, the processes of self-regulation are activated, the psycho-physiological state is improved, adaptive and protective mechanisms are included. And all this is controlled by the information readable with you.

The bioacoustic correction procedure has no age limit, is well tolerated, it is addictive. And can be combined with other types of treatment.

Where was the tank method and tested?

The method of bioacoustic correction was developed by neurophysiologists from the Institute of Experimental Medicine, RAMS, the department of physiology. I. P. Pavlova (St. Petersburg), a group of specialists of the neurodynamic correction of brain functions. The high efficiency of the methodology implemented in the Sync-C complex has been confirmed by 25-year scientific research in the FGBNU of experimental medicine, clinical trials in the State Ambulance. N. V. Sklifosovsky (Moscow), at the Institute of Brain Human RAS (St. Petersburg), St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy, SPB MAPO and in a number of other leading clinics of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The research results are set forth in scientific articles and are protected in dissertation work, a number of methodological benefits approved.

Who is the tank method show? (More …)

Bioacoustic correction is shown at

  • Speech disorders (disgrave, dyslexia, dysarthria, etc.);
  • Violations of mental speech development (VRP, ZPR, autism);
  • The consequences of the brain injuries;
  • Deficiency of attention and hyperactivity;
  • Ticks, thicoid hyperkinases;
  • Functional enuresis;
  • Emotional, neurological, mental disorders (phobias, panic attacks, anxiety, depression, etc.);
  • Dissences (sleep disorders);
  • Head pains of any etiology;
  • Pain syndrome;
  • Syndrome of "chronic fatigue";
  • Vegeth-vascular disorders;
  • Post-stress states; the need for increased mental and physical stress (exams, adaptation violations in school, etc.);

It is also effective in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the respiratory system, dermatology.

The procedure passes in a comfortable, relaxed state and lies in listening to "Music of the brain" through headphones.

The duration of one procedure from 15 to 25 minutes is assigned to a course from 7 to 15 sessions.


Acute postoperative period, hypertensive crisis, acute infectious diseases, acute head injuries, acute violations of cerebral and spinal circulation, myocardial infarction in acute period, acute and subacute inflammatory diseases of the head and spinal cord, its shells (myelit, meningitis, etc.) , sharp bleeding, acute mental illness.

With caution in epilepsy.

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