OVD Diet: Decryption, Healing Table Menu by Pessner

The medical nutrition system developed by the scientist dietist M. I. Pevzner in Soviet times does not lose its value in our days. Each Diet ATS or Table

OVD Diet: Decryption, Healing Table Menu by Pessner

The medical nutrition system developed by the scientist dietist M. I. Pevzner in Soviet times does not lose its value in our days. Each ATS diet or the table has a number and corresponds to a certain group of diseases.

Decoding the concept of the ATS diet

The main version of the diet (ATS) consists of 15 tables. These therapeutic systems have certain numbers. They are used as an aid with medication therapy for the speedy recovery of people with various diseases.

Therapeutic diet is based on the scientific principles of healthy nutrition. The patient receives full-fledged food balanced by the main components – proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The gentle modes are provided – mechanical, chemical and thermal, which allow not to load the digestive and gland internal secretion.

Proper medical nutrition implies compliance with drinking regime, sufficient admission to the body of vitamins and minerals. The multiplicity of food reception, the flow temperature, the implementation of sanitary and hygienic requirements for food preparation technology, the rules for storing ready-made dishes are important.

Principles and features

Thanks to the selection and competent combination of products that gentle the thermal processing method of ingredients, therapeutic systems are good for health. A feature of dietary food is a ban on certain components of food. Need discipline and organization so as not to disrupt food intake mode, control the caloric content of the daily diet.

For the preparation of dishes use exceptionally high-quality products of the highest grade, fermented and milk components, fresh fruits and vegetables. Eliminating chocolate, coffee, sdobu, fat, smoked, salty, sauer, sharp products. To give the dishes of aroma and attractiveness, fresh greens and cumin are added.

Cooking in water or a couple, quenching, baking is distributed to common techniques of thermal treatment of dietary dishes. The main cost of cooking is good food. Power should be diverse, the average daily energy value of the diet is 2150-2450 kcal.

Indications for use

Dietary food is an important component of comprehensive treatment. Some diseases of the digestive organs and the internal secretion glands can be cured without the use of medicines. In such cases, the singer diet acts as one of the main therapeutic factors. But often special food only creates a favorable background for the most effective recovery procedures.

ATD diet is used for diseases:

  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach, also during the recovery period or with a pathological course;
  • acute and chronic hepatitis, including during the recovery period;
  • gout;
  • nephrolitasis;
  • diabetes mellitus type II;
  • obesity;
  • anomalies in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • feverish conditions;
  • viral infections;
  • phosphaturia, hyperuricemia;
  • uric acid diathesis;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder, cholecystitis;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • gastritis.

The task of dietary tables is to restore the disturbed balance in the body, strengthen the immune system, and create favorable conditions for recovery.

Basic diet plan

In ATS, deciphering the table number prescribed by the therapist will help to accurately determine the recommended dishes. For all diseases, you can eat low-fat boiled meat, pureed cereals, cereal soup, non-acid low-fat cottage cheese, as well as drink milk, rosehip infusion, fruit juice, diluted by half with water.

You can not use millet and barley porridge, vegetables and fruits with coarse fiber, spices, fried, flour dishes, strong broths, mushrooms. With diabetes, sweets are excluded.

During the stay in the hospital, therapeutic nutrition is prescribed. Currently, there is a simplified nomenclature of dietary tables.

Depending on the disease, the doctor prescribes one of five options:

  • main table (ATS);
  • with mechanical, chemical and temperature sparing modes (SHD);
  • with a high protein content (HAP);
  • with low protein content;
  • low calorie food.

ATS is also appointed after the patient is discharged home, when the stage of recovery begins.

The recommended time for dietary nutrition is about six months. It is advisable to eat small meals 5-6 times a day at the same time.

Menu of treatment tables according to Pevzner

Each diet has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account when compiling a diet and selecting dishes.

Approximate dietary menu, ATS table for 1 day:

  • I breakfast – buckwheat or oatmeal with butter, weak tea;
  • II breakfast – cottage cheese pudding, rosehip infusion;
  • lunch – cereal or vegetable soup, boiled meat or fish, fresh or boiled vegetable salad, berry jelly;
  • afternoon snack – fruit compote, biscuit cookies;
  • dinner – steam cutlets, jelly;
  • before going to bed – 1 tbsp. boiled whole milk.

During the day, you can eat butter (30 g), fruits (300 g), dry wheat bread (150–200 g). Three times a week, soft-boiled eggs or a steam omelet are helpful.

For diet No. 1, all types of a sparing regimen are provided: food is prepared ground or chopped without spices. You can use dairy products, only non-acidic and fresh. The range of cold dishes is limited.

  • granular and pressed caviar;
  • cheese mass;
  • boiled lean fish;
  • dishes from boiled (low-fat) meat, chopped or grated to a state of pate.

Soups are included in the menu of all medical tables.For diet number 1, the finest dishes from cereals and vegetables, dairy and sweet food, fruit with starch are prepared. Compliant food supply temperature (not higher than 65 and not lower than 15 ° C).

Size of one portion of soup 400-500 g, for diet No. 7 and 10 – 250 grams. Before serving, fresh crushed greenery is added to the plate. In diet number 2, soups are prepared on concentrated dairy broths with finely chopped vegetables. For table number 5 – filling the first dishes on vegetable beams or water, without a bow. Vegetables extinguish and allowed, but do not pass. Cold Borshis and Okroshka in the summer.

Hot second dishes for tables No. 1 and 2 are prepared from low-fat varieties of meat, boiled or cooked for a couple of fish, chicken, use a cutlet minced meat. Porridge prepare liquid and fierce. From vegetables make souffle and mashed potatoes (exclude from the cabbage, radish, turnip menu). For table No. 5, besides listed dishes, low-fat cheese is recommended. The size of one portion is 250 grams.


Choosing a type of power during hospital treatment and home must entrust the doctor. Only a specialist can recommend an optimal diet, given all the testimony.

With the intolerance of certain products, they are excluded from the menu.

Possible food allergies to milk, eggs, some vegetables and fruits, fish or meat. The doctor will help the correct menu after passing the patient with blood tests on allergens, a thorough medical examination. In the exacerbation stage, species of dietary tables on the pessner with more stringent restrictions are prescribed.

During the medical diet, irregular meals, alcohol, smoking, emotional stress are contraindicated. Quick physical activity and compliance with the recommendations of the doctor relative to the diet will help to quickly restore health.