Allergy on the face in adults

Allergy on the face in adults: how to cure at home

Red spots, blisters, or painful itching, swelling of the lips, eyes, or puffiness of the face are all possible signs of an allergy on the face in adults. In such a situation, it is important not only to eliminate unpleasant manifestations, but also to determine their causes, to identify the allergenic substance in order to avoid similar reactions in the future.

Allergy on the face in adults

Allergy on the face in adults

Allergy is an inadequate reaction of the immune system to various substances from the external environment – food, drugs, pollen or household substances (dust, cosmetics, animal hair). Manifestations of allergic reactions are diverse – these are digestive disorders, respiratory tract disorders (shortness of breath, coughing, sneezing), skin rash, itching, redness of the eyes and watery eyes. One of the frequent localizations of allergic reactions is redness, swelling or rash on the face. Not only is this a pronounced cosmetic defect that attracts attention, it is also a serious threat to health, especially if these are anaphylactic reactions – urticaria or angioedema.

Allergic manifestations on the face are especially unpleasant. They occur at the most inopportune time, can be very itchy, lead to redness and peeling of the skin. In addition to these manifestations, swelling in the lips, severe runny nose or nasal congestion, redness of the eyes, lacrimation is possible, which only aggravates the course of the disease. The most common provocateurs of facial allergies in adults are a reaction to pollen and cosmetic products, less often to food or medicines.

It is important to immediately treat any reactions that occur on the skin, and ideally prevent possible rashes or swelling by avoiding potential allergens. But why is the face the most sensitive? The thing is that the skin of the face is thinner and more sensitive, it is always open and more often in contact with various substances. In addition, many use cosmetics, use hygiene products, which can lead to negative reactions.

Types of allergies on the face in adults

The most common types of allergic reactions in adults are:

  • contact dermatitis that occurs when various agents are applied to the skin, they come from air or water;
  • year-round allergies with skin rashes, lesions of the nasopharynx and eyes;
  • seasonal allergies (hay fever) and urticaria;
  • anaphylactic reactions;
  • food allergies;
  • reactions to medication;
  • manifestations of atopic dermatitis (or eczema).

Each of the forms has its own set of the most common allergens, typical external manifestations of reactions. Approaches to treatment, prevention and the degree of danger to well-being, general condition and even life may also differ.

Causes of facial allergies in adults

Allergies are very common. In our country, more than 50 million people suffer from it every year.Allergic reactions occur in situations where the body's immune system erroneously takes safe substances, such as food or pollen, as potentially dangerous connections, and tries to fight it.

When the immune system detects an allergen, it produces an antibody called immunoglobulin. The formation of an allergen complex with an antibody causes the body to identify a chemical called histamine in skin cells and other parts of the body. Histamines cause most of the symptoms of an allergic reaction. Researchers do not fully understand why this happens or why the allergy is enhanced with each subsequent contact. One of theories suggests that this may be due to the fact that you live in cleaner, more hygienic conditions that do not give the immune system to actively work and deal with real enemies – microbes, viruses or fungi.

Allergic on the face occurs when allergen appears directly to the skin, when inhaling hazardous substances or eating them into food. Depending on the type of reaction reactions may vary.

Contact dermatitis It occurs with the direct contact of the allergen with the skin. The most often suffers from the face, hands, less often – other parts of the body. The most common allergens are considered:

  • Different types of soap, shower gels, detergents, shaving;
  • Decorative cosmetics, creams, foams, gels, tonic;
  • rubber and latex products in contact with the face (gloves, masks, protective shields);
  • Metal decorations – earrings, piercing;
  • Chemicals, volatile compounds that fall from the air, settled on the skin of the face;
  • soil particles, dust;
  • Juices, plant extracts.

Year-round allergic reactions We usually provoke rhinitis (runny nose), signs of conjunctivitis and dermatitis. They are similar to the signs of half aulinosis, but arise at any time of the year, when contacting with an allergen. Most often, this form of reaction provoke:

  • Dust pliers that live in the housing of people (on the pile of carpets, books, in mattresses, upholstery of upholstered furniture);
  • spores of mold fungi, which are actively multiplied in raw and warm rooms;
  • Dandruff animals, bird feather, urine particles or saliva of homemade animals.

Food reactions On the face there are due to the inadequate reaction of immune systems for certain types of food or individual components (mainly protein origin). More often such reactions occur in childhood, although adult rashes are also quite possible.

The most common of food allergens is:

  • Chicken Eggs (less often – other birds);
  • Different varieties of nuts (especially peanuts);
  • whole milk and its derivatives, where the fermentation and splitting of proteins does not occur;
  • seafood.

However, allergic reactions can cause any products, including fresh fruits, even related to the category of hypoallergenic.

Medicinal reactions occur when taking certain medications, and it does not matter whether they are administered through the mouth, injected or applied topically, on the skin. The most common drug allergens are:

  • penicillin antibiotics and related groups;
  • drugs of the NSAID group, especially ibuprofen and acetylsalicylic acid;
  • anticonvulsant drugs;
  • radiopaque compounds;
  • sera and vaccines;
  • drugs for the treatment of cancer and serious illnesses (chemotherapeutics).

hay fever or hay fever occurs when the skin and mucous membranes come into contact with pollen. Moreover, these are not any plants or flowers, but only a wind-pollinated group. Facial lesions occur exclusively during the flowering and pollination period of a particular plant. It can be:

  • trees and shrubs;
  • weeds;
  • cereals and cultivated plants cultivated in fields and gardens.

Atopic dermatitis or eczema is a chronic allergic reaction that is provoked by various types of allergens. Reactions have a clear hereditary predisposition, occur from early childhood and are provoked by:

  • different types of food, including milk and soy;
  • dust mites, mold;
  • various means of hygiene, cosmetics;
  • contact with dyed fabrics, wool;
  • changes in hormonal levels, especially in women during pregnancy or against the background of PMS;
  • weather changes – frosty, dry air, heat.

The severity of manifestations varies greatly from person to person, but a common symptom for all is severe dryness of the skin, peeling, and increased sensitivity to quite common external factors.

Allergy symptoms on the face in adults

Allergy manifestations on the face may vary depending on the type of reaction and age, specific allergen. Anaphylactic reactions are the brightest and most pronounced, they are characterized by swelling of the lips, lower face and neck, as well as the eyelid, which dramatically changes facial features.

Common manifestations typical of allergic reactions on the face include:

  • small dotted rash or red spots all over the face or on the cheeks, forehead, chin;
  • puffiness, relief of individual parts of the face;
  • burning or painful itching, feeling of heat, tingling;
  • swelling, redness of the eyelids, burning, crusts on the eyelashes;
  • dryness, cracking, erosion of the skin.

Allergic reactions can occur abruptly, just a few minutes after contact with the allergen. In this case, they are considered anaphylactic and require especially close attention. Swelling of the lips, tongue, or neck can cause choking, so angioedema requires immediate medical attention.

Often, reactions occur a few hours or days after contact with the allergen, manifested in dryness, peeling and redness of the skin, small rashes with itching.

If it is contact dermatitis, the key points will be redness, itching, burning and swelling of the skin strictly at the site of the allergen.In the field of inflammation can form small bubbles. Manifestations occur and enhanced gradually, for two days and then they also disappear slowly. The first contact with a hazardous substance may not cause reactions – this is a step of sensitization.

Food allergy is usually manifested by signs of dermatitis or anaphylaxis. Typical red itchy stains all over the face, the swelling of the lips and the eyelids, the edema of the tongue and the throat, which makes it difficult to breathe and leads to pallor, skin sinusiness.

Polynosis usually provokes a runny nose and redness of the wings of the nose, tearing and conjunctivitis, itching the skin of the face, red spots. With a strong cold, a feeling of pressure in the projection of the sinuses, headache and malaise is possible.

Treatment of allergy on the face in adults

In many ways, the patient's tactics depends on the type of allergic reaction, localization of elements and severity of manifestations. In order to make it possible to choose the right therapy, it is necessary to make a diagnosis and define a specific allergen.


In the development of any kinds of reactions on the skin of the face, it is necessary to refer to an allergist, especially if the reactions are repeated, and once again become stronger. The doctor will disassemble all the events preceding the rash, will find out if there are allergic in the family, what new substances, food, cosmetics appeared in the last days. To confirm allergies, it can be recommended:

  • blood tests with the study of leukocyte levels, especially eosinophils;
  • Skin samples with an allergen (are held only outside the exacerbation);
  • blood test for immunoglobulins;
  • provocative samples and eliminate diet;
  • Hypoallergenic life.

Modern treatments

Allergy treatment includes a combination of medicines and non-good treatment methods, including the detection and elimination (exception) of allergen. Among the basic drugs that are used to eliminate the symptoms of reactions, it is worth highlighting antihistamines. They can reduce swelling, redness and itching, burning, manifestations of urticaria on the face. Antihistamines reducing the nasal conjunction, symptoms of conjunctivitis and breathing difficulties. If a person knows that it will be in contact with an allergen, it can take antihistamines in advance to prevent or reduce an allergic reaction.

Antihistamines We are produced in the form of tablets, creams, eye drops and nasal sprays and are released without a recipe (for some exceptions).

Another class of drugs – Corticosteroids. They can be in the form of creams or ointments, sprays for the nose, eye drops or pills, injections. Hormones in their composition suppress acute inflammatory reactions and the highlight of histamine, which eliminates swelling and redness, itching and burning. They eliminate the swelling of the respiratory tract, facilitating difficulty breathing.

Corticosteroid creams with a low percentage of hormones are sold without prescription, but stronger creams and steroids in the form of tablets, intramuscular injections, are used strictly by recipes.

Moisturizing, softening and soothing skin, can help relieve irritation, peeling, redness and reduce itching. Plus, the means also form a film that protects against allergens.

In serious cases, when an allergen is known, or with permanent allergies, the doctor can recommend immunotherapy. During the course, the person is gradually exposed to an increasing dose of allergen (for a period of up to 2 to 3 years) so that the body can get used to it. This can reduce the severity and duration of allergy symptoms.

Prevention of allergy on the face in adults at home

Most allergic reactions can be eliminated, or taking antihistamines to contact with an allergen, or completely avoiding allergens. Different types of reactions can be prevented in different ways.

  • Food allergies. Always read the labels and be careful when you eat in restaurants, bakeries, guesthouses and street kiosks. If there is even a small dose of allergen as part of the dish, refuse to use it.
  • Reactions to animals. Refuse animals in the house, but if it is impossible, highlight them a separate place, do not allow them to the bedroom, constantly wash the wool field walks, often clean in the house.
  • Polleoz. Stay indoors and avoid walking in the forests, parks, when the amount of pollen is large. If it is inevitable, accept antihistamines and put on sunglasses, use the mask so that the pollen do not get into the eyes and on the skin.
  • Allergy to dust tick. Always use bed linen with hypoallergenic covers. If possible, remove carpets and make wooden floors. Vacuuming floors, ventilate and regularly change bedding.

Popular questions and answers

About allergies on the face and her treatment we talked with A physician, endoscopist, head of the organizational and methodological office of Lidia Golubneko.

Than dangerous allergies on face

Such an allergy is sufficiently common and most people have a soft reaction and can be treated with antihistamine drugs. But be sure to talk with a doctor with serious, deteriorating or repeating allergies. Very severe reaction, expressed swelling, abundant rash with tubercles and itching, burning, can be a sign of anaphylaxis, which requires emergency medical care.

Preventing allergic reactions mainly includes the reception of antihistamine preparations and disagreement with allergens (if possible).

How to get rid of allergies on the face of undergraduate

People or any non-drug methods eliminate allergies that would be effective and safe are not available.

To protect your face from reactions, wash your face more often with running water after the street to wash off dust and pollen, possible pollution. Before using new facial products, always test on the crook of your elbow first. If your skin turns red after using the new product, do not use these products.