Popold pain

Back knee pain: causes and treatment

The knee joints are designed to provide motor function. This article focuses on back pain below the knee.

How to cure back pain under the knee

The knee joints are responsible for movement. The quality of human life depends on their health. Often people complain of pain in the knee, but there is pain under the knee, behind. It is hazardous to health.

Pain occurs in a person of any age, even in a child, which indicates a growing organism. An adult needs to pay special attention to pain. Consider common diseases.

Varieties of pain

Pain under the knee can be different: pulling, strong, sharp, difficult to bear, slightly aching. Aching pain is associated with inflammation in the joint. Sharp pain indicates injury, tendon rupture, fracture. Pain of an acute nature is a signal of damage to the menisci. In addition to pain under the knee, stiffness, decreased mobility of the body, and pain during extension occur at the same time. Redness of the skin, swelling, Focusing on the signs, the doctor will prescribe the correct treatment.

Causes of popliteal pain

It is difficult to immediately recognize the causes of pain. The joint is not involved in this, the point is in the popliteal fossa, located behind the knee. If it hurts, then the muscles, ligaments, tendons, popliteal vein are broken, the lymph nodes are inflamed.

Lack of vitamins, microelements, persistent sports lead to pain, tendon rupture.

Popold pain

Osteochondrosis is also the cause of back popliteal pain. To exclude osteochondrosis from the diagnosis, computed tomography is done.

Diseases associated with knee pain

  • Becker's cyst. If, in addition to pain, swelling of the popliteal fossa occurs, it looks like a disease – Becker's cyst.

From the inside, the joint is covered with a sheath that produces lubrication, if the sheath is inflamed, fluid is released. There is pressure on the shell, it swells. Behind the knee joint, a little higher, a seal is formed – a cyst, noticeable when the limbs are extended.

The disease often occurs in people over 40 years of age. The cyst is accompanied by pain, numbness, tingling, and problematic flexion of the toes.

For diagnosis, ultrasound, MRI are done. Treatment consists of injections with anti-inflammatory drugs, special knee pads sold in orthopedic salons, and restrictions on physical activity. In difficult cases, a puncture is made – pumping out fluid, administering an anti-inflammatory drug. In advanced cases, the cyst is removed by surgery.

  • Meniscus cyst. The touch is not diagnosed. Pain behind the knee. The diagnosis is made after a comprehensive examination. The cause of the disease is an excessive load on the joint. Athletes often suffer from this. The cyst is treated with anti-inflammatory and painkillers.
  • Meniscus tear. Appears with a sharp movement of the joint.Если болит под коленом – это явный признак повреждения.
  • Нарушение связки.

Bunch under the knee

Связки составляют мягкую ткань подколенной ямки, они напряжены при сильных физических нагрузках. Травмы связок ведут к сильной подколенной боли, отёчности. Часто встречается у ребёнка.

В отличие от кисты Бейкера, при надавливании отёк не уменьшается, боль носит тянущий характер. Главное лечение – покой. Также противовоспалительное лечение, ношение надколенника, физиопроцедуры. Правильное лечение, реабилитация восстановят сухожилия и связки.

  • Гнойно-воспалительные заболевания.

Если в рану ниже колена, в области голеностопа, попала инфекция, возникает абсцесс, сопровождающийся болью. Инфекция проникает в лимфоузлы, воспаляющиеся и увеличивающиеся в размерах. Устраняют боль хирургическим вмешательством, вскрытием гнойника.

Лимфатические узлы расположены глубоко, покраснения и отёчности нет. Есть тянущая боль.

  • Нервно-сосудистые заболевания. В подколенной ямке, чуть выше, проходит связка сосудов и нервов, воспаляющиеся, причиняя боли при разгибании. Если боль отдаёт в стопу, значит, у пациента воспалился большеберцовый нерв. Пульсирующая боль сзади колена связана с нарушением артерии. Приложив руку ниже колена, почувствуете пульсацию. Не спутайте заболевание артерии с заболеванием кисты Бейкера. Встречается заболевание, называемое тромбоз подколенной вены. Выявляется ультразвуковым исследованием сосудов.
  • Varicose. Возникает, когда сосуды теряют пропускную способность, начинают расширяться. Возникают судороги в области ниже колена, появляются синие вены, видимые выше и ниже коленного сустава.

Лечение направлено на укрепление стенок сосудов, выявление причины заболевания. Применяются лекарства, мази. При сложных случаях помогает операция – иссечение вены.

Varicose vessels

Чтобы исключить тромб, сделайте УЗИ сосудов, обратитесь к флебологу. Тромбофлебит – вещь серьёзная, создаётся ощущение, что тянет гиря вниз, появляется тяжесть в ногах. Не медлите с этим.

Кроме этих заболеваний, боли способствуют причины:

  • травмы вследствие ушибов;
  • травмы вследствие резкого подъёма физических нагрузок без разминки;
  • воспалительные заболевания в суставе;
  • смещение коленной чашечки; ;
  • деформация сустава;
  • лишний вес – фактор, провоцирующий повреждение колена;
  • заболевания тазобедренного сустава, боль при сгибе.

Рассмотрим симптомы, требующие обращение к врачу.

Признаки беспокойства

  1. Боль несильная, долго не проходит и ощущается от 5 дней.
  2. Идёт увеличение боли, повышается температура, самочувствие слабое.
  3. Больно наступать при ходьбе, при сгибании.
  4. Болит нога под коленом, одновременно сильный отёк сустава.
  5. Визуально нога деформирована в области колена, ощущается острая боль.
  6. Больно подниматься, спускаться, болит под коленом при ходьбе.

Профилактика заболеваний необходима

Профилактика важнее лечения.It is better not to conduct medical procedures, but preventive. In order not to get a tendon and bundle break, follow the rules.

Even if you are a professional athlete, let's adequate loading on the joints during bend. This applies to newbies wishing rapid results, a child who does not know how to distribute the load, risking damaging the ligaments. Joint injuries occur in training, competitions. It is advisable in classes to protect the knee with an elastic bandage or a wedge.

If the work is associated with one movement movement, the structure of the knee joint is gradually destroyed, regular breaks, warm-ups are introduced into the operating mode.

Athletes must comply with a diet, use products that strengthen ligaments.

Constantly watch over weight. Excess weight increases the load on the knee joints, leads to deformation, a pulling pain appears.

If you hit the knee strongly, try to reduce the motor activity. For three days, the knee is restored.

Try not to overeat the joints, follow the legs of the child. During sedentary work, take breaks, knead the legs. Sit in the right position, do not bend your knees, do not cross the legs, it is harmful to the joints.

Strengthen the muscles of the legs. Make gymnastics with an adequate increase in load, squat, make the exercise "bike".

After a labor day, make feet baths with warm water. Add naval salt, aromatic oils, decoction of chamomile, relieving soloity. Raise the legs above, on small sofa pillows, it will remove fatigue, restore motor activity. Knee joints relax.

Leisure for foot

Take more time to sleep, sleep – medicine from many diseases.

If treatment has passed, do not enter immediately into the operating mode. Gradually, develop a joint, wear an elastic bandage, restoring muscles, take medicines. Engage in rehabilitation.

The disease is easier to warn, than to treat, buy expensive medicines, to endure pain.

Treatment of diseases

Before treatment, find out the causes of the fallen pain. Contact your doctor, pass a comprehensive examination. Depending on the cause of pain, visit the therapist, surgeon, phlebologist, vascular surgeon, neuropathologist.

Set gentle mode, possibly bed. Remove or reduce the load on the knee joints.

If the doctor prescribed, buy a locking bandage, or the lining in the orthopedic cabin.

If a knee hurts when walking, use anti-inflammatory ointments and creams. With unbearable pain, use painkillers.

The prescriptions of the doctor must be observed, then the treatment will be rapid and efficient.

Treatment with folk remedies

In the treatment of pain of the rear side of the knee joint, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine.

Relaxing baths with decoction and aromatic oils relax legs and the whole organism.

For relaxation, use sea salt.In the fight against waste, convulsions, a couple of chamomile spoons to pour a glass of boiling water, let it be, strain, pour into a basin with water. The bath is accepted while the water is warm.

Take up contrast baths. We climb into the pelvis, we put two containers with cold and hot water. In turn, some cold, part of hot, water your feet for 7 minutes. Watering towel.

Take the ice cube, take the foot. Lode improves microcirculation. Loda can be made of grasses ragners to relieve inflammation. This is a proven folk remedy.

Prepare a chestnut tincture. We take 300g chestnut, crushing, pour 500g vodka. We leave for 14 days, periodically scolding. Before bedtime, we regularly rub the knee, under the knee.

Many people enjoy folk remedies. This is a strong pharmacy.

Often, pain under the knee occurs due to long walking, long ride by bike, the muscles of both legs hurt, this speaks of a sedentary lifestyle, irregular loads. The right solution is daily exercise.

Pains are found in athletes regularly increasing loads. The knee joints must be in peace, warming ointments can be applied to relieve pain.

If the pains do not pass, consult a doctor for clarifying the cause and elimination. Do not spend independent treatment! It is dangerous, leads to complications.