Purpose and result of recreation

Animation as a type of cultural and leisure activities, determination of the concepts of "leisure", "recreation", "rest", "Tourist leisure", "cultural and leisure activities" II. History of mass festivals and spectacles – Animation in recreation and tourist activity

Determination of the concepts of "leisure", "recreation", "rest", "Tourist leisure", "cultural and leisure activities" II. The history of mass festivals and spectacles Scientists claim that the development of modern

Determination of the concepts of "leisure", "recreation", "rest", "Tourist leisure", "cultural and leisure activities" II. The history of mass festivals and spectacles

Scientists argue that the development of modern civilization in our time depends not so much from scientific and technological progress as from human improvement. Concerning, ". The development of the personality, all its essential forces becomes not only a humane ideal, but also acquires the nature of the need for the natural development of society "[1].

The active development of the personality of public and production relations depends on the interests and needs of the person, its political, cultural and moral development in the field of production and leisure.

In the approaches to an understanding of leisure, there are still no complete unity and at the same time there are three positions:

  • 1) division of time on working and away when "leisure" and "Hasive time" are considered as the same;
  • 2) identification of concepts "Leisure" and "Free Time";
  • 3) Leisure – part of free time, recreation and entertainment that are not related to the development of the personality.

AT "The explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language" V.I. Dal gives a person characteristic in leisure conditions as "A person free from affairs, classes. " Before The beginning of the XX century Concept "leisure" meant free, unoccupied time.

The Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary gives such a definition: "Leisure (free time) is a part of non-working time (within the borders of the day, week, year), remaining in humans (group, society) minus the immutable, necessary costs. The structure of the free time is distinguished by active creative (including public) activities; study, self-education; Cultural (spiritual) consumption (reading newspapers, books, visit to the cinema, etc.); Sport I.

Other; Amateur classes, games with children; Communication with other people "[2].

Since ancient times, leisure was considered as a goal and a way to satisfy various needs, including cultural. Consequently, classes of certain types of activities are important not so much for society as for the person. They are an additional type of classes in relation to the main production plant. It is possible that at certain stages of historical development, some of these classes rose to rank the main. This is evidenced by, for example, the development of various types of intellectual and artistic activities from early historical stages to the present.

Of particular interest is the Russian ethnographic school in the face of I. Abramov, A. Afanasyev, A. Bolotova, V. Daly, I. Relin, M. Relinina, A. Ephremenko and many other ethnographers. Thanks to their unique research, today there are a lot of various information about Russian and other peoples' consumer life.

In the works of N. F. Maksyutin, it is noted that "cultural and leisure activities there is a subsystem of the spiritual and cultural life of society, which is functionally uniting social institutions, designed to ensure the spread of spiritual and cultural values, their active creative development in leisure activities to the formation of harmoniously developed, creative personality. "

Modern researchers, such as D. Genkin, A. Zharkov, E. Klozko, developed a scientific approach to technology of cultural and leisure activities. The concept of "technology of cultural and leisure activities" was introduced in 1990. Prior to this, only the concepts of "organization" and "technique" were used in the terminological apparatus of cultural and educational work. With the help of the concept of cultural fossession technology, both its components can be reflected both

The technical process itself is its functioning. The direct being of the personality and dominants of cultural and leisure activities are due to the characters of mentality, the guidelines of spiritual and moral values ​​and are the very essence of the technological process. The rod technology of cultural and leisure activities is the satisfaction of the circle of human needs.

In the life of society, leisure is important for stabilization, tension, preventing public conflicts, strengthening solidarity, the relationship of generations, communication, meeting the needs of personality in joy, entertainment, etc. The possibilities of leisure facilitating the strengthening of social groups have been known at an early stage of development In connection with which they were officially established, first of all, such forms such as holidays and rites who have become commonplace, that is, equally important for all members of social or ethnic community. Therefore, society is interested in the preservation and development of holidays, rites, rituals, collective forms of communication, entertainment and recreation.

There are many diverse modern typology leisure. The most significant of them: dividing leisure to active; daily, weekly, vacation, festive home and apparent; Individually and collectively organized.

The leisure culture is a manifestation of the inner culture of a person, which suggests the presence of certain personal properties, which make it meaningfully and with benefit to conduct free time.

We list a number of general provisions that allow you to characterize full-fledged tourist leisure:

  • 1. A mandatory "external" condition predetermined the emergence of leisure at all, as well as any kind of varieties, can be considered free time.
  • 2The human activity in their free time is determined by objective conditions, the environment, material security of cultural and leisure institutions, resorts, IT hotels. d.
  • 1

Cultural and leisure activities / Ed. A. D. Zharkova, V. M. Chizhikov. – M., 1998.

  • 3. The society is interested in the effective use of the free time of people in order to socio-economic development and the spiritual update of all our lives, so it can be argued that leisure is a socially conscious need.
  • 4. At the same time, leisure is a necessary and inalienable element of the human lifestyle. In this regard, it is important that the person himself recognizes his need for a full-fledged and informative leisure. The value of this need is extremely large, because the presence of only external, although determining, conditions are not enough to implement the objectives of the comprehensive human development.
  • 5. In addition, leisure certainly implies a free choice of personality leisure activities. Therefore, tourist leisure is considered as the realization of the interests of the individual associated with recreation, self-development, self-realization, communication, rehabilitation, etc. This is the social role of tourist cultural leisure.
  • 6. Undoubtedly, leisure should be diverse, interesting, wearing entertainment and unobtrusive. Such conditions can be provided with the provision of each opportunity to actively express themselves in various types of recreation and entertainment.
  • 7. It is necessary to achieve overcoming the consumer attitude of tourists to his leisure, which is inherent in many people, who believes that someone else should ensure that someone else should provide someone else, and not they themselves. Consequently, the efficiency of leisure use largely depends on the person himself, from his personal culture, interests, etc.
  • 8. The activities of tourists in sphere of free time are based on voluntary, personal initiative, interest in communication and creativity. In this regard, issues of communication in groups and the typology of leisure behavior are becoming relevant. Therefore, it is possible to talk about the meaning of events, about the forms and methods of work only when the psychology of the personality and psychology of groups, teams and the masses is taken into account.

Today, tourism is becoming an increasingly wide sector of cultural leisure where the creative and spiritual potential of man and society is self-realization and the spiritual potential. By implementing a recreational goal, given the personal initiative and voluntariness in leisure conditions, leisure organizers create such events in which recreation programs, self-development and creativity are laid.

The term "recreation" was first introduced in America at the end of the XIX century due to the establishment of a normalized 8-hour working day, weekends and vacations. It put society before the need to solve issues of mass leisure people.

Term Recreation – Latin verbs derivative update and restore.

The value of this term clearly indicates a close connection of recreation with functions related to restoring or updating any human qualities. From the point of view of the effect Recreation – The process of restoring the psychophysical balance of the human body (Fig. 1).

Recreation involves the inclusion of a person in specific, enriching the identity, activities. This circumstance is the main significant difference in recreational activities from leisure, since leisure activities do not have a pronounced value orientation, since both positive and negative, destructive identity types of activity (for example, hooliganism) can be included in it.

Purpose and result of recreation

Rice. one. Purpose and result of recreation

Thus, only activities that create a healthy, restoring effect are recreational, i.e., constructive, positive, socially acquitted types of classes. Recreational activities – activities in free time, delivering and possessing socially acceptable qualities.

In the tourism encyclopedia, recreation is defined as:

"1) expanded reproduction of human forces (physical, intellectual and emotional);

  • 2) any game, entertainment, etc., used to restore physical and mental forces;
  • 3) The most rapidly developing segment of the leisure industry associated with the participation of the population in the active vacation in the open air, which comes mainly on the weekend;
  • 4) Perestroika of the body and human populations, ensuring the possibility of active activities under various conditions, nature and environmental changes "[3]

Recreation is aimed at:

  • – human healing by removing industrial and non-production mental and physical fatigue through the movement;
  • – satisfaction and development of cultural needs, knowledge of the surrounding world, its place in it and the meaning of its existence;
  • – increase in the overall culture of human health during occupations in wellness centers;

improving the ability of a person to work, an increase in the duration of preserving full-fledged health, which leads to an increase in the working time fund due to the reduction of diseases and increase the life tone;

  • – expansion of the scope of the application of labor;
  • – an increase in the employment of the population by recreational services in recreation institutions and in industries indirectly related to recreation (production of sports equipment and tourist equipment, construction of recreation objects);

– Significant influence on the structure of the balance of money incomes and spending of the population due to the organization of recreational activities.

The encyclopedic dictionary gives such a definition: "Rest – resting rest or activities of this kind that removes fatigue and contributes to the restoration of performance" 1

Rest is an integral part of the social, economic and cultural life of the nation, as well as one of the main components of the individual and collective behavior of the person. This is a process aimed at creating a medium that contributes to the discovery and development of the features that make a person happy. Happiness and positive globility are by-products of a full-fledged rest. In other words, happiness is given to those who can relax well.

Being on vacation, people are happy together with life, and this allows them to establish a stronger relationship based on pleasant memories of good joint pastime. As you know, there are passive and active types of recreation. The main meaning of this separation is the definition of the types of movement and the intensity of human activity in the process of rest.

The choice of active or passive recreation depends on individual needs, habits, health, interests and desires of vacationers, as well as financial opportunities. Over time, a change in age, the level of education, life experience, marital status and income, as well as other factors, the recreation is gradually changing, transformed, transformed.

Passive rest – This is a security state. Passive rest and passive types of tourism are focused on a calmer and less intense, in the sense of physical exertion, the program of the tour or tourist journey. They are designed for persons who are more prone to a calm, measured time, requiring less intense cycle of displacements and physiological loads.

Passive rest is needed, but it is advisable only in reasonable limits. On the basis of passive recreation, people have a habit of leisure idleness and boredom. The proportion of it, as the experience shows, is relatively small.

7 Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary. – M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1989.- 959.

During active rest There is not only the physiological recharging of the body, but also the development of the personality. This requires no longer a physical relaxation, and active leisure, saturated with interesting entertainment, exciting activities and a number of other components.

The existing theory of active recreation has been found that the most effective way to remove the state of fatigue is not just temporary peace of tired bodies, but peace related to the work of other bodies. The psycho-physiological essence of such a rest lies in the periodic alternation of different activities, i.e. the states of nerve cells from the inhibited to a strongly excited and vice versa. Rest, organized on the basis of the exact knowledge of the psychology and physiology of man and accounting for the respective psycho-physiological patterns, allows to solve recreational tasks with much greater efficiency.

Organization of rest differs in a complex structure and a variety of forms of manifestation, that is, it is highly differentiated. Differentiation of the needs of vacationers is important for determining the structure and form of recreational activities and recreational services. In addition, to achieve this goal, it is necessary to analyze recreational resources.

Various types of recreation determine its specificity and differences in recreational services. Accommodation funds can be public, own, rented, owned by other citizens (private sector), etc. A special group includes types of recreation that do not require placement funds for the implementation. By duration rest is divided into long (multi-day), weekend rest, or weekend (2-3 days), and one-day.

Various types of cultural and leisure activities that a person is engaged in have certain characteristics of established meanings, established traditions, selected norms and patterns of behavior based on needs, motives and goals, conditions and means of achieving results; actions and operations; the subject and product of activity and are components of the mechanism of technology.

The technology of cultural and leisure activities as a system consists of several subsystems. They are interconnected and represent the unity of ideal and subject components:

  • – organizational subsystem – staffing, job descriptions, availability of departments, sectors, work participants, etc.;
  • – a subsystem of methodological activity – scenario development, methodological recommendations, description of experience, etc.;
  • – psychological subsystem – formal and informal structures, relations between participants in the activity, etc.

Taking into account the general physiological and psychological abilities of a person, manifested in recreational, cognitive and creative activities, a new direction of tourist activity is currently being implemented – animation, which is based on general methods of socio-pedagogical influence on each individual individually, on groups of tourists, collective, unstable audience and various social communities in travel and on vacation. Animation is called an intermediary between the individual and society.

There are various typologies of forms of animation activity: by subject of activity (form of mass, group, individual activity); at the place of implementation (home and non-home cultural and leisure activities); by the nature of the organization (institutional, social-organizational and personal forms of cultural and leisure activities) (Fig. 2).

Classification of tourist animation based on a typological approach

Rice. 2. Classification of tourist animation based on a typological approach

It has been scientifically proven that any kind of purposeful human activity, provided that the latter turns into amateur activity, that is, into activity free from external coercion, becomes the basis for the development and application of the essential forces of the individual.Animation activity is one of the most important means of familiarizing people with culture, gives rise to new needs in them and, above all, the need for creativity.

Having received lodging and food, the tourist also wants to get his fair share of entertainment. Entertainment, active and passive, is an indispensable element of the tour, their set depends on the direction of travel. The list of types of entertainment depends on the nationality of the tourist, the traditions he observes and the habitual way of life, there are also general types of entertainment that are easily perceived by any groups of tourists. Most often, entertainment is based on organizing excursions to objects of tourist interest (museums, historical monuments), sightseeing tours of the city or locality, observation (of natural phenomena or beautiful landscapes), other educational or recreational activities (for example, shopping or gambling). In resorts and good hotels, special groups of animators are hired, most often from among talented youth and students, who actively entertain tourists. There are more than 100 types of the most popular entertainment, but thanks to the imagination of the organizers and technological progress, more and more new ones appear. In the animation service, several elements can be distinguished, based on the specific relationships of the main areas of animation activity (Fig. 3) [4] .

View links of the animation service

Rice. 3. View links of the animation service

The structure and staffing of the service of the tourist complex depend on its size and type, functional purpose and range of technical animation systems, geographic location, animation concept and programs, as well as other factors.

In turn, the formation of an effective organizational structure of animation management is one of the most important tasks of the chief animator of the tourist complex. Depending on the

its magnitude, various (more or less branched) organizational structures of the animation service are possible – departments 9 . The most common structure of the animation service of a hotel

The structure of the animation service of the hotel enterprise

Rice. 4. The structure of the animation service of the hotel enterprise

9 Tretyakova T. N. Animation activity in socio-cultural service and tourism: textbook, manual for universities / T. N. Tretyakova. – M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008. – S. 72


Mass holidays and spectacles have a rich history, rooted in the depths of centuries, in ancient folk rituals and actions. By popular festivals, that is, by one of the most massive and democratic arts, we can judge the country, the era, the people. Comparison of mass festivals of different times and peoples confirms this.