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Ayurveda cures diseases that conventional medicine is powerless to overcome” — doctor Boris Ragozin – Moskvich Mag

You can walk all your life with a nebulizer, or you can try to cure asthma with the help of Ayurveda, the oldest Indian traditional medicine, whose experience spans several millennia. "Moskvich Mag" talked with the founder of the first professional Ayurvedic medical education in the country – the Department of Ayurveda of the Institute of Oriental Medicine of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and his own school, doctor Boris Ragozin about which people should not drink cold drinks, how …

“Ayurveda eliminates diseases that are beyond the power of official medicine” – doctor Boris Ragozin

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You can walk all your life with a nebulizer, or you can try to cure asthma with the help of Ayurveda, the oldest Indian traditional medicine, whose experience spans several millennia.

Moskvich Mag talked to the founder of the country's first professional Ayurvedic medical education – the Department of Ayurveda of the Institute of Oriental Medicine of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and his own school, doctor Boris Ragozin about which people should not drink cold drinks, how to learn about problems with the spine using the lines in the tongue and why It's bad to read while eating.

A few years ago, you founded the Department of Ayurveda at the Institute of Oriental Medicine of the RUDN University, thereby transferring the method of natural Indian medicine to the rank of official Russian science. Now you have your own school. And where is it better to study Ayurveda – in Russia or India?

Anyone who wants to study Ayurveda professionally, I advise you to do it in India. But this is a long time: five years at an institute or university, then three years each for a candidate's and doctoral degrees. I myself graduated from the Medical Faculty of RUDN University, but I was interested in an approach that treats not diagnoses, but the person as a whole. Since there was no such education in Russia at that time, I went abroad: I studied world healing practices for a long time, listened to lectures by acupuncturists in China, but only when I got acquainted with the Indian traditional healing system, I realized that I like this approach the most. And he became the first Ayurvedic doctor from Russia who received a full-fledged education in India: he studied for nine years, first at the Gujarat Ayurvedic University (GAU), then in Bombay and Calcutta.

Today in Russia, in addition to basic medical education, professional education in Ayurveda is also available. For graduates of medical universities, there are two options: the department at the PFUR, which I headed for three years, and the Ayurvedic school of Ragozin.

How is Ayurvedic approach different from allopathic approach?

Ayurveda is a traditional medicine, the same as Chinese or Tibetan, originated in India a couple of thousand years ago, and allopathy, modern evidence-based medicine, is only 150-200 years old.

The approach of Indian traditional doctors is holistic – no one treats only a symptom or diagnosis, but balances the entire body system.

The main principles of this approach are: correct diagnosis, which can be carried out by pulse, tongue, eyes, then search for the cause of the disease. This may be a violation of nutrition or lifestyle, and only after that, based on the type of human constitution, treatment is prescribed. It also consists of several stages. First you need to establish proper nutrition, suitable for the individual type, spices and the right lifestyle. Sometimes after that all the problems go away. If not, then the doctor selects churnas (herbal powders), may prescribe mineral treatment, massages based on oils soaked in herbs, and other procedures.

The 125-year-old Hindu teacher who taught me how to diagnose by the pulse said that if you are supposed to live a hundred years, then a person will live. But the question is how? You can be disabled after fifty and hang on the neck of your relatives for another half a century, or you can lead an active and vigorous lifestyle.

It is important to maintain a balance of work and leisure – if this is not done, then there will be problems. For example, in workaholic women, they can manifest as premature menopause. I have patients with menopause at 35 years old.

If the pulse diagnosis is widely known in Chinese medicine, then how is the tongue diagnosed in Ayurveda?

On the lines of the tongue, you can understand in which organs there are problems. A straight line passing through the entire tongue indicates problems with the spine. The line at the base of the tongue is closer to the larynx – problems in the cervical region, and at the tip – in the lumbar. The imprints of teeth on the tongue along the edges indicate that a person does not chew food, but swallows it. White plaque indicates an excess of mucus in the body, in other words, undigested food, and yellow indicates gastrointestinal problems, thick bile, liver problems. There is an eye diagnostic that takes into account the color of the iris, lines, dots. But I prefer to diagnose by the pulse, as it is easier for me personally to understand the state of the doshas in the body.

What are doshas?

"Dosha" in Sanskrit means an element or quality that dominates in a person.

There are three basic types of people: vata dosha, pitta dosha and kapha dosha. For example, a state of anxiety indicates the predominance of vata dosha, anger and irritability indicate an excess of pitta dosha, and excessive puffiness or fatty deposits occur in people with kapha dosha. As a rule, all three doshas are mixed in our body, but some one is too strongly manifested, and our task is to harmonize the body and remove imbalance problems.

People with a predominance of vata dosha, or the element of air, are usually restless, suspicious, anxious, often have problems sleeping, cracking joints, unstable digestion, and a tendency to constipation. They are characterized by dryness of the body, sometimes this manifests itself in character. At the same time, Vata people are easy-going and perceive information well.True, they immediately forget – reading the book to the end, can forget what was at the beginning.

With age, the influence of the dash increases, and the elderly often meets Dementia or Parkinson. Many businessmen with an increased cotton wool sleep and appetite, they work for wear, all the time do something, but do not always understand why. They need to learn to relax and restore.

Peetta people have good metabolism, but there is a tendency to irritability and anger, they have a lot of inside fire, with such a partner it is sometimes difficult to lie in bed – the heat sinks from it. Men with an excess of Pitti early bald, and women often have problems with a hormonal background, an endocrine system and infertility. For this type, it is important to work with your anger, no matter how it manifest itself, out – do not yell on loved ones or subordinates and not direct anger inwards. In both cases, this leads to diseases.

And finally, the people of the Constitution of Kapha. They are slower, thicker, everyone is perceived slowly, but over time they remember very well. They are more stable than Pitt and Wat, in habit, nutrition and partner. These are good performers, everyone is brought to the end, unlike the type of cotton, which is completely difficult to finish the case.

And meals for different types of people different?

There are general nutrition principles for Ayurveda, with which all types can establish their digestion:

– take food regularly and at the same time;

– chew thoroughly, not on the go;

– to be conscious, to understand that you eat, and enjoy the process, you can not read for food;

– It is not recommended to combine some products, such as fruits and vegetables, meat and fish (after a steak, it will not go), cold and hot, fermented milk products and fresh fruits (and we love yogurts with fresh fruits or berries).

But there are concrete recommendations for types. So, people of the cotton constitution are harmful to cold food, for them, in principle, warm and slightly oily food, warm clothing, even partner need an emotional, otherwise a person will hide in his Mirka.

Pitta has a good digestion, but at the same time a tendency to a liquid chair. It is important for them to avoid hot, sharp or excessively cold food. But since people with an excess of Pitta are often hot, they, on the contrary, love cold milk or a lot of ice cream that they do not need at all.

Kapha-dosha is prone to excess weight – even if they eat quite a little bit, they still fully fully. They can not eat for the night, be sure to unloading days, sometimes a monodilet.

But constantly observe some diet – absurd, we are constantly changing, it is better to figure out how our own gastrointestinal tract. If the most useful dish causes bloating and gas formation, it means that food is absorbed not to the end and you must first set this moment.

How exactly?

Full time with spices. In Russia, we mainly use salt and pepper, and in Ayurveda it is recommended to use turmeric, coriander, cumin, spices that contribute to the release of enzymes and release the intestine from gases.

What diseases are best treated with Ayurveda?

Almost everyone, even those that modern medicine cannot cope with. For example, with asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, pressure problems, diseases of the endocrine system. Of course, it all depends on the stage of the disease, for Ayurveda it is easier to prevent than to treat the chronic. But the initial stages of Parkinson's, dementia, Alzheimer's disease are treated well.

Do you treat cancer?

In Russia, I have many patients who, in addition to chemotherapy and radiation, come for maintenance therapy: their hair does not fall out and good digestion remains, the quality of life improves. In India, cancer is being treated, and successfully.


Obviously, there are herbs that affect the improvement of immunity and the recovery of the body after a virus, including the restoration of lung tissue. In India, there have been many studies on the topic of coronavirus, but little time has passed to draw any definite conclusions. I personally cannot give a 100% guarantee, there are too few examples.

What do Muscovites come to you with?

Basically, these are problems with the nervous system, with sleep, with digestion, tonsillitis, sinusitis, laryngitis and chronic diseases. If there are problems with digestion, then sometimes one meeting is enough to establish the process, and for chronic insomnia or other neglected conditions, a long course of treatment, including marma massage, may be required.

What it is?

Marma massage is one of the varieties of Ayurvedic massage on energy points, it is done using special oils in which herbs are boiled. In addition to reflexology (impact on energy points), oil also becomes a medicine, which, getting into the subcutaneous layers and lymphatic channels, spreads throughout the body.

What are the main rules of Ayurveda to help you stay healthy and live long?

What in yoga, what in Ayurveda one should try to live consciously, to live every moment of being. If we eat, we think about food and enjoy it. If we are with relatives, then we do not sit on the phone, but we communicate attentively. At night, you can’t stay awake or work, you need to get enough sleep.

These are basic rules, but they are very difficult to follow in modern life. In fact, everything is simple: sleep, food and sex are the three main pillars of health and longevity.