Treatment of glomerulonephritis

Diagnosis and treatment of glomerulonephritis (Sergiev Posad) | Paracels

Glomerulonephritis is a severe kidney damage, which often flows in asymptomatic form. Diagnosis and treatment of glomerulonephritis in the Medical Center "Paracels", Sergiev Posad.

Diagnosis and treatment of glomerulonephritis (Sergiev Posad)

Glomerulonephritis – symptoms, reasons, prevention, diagnosis and treatment in the clinic "Paracels", Sergiev Posad

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Glomerulonephritis – severe kidney damage, which often flows in asymptomatic form. For this reason, patients later appeal to the doctor for medical care and develop the complications of the disease. In most cases, this is an autoimmune disease. Among the severe effects of the disease ー renal failure, heart failure.

Treatment of glomerulonephritis

The disease is typical for children and adolescent age, but may affect adults.

What is glomerulonephritis?

Glomerulonephritis – This is inflammation of the glomerular tank fabric. Tangle (Glomerul) ー This is part of the nephron (structural and functional kidney unit), the blood is filtered here, the primary urine is formed. Inflammation disrupts the ability of kidneys to filter blood, leads to massive loss of proteins and minerals. The affected fabrics are scruprefully (scarce) and the renal filter no longer works, renal failure is developing.

With glomerulonephritis, both kidneys are always affected (unlike pyelonephritis). In this danger of the disease.

There are such forms of the flow of this disease:

  • acute;
  • tray;
  • Chronic.

Symptoms Glomerulonephritis

In the first 3-5 days of the disease, the body temperature increases, a pulling pain in the lumbar region appears, the amount of urine decreases sharply, the liquid is delayed in the tissues – swelling appear. Renal edema appear in the morning, after sleep. At first, the region swells under the eyes, as the disease progressing the face and neck is appear, hand swelling.

Кроме отеков появляются признаки гипертонии (повышения артериального давления): головные боли, “мушки” перед глазами.

After 5-7 days from the beginning of the development of the disease, the amount of urine increases to 3-5 liters per day, it becomes "diluted", its proportion is reduced. Характерный признак это смена цвета мочи ー она становится красно-коричневого цвета (вид мясных помоев). Но этот признак не всегда проявляется.

У взрослых часто гломерулонефрит не проявляет себя выраженной симптоматикой, болезнь выявляют случайно, по данным общего анализа мочи. При этом появляются такие изменения:

  • эритроциты (клеток крови) в моче;
  • повышенный белок в моче.

При хроническом гломерулонефрите периодически сменяются ремиссии и обострения.The provoking factor of exacerbation becomes streptococcal infection (angina).

In children, the disease proceeds rapidly and hard, with pronounced symptoms, often with complications.

When identifying symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to sign up for the reception to the therapist, pediatrician or nephrologist.

Causes of development Glomerulonephritis

Under glomerulonephite, the defeat of the kidney of immune-inflammatory type. That is, the glakers amazeing their human immune system. The reason becomes the appearance of antigen antigen complexes, which are formed after the respiratory infection (most often streptococcal, but maybe after measles, influenza, windmills or ORVI).

After the suffered angina, about 15% of children are fragmented by glomerulonephritis, and immune complexes are found in 50%, it speaks of predominantly asymptomatic flow. This is due to the high reactivity of the immune system. In adults, the disease is developing in 5-7% of cases.

Complications of glomerulonephritis

Most often, the disease leads to acute and chronic renal failure. At the same time, blood filtering is stopped from the exchange products, in particular, ammonia. People with such a disease need hemodialysis (artificial hardware purification of blood) and kidney transplant.

Other possible complications:

  • heart failure;
  • Hypertensive encephalopathy;
  • stroke;
  • Hypoplastic kidney dysplasia (secondary-wrucked kidney);
  • transient (temporary) loss of vision;
  • anemia.

Recommendations for the prevention of glomerulonephritis

To prevent the development of glomerulonephritis, it is necessary to adhere to the following principles:

  • Avoid hypothermia;
  • Timely treat respiratory infections;
  • When appointing antibiotics as a doctor, write down the entire course to the end, following the instructions of the doctor;
  • After a suffered angina or ORVI, hand over a general urine analysis to eliminate asymptomatic (latent) form.

The tactics of the treatment of the disease and its complications are purely individual and depends on many factors that are necessarily taken into account.

Self-medication with the help of the Internet or on the advice of pharmacists in the pharmacy is fraught with hazardous complications.

Advantages of the diagnosis and treatment of glomerulonephritis in the Medical Center "Paracels"

Qualified medical care for candidates and doctors of medical sciences is a contribution to the future of health and adults, and children.

In the Medical Center "Paracels", a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment is carried out with the appearance of alarmed symptoms of glomerulonephritis. We use scientifically based techniques and equipment of the expert class. The examination and treatment of children holds a nephrologist's children's doctor.

In order to avoid the development of severe complications, the disease must be diagnosed and start treatment at an early stage.

Specialists of the Medical Center "Paracels" create a medical and diagnostic program for each patient, taking into account the symptoms of the disease and health status.Patients with suspected glomerulonephritis, assign analyzes and diagnostic measures:

  • general urine analysis;
  • general blood analysis; , Bladder.

Having obtained research results, the doctor will diagnose, then prescribe adequate therapy. Glomerulonephritis Therapy includes antibacterial, anti-inflammatory drugs, disintellation solutions.

After recovery, the observation of the nephrologist is established for two years with periodic examinations and surrender of urine analysis.

The Medidisciplinary Approach is used in the Paracels Medical Center, so each doctor can attract a program for the diagnosis and treatment of complications of glomerulonephritis, other specialists. The team of doctors will figure out for the reasons, the diagnosis will prescribe treatment.

If necessary, the nephrologist will send for advice to the doctors of other specializations: therapist, pediatrician, cardiologist, urologist.

Our patients receive 5 benefits at once:

  • the ability to pass over 2500 types of analyzes;
  • continuity of specialists, the preservation of the whole history of the disease, for further observation of the therapist or pediatrician; ;
  • Modern types of diagnostics on the equipment of the expert class;
  • The ability to call a doctor to the house.

Doctors of the Paracels Medical Center are guarded by the health of their patients.