Treatment of hyperthyroidism

Diagnosis and treatment of hyperthyroidism (Aleksandrov) | Paracelsus

Hyperthyroidism is a clinical syndrome with an increase in the activity of the thyroid gland, accompanied by an increase in the level of hormones (thyroxine – T4, triiodothyronine – T3) in the blood. Causes, symptoms, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of hyperthyroidism in the Paracelsus Medical Center, Alexandrov.

Diagnosis and treatment of hyperthyroidism (Aleksandrov)

hyperthyroidism – symptoms, causes, prevention, diagnosis and treatment in the Paracelsus clinic, Aleksandrov

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The thyroid gland secretes hormones into the blood that regulate normal metabolism, growth and development of tissues, brain activity – all biochemical processes in the human body. Its activity is controlled by the pituitary gland, it secretes thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which stimulates the release of active substances from the gland.

Failure of the thyroid gland seriously affects the physical and emotional state of a person.

What is hyperthyroidism?

hyperthyroidism – this is a clinical syndrome with an increase in the activity of the thyroid gland, accompanied by an increase in the level of hormones (thyroxine – T4, triiodothyronine – T3) in the blood.

Treatment of hyperthyroidism

An increase in the amount of thyroid hormones in the blood enhances their physiological effects:

  • metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • increased oxygen consumption;
  • the work of the heart accelerates and blood pressure rises;
  • metabolism is dominated by the breakdown of nutrients with the formation of energy and heat;
  • body temperature rises;
  • the speed of thought processes increases.

At the first stages of development, manifestations of hyperthyroidism may even be pleasant, but very soon the body's resources are depleted.

Primary hyperthyroidism is distinguished – in the pathology of the thyroid gland, secondary – in the pathology of the pituitary gland, tertiary – caused by the pathology of the hypothalamus.

Primary hyperthyroidism is characterized by several forms:

  • subclinical form (T4 level is normal, TSH is lowered, asymptomatic);
  • manifest or explicit form (T4 level is increased, TSH is significantly reduced, characteristic symptoms are observed);
  • complicated form (complicated by atrial fibrillation, cardiac or adrenal insufficiency, degeneration of parenchymal organs, psychoses, severe underweight, etc.)

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism

Typical symptoms of hyperthyroidism:

  • rapid pulse, palpitations;
  • heat intolerance, excessive sweating;
  • increased appetite (gluttony) with unreasonable weight loss;
  • nervousness, irascibility, insomnia;
  • frequent hand trembling;
  • bug-eyed rare blinking, feeling of sand in the eyes, swelling of the eyelids;
  • discomfort when closing the eyelids;
  • thinning of the skin, nails and hair;
  • weakness of the muscles of the pelvic girdle and thighs, accompanied by their atrophy;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Patients with hyperthyroidism may experience an increase in the size of the thyroid gland (goiter). A pronounced goiter can be seen even with the naked eye. This increase creates discomfort when swallowing, makes breathing difficult.

Causes hyperthyroidism

The causes of hyperthyroidism are diseases of the thyroid gland:

  • Graves' disease (diffuse toxic goiter). It is provoked by the appearance of antibodies to the thyroid gland receptors, which have a stimulating effect on it.
  • Nodular toxic goiter. It is characterized by the appearance of autonomous follicles in the gland, which, without succumbing to the regulatory influence of the pituitary gland, secrete hormones constantly.
  • Thyroid adenoma is a benign tumor of hormone-secreting cells that causes an increase in the production of thyroid hormones.
  • A pituitary adenoma is a benign tumor that secretes TSH, a thyroid stimulating hormone.
  • Thyroiditis – inflammation of the thyroid gland that occurs with viral infections or an autoimmune disease of the organ.

All types of hyperthyroidism have their causes, some of them are easy to detect and eliminate.

Possible Complications hyperthyroidism in the absence of timely treatment

Constantly high levels of thyroxine and triiodothyronine lead to exhaustion and weakening of the body. The most common complications:

  • From the side of the cardiovascular system: atrial fibrillation, due to which cerebrovascular accidents (strokes), heart failure and the associated lack of blood supply to all organs can occur.
  • On the part of the musculoskeletal system – osteoporosis (demineralization of bone tissue). It occurs due to the fact that thyroid hormones suppress the process of incorporation of calcium from the blood into the bone. In osteoporosis, bones break from light blows or a fall from their own height.
  • From the side of the eyes. Due to inflammation of the eye muscles, the clarity of vision deteriorates. Popeye leads to the fact that the eyelids do not close completely, the conjunctiva dries up and becomes inflamed.
  • Thyrotoxic crisis – a sharp increase in all symptoms: a jump in pulse, pressure, temperature, may be accompanied by clouding of the mind. This is a life-threatening condition, without medical help, a person runs the risk of having a heart attack or stroke.
  • If benign neoplasms have become the causes of hyperthyroidism, in the absence of competent therapy, they can contribute to the appearance of thyroid cancer.

Thyrotoxicosis has formidable complications, leading to death or disability of the patient, in order to prevent this, it is important to contact an endocrinologist when alarming symptoms appear.

Prevention of hyperthyroidism

Given the variety of reasons for this disease is difficult to prevent. But you can avoid complications and begin treatment already in the early stages. Therefore, do not neglect the endocrinologist with preventive inspections.

If symptoms appear hyperthyroidism, refer to the endocrinologist for a more detailed examination.

Advantages of diagnosis and treatment Hyperthyroidism in the Medical Center "Paracels"

The process of diagnosis begins at the stage of the first conversation of the patient with an endocrinologist, who should analyze complaints and symptoms of the patient. In the clinic "Paracels" leads highly qualified endocrinologists.

If hyperthyroidism is suspected, the patient is prescribed an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, for: the diagnosis of goiter and the determination of the size of the gland, when visualizing nodes, focal formations in the thyroid gland are prescribed an ultrasound of the thyroid gland with elastography, the biopsy of the node in suspected malignant education.

  • General analysis of blood and urine;
  • Level TSH in blood;
  • Level T3, T4 in the blood;
  • The level of thyreoglobulin in the blood.

Hardware and instrumental equipment of the expert class in the Medical Center "Paracels" allows you to effectively assess the patient's condition and establish the correct diagnosis.

Our clinic applies Recovery Approach to the treatment of thyroid diseases. Refore therapy methods correct chronic failures in the endocrine and immune system.

This approach reduces the dose of hormones at substitution hormone therapy, with a possible gradual cancellation, and surgical intervention is not required.

In the Medical Center "Paracels", a multidisciplinary approach to solving each medical problem is practiced, so the endocrinologist can attract the diagnostic and treatment program to other specialists.

You may need to consult other specialists:

  • consultation of the neurologist, for differential diagnosis of epilepsy and other pathologies of the nervous system;
  • Surgeon consultation – to address the issue of surgical treatment;
  • consultation of the gastroenterologist – with the development of side effects when taking thyaretics;
  • Consultation of the obstetrician-gynecologist – during pregnancy and with deviations in the reproductive system.

Tactics of treatment is selected individually, based on the causes and symptoms of hyperthyroidism, the general condition of the patient and necessarily takes into account the decision of the patient.

It is impossible to put an accurate diagnosis without visiting a specialist and analyzes with the determination of the level of hormones in the blood. Therefore, it is not necessary to do it yourself and assign treatment for hyperthyroidism.