Anti-aging medicine – Anti-Age | Sanatorium Metallurg Sochi: Treatment and meals, all inclusive, swimming pool and your beach

Anti-aging medicine – anti-age What is anti-aging medicine is a direction that allows you to increase life expectancy, improve the quality of life. Concept

Anti-Age Medicine – Anti-Age

What is anti-aging medicine – This is a direction that allows you to increase life expectancy, improve the quality of life. The concept of anti-aging medicine "Successful aging", that is, look no age, age and do not hurt, take an active part in the life of society.

Anti-aging medicine – This is a solution to the internal problems of the body, the normalization and restoration of the activities of organs and systems.

Visit the specialist recommended for the following diseases:

  • obesity (metabolic syndrome), diabetes;
  • Hypertensive disease, atherosclerosis, transferred stroke or heart attack;
  • Hypogonadism (syndrome, accompanied by a violation of the production of genital hormones, which leads to atrophically changes in female genital organs, causing dryness and discomfort in genital);
  • diseases of the joints;
  • oncology.

All these diseases belong to the age of associated states, which arise due to an increase in insulin hormone (hyperinsulinism) – hormone old age.

How to improve the quality of life and life expectancy:

  • Proper nutrition (prevention and treatment of insulin resistance);
  • exercise (which allows to improve the quality of skeletal muscles and prevent sarkopenia);
  • restoration and normalization of the autonomic nervous system, sleep;
  • Correction of hypogonadism (normalization of hormone imbalances using menopausal hormone therapy);
  • Modern cellular technologies: (autohemotherapy (plasmolifting), placental therapy, embryonic cells, stem cells);
  • Aesthetic and reconstructive gynecology (fillers with hyaluronic acid, nite elevating).

Sign up for reception to specialists: therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, urologist, dermatocosmetologist in Sanatorium "Metallurg". Pre-registration by phone: 8 (800) 200-21-14 (DOW.2). Daily from 8:00 to 20:00.