Coronary artery bypass grafting (ACB) – affordable price in Medis Clinic

Coronary artery bypass grafting in Moscow. High-quality diagnostics, affordable prices for examination and treatment in Medis clinics. Appointment by phone: +7 (499) 5500 275

Coronary artery bypass grafting in Moscow

In severe angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, the best option is CABG (coronary bypass grafting). It is this procedure that not only saves a person's life, but also significantly improves its quality. The Medis Clinic offers patients who have appropriate indications to undergo heart bypass surgery in Moscow or Israel with the most experienced and competent cardiac surgeons, who own the most modern techniques for cardiac interventions, in premium hospitals. We also offer aortic or mitral valve replacement or surgery, as well as aortic root replacement. The cost of CABG and hospitalization is 300,000 rubles performed by a leading cardiac surgeon at the country's leading cardiac surgery center.

We are very careful when choosing doctors and cooperate only with conscientious, honest doctors who have vast practical experience and have worked in various large clinics not only in Russia but also abroad. International experience, the ability to perform the most modern procedures in high-tech and safe ways for the patient, following the medical protocols currently accepted in the world, as well as putting the health and well-being of the person at the forefront – this is what we and our patients value in doctors.

Medis Clinic in Tel Aviv

Doctors who operate on patients

We "collaborate" with such luminaries as the legendary Professor Raanani, that is, if you have a difficult problem, then we will try to get you to him for surgery.
We also work with a world-famous cardiac surgeon Maruo del Giglio, as well as with famous Israeli cardiac surgeons Amir Kramer and Dmitry Pevny, and other highly qualified specialists in whom we have full confidence. The team of doctors involved in the operation and nursing is also highly qualified and gives our patients maximum attention.

What you get by applying for treatment with us:

  • quick and accurate understanding of your problem,
  • carrying out all diagnostic measures in the shortest possible time,
  • our consultant is always in touch with you,
  • the right strategic decision from a consultation of top-class specialists, the decision is made not by one doctor, but by the heads of departments and clinics: leading specialists in your problem areas, a specialized surgeon, if necessary, a diagnostician is an Israeli general practitioner,
  • the best treatment option in the Russian Federation according to international standards, these are the most qualified doctors and their work according to Western standards, which guarantees the best result,
  • solution of all problems at all stages, that is, Dr. Aronov is always “with you”, for everything we will offer the best solution,
  • peace of mind, clear steps in treatment – you get all the benefits of Israeli and European medicine in Russia, the care of an Israeli doctor in Russia.

Cost of CABG

Yes, the price of CABG for such "gurus" of cardiac surgery is quite high, from a quarter of a million rubles, but you pay for the highest quality of work and materials used, deep attention to all details, complete immersion in the patient's problem and solving it in the best possible way. We will organize for you the most professional assistance, high-tech and effective methods of performing operations, competent rehabilitation and constant communication with the attending physician to resolve all emerging issues. Cost of CABG (coronary artery bypass grafting) organized by Medis – from 250 thousand rubles and more. The same operation in Israel already costs from 25 thousand dollars, and it is worth doing if you wish. The complex, which includes an operation performed by a top surgeon, anesthesia and a stay in a premium hospital in Moscow for 7-10 days, will cost 720 081 rubles.

Services Cost, rub.)
CABG (coronary artery bypass grafting) from 250 000 rubles
A complex that includes an operation performed by Professor Giglio, anesthesia and a stay in a premium hospital in Moscow for 7-10 days 720,081 rubles. There may be price adjustments due to exchange rates

The result of the operation is the restoration of normal blood supply in the large arteries of the heart, bypassing the places of blockage, the cure of ischemia and the elimination of the root cause of angina pectoris. The operation significantly reduces the risk of myocardial infarction, as well as the likelihood of sudden cardiac arrest. Thanks to successful surgery, life expectancy is increased, or the risk of problems with blood supply is completely eliminated.

Indications for CABG surgery

  1. Severe angina (extensive, more than 50 percent, narrowing or blockage of several coronary arteries);
  2. Severe ischemic disease, with obstruction of 50% or more of the left coronary artery;
  3. Cardiomyopathy, acute coronary syndrome.

Before heart bypass surgery in Moscow, patients need to undergo a comprehensive examination, which is carried out by Dr. Alexander Aronov according to the international protocol. Its cost is from 15,000 rubles and it takes an average of 2-4 days. The examination includes the following procedures necessary for making an accurate diagnosis and further planning of patient management tactics:

  • Advanced laboratory blood and urine tests;
  • Electrocardiography and echocardiography, as well as stress echo KG;
  • Daily monitoring according to the Holter method;
  • Coronary and angiography (X-ray of the heart vessels with contrast);
  • X-ray or computed tomography of the lungs;
  • Appointment with a cardiologist and a cardiac surgeon;
  • Other studies may be required to appoint a doctor.

After comprehensive diagnosis, a decision is made on the most effective method of performing an operation. In some cases, stenting is performed, that is, the extension of the vessel with the use of a special wire tube – a stent, and in more severe cases, with a narrowing of the artery section by 70 percent and above, the operation of the AKSH.

The cost of AKS can be different for different patients and will depend on individual indications, the volume of operation, as well as from the class of the chosen surgeon. With us you can be treated with real shining cardiac surgery, well-known international specialists, and this means that the quality of work will be impeccable and durable. In many cases, doctors try to carry out interference with the most gentle as possible, endoscopic methods that are definitely being carried much easier to patients.

Heart shunt operation, for which we send to our hospital, can be carried out in different ways: with the opening of the chest on the working heart using or without the use of an artificial blood circulation apparatus or on a stopped heart with artificial blood circulation. The final decision on the method of operation takes the cardiac surgery based on the patient's needs. A part of the patient's own arteries are taken as a shunt: from chest, hands or feet. These vascular prostheses stretch from the aorta to the area below the blockage (the patient artery itself is clamped to stop the blood flow). The result of such manipulations – blood begins to flow on a new, healthy artery. If the operation is performed endoscopically, that is, through small cuts, the bloodstream is guided by the Mammarnaya artery instead of a clogged coronary.

The duration of the coronary shunting operation with an opening of the chest is about three to six hours depending on the number of anastomoses. The duration of a minimally invasive operation is less – one or two hours. After the operation, the patient is at least a week under the close observation of doctors in an equipped comfortable hospital. Of course, the gentle type of operation is preferable for the patient, but it requires a huge skill of the surgeon. We will send you to those doctors in Moscow, which perfectly own any techniques of shunting hearts.

To find out the exact price of AKSh (Aorticoronary Shunting Heart) It is in your case, as well as to ask any important questions, call or write to us, and we will advise you in detail and write to the doctor.

After operation

Of course, your health condition improves significantly after surgical intervention. However, in adverse circumstances, plaques can begin again.Therefore, it is extremely important if you want to maintain health for many years, give up bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. Yes, it sounds trite, but it is this tactic that gives the greatest chance for a long life without relapses after surgery. If you smoke, you will have to give up cigarettes as soon as possible. This normalizes blood pressure, slows down the development of atherosclerosis. Be sure to address the issues of obesity if it is present, lose extra pounds, eat right and balanced, try to be physically active – take walks, engage in those types of physical education that the doctor allows you to do. A normal, not elevated, cholesterol level is very important for you, so you will need to greatly reduce fatty foods in your diet. Proper eating habits should become your daily routine. Give preference to a diet containing fish, white poultry meat, a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits. You should not fry food, it is much more useful to bake, stew or boil it. In addition, you will be prescribed medications that you will need to take constantly.

By following all the recommendations of the attending physician and leading a healthy lifestyle, you will protect yourself from recurrence of the disease and the need for new therapeutic measures.

Patient reviews

George Ts.:
As they say, if the aortic bypass is performed perfectly, then you need to forget about it, and if it is mediocre, then you will live for three to five years and good luck. So I decided to do it perfectly, I found out from my specialist who is worth what and decided to order everything to be done at the Medis clinic. I will not say anything about the choice of a doctor, but I chose from the best, a well-known cardiac surgeon flew to Moscow for an operation, and the team with him was local, but from the best. And as they explained to me in Medis, nursing also means a lot for recovery, so they provided it at the level. Everything went well, the material for the shunt was taken from my leg, since the veins in my leg are good. An Israeli surgeon, Amir Kramer, performed an operation on my stopped heart. An Israeli doctor nursed, controlled everything. This is, of course, a “special order”, that is, a product specially built for me, this is me as a gene. the director says. This is how you can ensure the highest level of CABG performance.

Samvel Karapetyan:
I asked Dr. Aronov to organize an aortocoronary bypass operation and for three hundred thousand everything was done very well, quickly and efficiently.