BAIKITSKY DISTRICT HOSPITAL IS 90 YEARS OLD! In February 1929, a hospital with 4 beds was opened in Baykit, and this date is considered the date of the formation of the Baykit district hospital. 90th anniversary celebration


In February 1929, a hospital with 4 beds was opened in Baykit, and this date is considered the date of the formation of the Baykit district hospital. The celebration of the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the hospital was timed to coincide with the professional holiday – Medical Worker's Day.

On June 15, on a Saturday sunny day, medical workers, those who were not busy at work, changed their hospital white gowns for festive clothes. The atmosphere in the hospitable House of Culture was permeated with the solemnity of the moment. Medical workers congratulated each other on the anniversary, accepted congratulations from third-party guests. They were smart, smiling, cheerful. In the foyer of the House of Culture, the viewers were presented with a gallery of colorful wall newspapers from each department of the hospital, the content of which aroused the genuine interest of the visitors of the festive event.

… The solemn part of the event was opened by the Deputy Head – Head of the Department for Support and Interaction with Local Self-Government in the Baykit Group of Settlements of the Department of Territorial Policy and Interaction with Local Self-Government of the EMR Administration V.S. Vasiliev. Presented the chief physician of BRB No. 1 with a congratulatory letter from the management of Vostokneftegaz LLC. I personally congratulated the staff of the hospital, wishing them all the best, earthly.

Chapter p. Baikit I.O. Skrebtsova read out and handed over to the collective-anniversary a letter of thanks from the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Alexander Uss, as well as from the administration of the village. Baykit. A congratulatory speech was made by the Chairman of the Baikit Village Council of Deputies I.G. Lobanova. From the local authorities was presented with a cash certificate for the purchase of a TV. For many years of conscientious work, loyalty to the chosen profession, a number of medical workers have been awarded certificates of honor, letters of thanks by local governments.

Director of MP EMR "Baikitenergo", deputy of the district Council of Deputies B.V. Verkhoturov, noting the nobility and kindness of the medical workers, wished the management to strengthen the personnel potential and build their work in such a way that it would bring spiritual satisfaction. He handed over to the administration of the institution a bank card for a certain amount of money. On behalf of the district council, he presented certificates of honor to the veterans of the team – operating nurse T.I. Ratakhina, general practitioner L.E. Blinkova, — Afanasyeva, letters of thanks – to more than ten medical workers – senior and middle managers, three of them – valuable gifts.

Marina Algisovna Balbysheva, Chief Physician of BRB No. 1, made a keynote speech in honor of the anniversary of the institution:

“The main staff of the hospital are employees who have worked for 10 years or more, many were born and raised in Baykit. Currently, the hospital is equipped with modern equipment for conducting diagnostic tests and providing medical care in accordance with the standards of medical care approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. There is a fluorographic computer installation, X-ray, mammography apparatus, ultrasound apparatus, endoscopic equipment, equipment for nursing children. When providing emergency medical care to the population, it became possible to remotely consult electrocardiographic studies to clarify the diagnosis and adjust the treatment. Today, the Baikit district hospital includes: a hospital, a polyclinic, the Surinda district hospital, the Poligus medical outpatient clinic, and 6 active feldsher-obstetric stations. Every year, about 1,000 people receive treatment at the hospital in a round-the-clock hospital, about 300 patients visit the day hospital, 36,000 visits to outpatient care are provided, specialists perform more than 150 operations, 58,000 laboratory tests, more than 3,000 radiological, 2.5 thousand fluorographic and the same number of ultrasound examinations.

But who are the people who stood at the origins of the development of Baikit healthcare? Over the years, the following people worked in the Baykit hospital and made a huge contribution to the development of healthcare:

1. Semenova Anna Petrovna, nurse

2. Matveev Boris Nikolaevich – SES doctor

3. Betonova Olga Stepanovna – therapist

4. Konovalenko (Mitrofanova) Lyudmila Ivanovna – operating room nurse, anesthetist

5.Kupris Algis Antonovich – surgeon, organizer of healthcare 6.Kazantseva (Semenova) Nina Iosifovna – nurse

7. Melnikova Antonina Petrovna – pediatrician

8. Reich Heinrich Robertovich – radiologist

9. Pankagir Lyudmila Alexandrovna – paramedic

10.Tyganova Tatyana Georgievna – head of the FAP s. Sulomai

11. Pavlova Maria Georgievna – head of the Poligusovsky district hospital

12. Korotkova Zinaida Alexandrovna – obstetrician-gynecologist;

13. Lopanitsina Valentina Ivanovna – paramedic

14. Khamitova Roza Makhmutovna – obstetrician-gynecologist (deputy chief physician for organizational and methodological work)

15. Tyulkina Anastasia Nikiforovna – phthisiopediatrician

It is impossible to list everyone, but we remember you all and honor your contribution to our common cause.

Special thanks to the veterans who every day performed a civil feat, and in any weather, in the heat, in the cold, they reached remote villages, sometimes risking their lives, and provided medical assistance to the population of the Baykit region.Kudos to you and many thanks! The best traditions are continued by the current generation of medical workers. Among them are N.I. Suvorova, T.I. Voskodavenko, G.S.

Mironova, L.E. Blinkova, T.P. Kuzmina, A.F. Voloshin, N.V. Vokhmina,

G.I. Matveeva, E.I. Vorontsova, T.I. Ratakhina and many, many others.

The experience of these workers in medicine is from thirty to 50 years, and, in particular, in the Baykit hospital.

And today's holiday is a great occasion to thank each of you. Dear doctors, paramedics, nurses, orderlies, and everyone involved in healthcare! They say: "Medicine is made up of science and art, and over them stretches a wonderful cover of heroism." It really is.

I sincerely congratulate you on your 90th anniversary and Medical Worker's Day!

Everything you do today for people is the highest degree of professionalism. The most important thing is that the work of your whole life, which you have chosen, will give you satisfaction after many decades. So that your eyes burn from work just as they burn today, and the feeling of joy never leaves you. May this anniversary day become brighter and warmer for you from the congratulations of grateful patients and colleagues! Peaceful sky to you, professional success and optimism! Be healthy and happy!

I express my gratitude to all the veterans of our institution, who have devoted more than a dozen years of their professional activity, protecting the health of the population of the Baikitsky district! Without health, it is difficult to work well, raise children, enjoy life, enjoy every day. Today, the healthcare sector is going through difficult times: deficit budgets, lack of personnel. I want to thank you for the fact that, despite all the difficulties, you honestly and selflessly do your own thing, proving every day that there are no random people in the field of medicine. You are true professionals in your field, working by vocation and aware of your responsibility to patients. I am sure that you will be able to continue the glorious traditions, develop and increase the achievements of your mentors, that your knowledge, creative energy and healthy ambitions will lead to the prosperity of the Baikit regional hospital and the 100th anniversary!”

Then the awards ceremony continued. Replacing each other, the named workers of the collective rose to the stage. And there were many. There was an impression that no one was forgotten, since each of them makes a significant contribution to the development and strengthening of health care in the Baikit territory of rural settlements.

Certificates of honor of the Ministry of Health of the Krasnoyarsk Territory were awarded to 10 medical workers, including surgeon A.F. Voloshin, to whose award the villagers reacted violently, shouting from their seats: “Thank you! We love you!”, embarrassing an adult man, as well as an obstetrician-gynecologist —– Popova, who also loudly said the word “Thank you!”

The word for congratulations was given to a veteran of medicine, a guest of the anniversary celebration, Ekaterina Alexandrovna Chernobrysova: “I left Baykit in 2005 for resettlement,” she said, “During the 14 years of my absence, so much has changed in Baykit! The village has become unrecognizable, so prettier! Medical institutions have become just toys: everywhere is clean, comfortable, new diagnostic preparations have been purchased. We did not even dream of such a thing when, in 1958, after graduating from the Krasnoyarsk Medical College, I arrived in Evenkia. 4 years worked in Miryuge. Then I met my half Gennady and we moved to Baykit. She devoted her whole life to medicine. She worked both in the ambulance and in the hospital. I wish you all success in all your affairs and happiness, both in personal and family life.

The famous national ensemble "Togokon" took part in the concert program with the song "Northern Latitude", handing the staff of the hospital a large birthday cake. To the accompaniment of T.G. Grosheva for the first time on the big stage were soloists-girls from the ensemble "Smile" Elizaveta Visitskaya and Anna Stasyuk. Grateful spectators supported them with loud applause. Encore!" and "bravo!" the performances of the dance groups of the ensemble "Begakan", kids and adults of the kindergarten team "Olenyonok" were perceived. Soloists Marina Bryukhanova, Vasilisa Tretyakova, Irina Lepeshkina, doctor N.I. Suvorov. The hosts of the concert, Tatyana Petrova and Evgenia Vlasova, before the announcement of the performances, successfully improvised reprises on medical topics with screensavers.

At the final stage, the young staff of the team performed a catchy flash mob. And, of course, as without a common photo as a keepsake! The picture has been taken. The anniversary celebration was exciting, worthy. “May you never have to doubt the benefit that you bring with every minute of your work! Until we meet again!”, the hosts of the concert program wished the medical workers and all the participants of the celebration.