Alternative. Alternative medicine – arguments for and against

Alternative. Non-traditional medicine – arguments "for" and "against" Often, when the treatment of a particular disease comes to a standstill, we think about which medicine to choose: traditional or folk?

Alternative. Alternative medicine – arguments for and against

Often, when the treatment of a particular disease comes to a standstill, we think about which medicine to choose: traditional or folk? There is no absolutely healthy person. SARS, colds, genetic diseases or any other diseases require treatment. It is believed that making the correct diagnosis is the most important step, but without proper treatment it will be difficult to achieve a positive result.

To recover as soon as possible with the least damage to health is the main motivation on the way to treatment. In order to make the right choice in favor of traditional or traditional medicine in the future, you should understand them well.

The main difference between traditional and folk medicine is the means of treatment. The first uses exclusively medicines to cure various diseases. At the same time, traditional medicine relies on the healing properties of the gifts of nature. But every day people are more and more often convinced that alternative methods of treatment are sometimes more effective than pharmacy drugs.

Medications are synthetic in nature. They are produced artificially and often have a lot of side effects that adversely affect health. The use of medications often leads to a weakening of the immune system, manifestations of allergies to some constituent components. And in some cases, it threatens the formation of drug dependence.

Folk remedies contain only medicinal plants and natural ingredients rich in useful substances – honey, tar, apple cider vinegar, plant juices, mummy and others. As a rule, such remedies are completely harmless and can even improve health. Many can be used as a prevention of various diseases and to strengthen immunity.

An equally important difference is the use of an integrated approach in alternative medicine. Traditional medicine is guided by a complex of knowledge about human anatomy and its physiological processes. Thus, when diagnosing diseases, all the basic information from different branches of medicine is used. Traditional medicine uses separate methods of different specializations – physiotherapy, surgery, pediatrics, etc.

Origins of traditional medicine

Since ancient times, people have been treated with what nature gave them. This is how traditional medicine arose – the totality of all information about medicinal herbs, healing agents and hygiene skills, as well as their practical application.The skills and knowledge acquired by people were passed from parents to children and were fixed in proverbs, sayings, and customs. With the advent of writing, people began to record their observations. Physicians and herbalists appear.

Under the primitive communal system, treatment with folk methods was the only possible one. There were people who knew about the pain-relieving properties of herbs, understood the importance of the sun and water.

Superstition and mysticism came from antiquity, healers, doctors who widely use the knowledge of traditional medicine appear. The doctors of Mesopotamia already knew how to make potions, used herbs to prepare ointments and compresses. Tibetan Buddhists considered natural medicines to be the basis of medicine.

And yet the most ancient branch of traditional medicine is hygiene. Many hygienic requirements worked out experimentally over the course of many centuries were included in the laws already under the slave system. For example, in Babylon the seventh day was a day of rest. In ancient India, many written sources talk about the impact of climate and seasons on human health, the importance of physical exercise, body hygiene, and proper nutrition. In China, great importance was attached to healthy sleep, moderation in food and cleanliness.

Famous doctors of the ancient world appear. These are Hippocrates, Ibn Sina, Avicenna and others. We still use their valuable advice.

In Russia, wormwood, birch sap, tar, cranberries, cloudberries, mountain ash, etc. were used as medicinal preparations. Know about the disinfecting properties of plants. It was in Russia that for the first time diseases began to be treated in a bathhouse.

There are many prohibitions expressing hygiene requirements: eating apples, only after the Feast of the Savior (before the holiday, the apples are still unripe), or a warning about the “evil eye” of the child (examining the child by strangers led to hypothermia or infection). Many proverbs and sayings about traditional medicine were collected in a collection by V.I. Dalem. He singled them out in a special section "Health and Illness".

Famous Russian doctors used traditional medicine in their practice. In Soviet times, the Research Institute of Medicinal Plants was created to research herbal treatment and generalize folk experience.

The path that traditional medicine has traveled is long and difficult. The use of traditional medicine or medicines based on them saves us from severe side effects and increases. Traditional medicine truly works wonders.

What is traditional medicine today

Alternative medicine has a very ancient history. So people turned to the help of traditional medicine 10 thousand years ago. During this time, she has enriched herself with a large arsenal of methods for influencing human organs. For the treatment of various ailments, she uses about 20 thousand types of medicinal plants.

The World Health Organization presents alternative medicine as a way to improve the quality of life through the use of animal, herbal and mineral remedies and exercise.As well as conducting various procedures for the treatment and prevention of different diseases.

Whether to trust the folk remedies

An important advantage of drugs is that they are all without exception undergo long and high-quality checks and clinical studies. But some folk remedies can be questioned due to the absence of confirming knowledge. But nevertheless, the majority of people's methodologies passed scientific tests and confirmed their healing qualities. For example, WHO recommendations and the right to use the acupuncture technique received. It makes it easy to eliminate the pain of different origin and perfectly helps in the treatment of simple mental disorders. A worthy place is also occupied by phytotherapy, mud, hirudotherapy, homeopathy and other branches of traditionally entered the arsenal and are widely used in medical practice.

Joint efforts against severe diseases

Despite the weighty differences between traditional and traditional medicine, the last years of WHO actively supports people's healers and signs, given their great experience and knowledge in the fight against various ailments. This is done to develop new means to treat such complex diseases such as diabetes mellitus, AIDS, etc.

Also in many countries of the world began training courses in people's own ways, open universities of traditional medicine. Received new useful knowledge will significantly improve the quality of medical care.

And traditional, and traditional medicine is very popular among the population of different countries of the world. Passing diagnosis in honey. The institution, people immediately try to find folk treatments, which revealing their body from excessive chemistry. So in the countries of Africa, the shamans than doctors are much popular. And in China it is impossible to distinguish national medicine from the traditional. For statistical data, half of the population of Europe and America is treated by folk remedies. In developing countries, people are much more often resorted to national treatments, due to their availability.

By virtue of such popularity, traditional medicine has great chances of development in the future. But traditional medicine should not be neglected. Modern achievements of science are invaluable. New diagnostic devices are much simplified diagnosing and treatment. And there are no signs of these opportunities. But in the end, everyone decides, to whom to go to the doctor or to the folk heaker. The main thing is to be always healthy!

Methods of alternative medicine were created and honed over the centuries, they focus on the knowledge of many generations that are thirsting for new knowledge. The method of trial and error, turning through all possible substances, parts of plant raw materials and an animal, people came to optimal results, found all the new features of various drugs.That is why alternative medicine develops constantly. All parts of the plants may include the most useful substances necessary for some particular disease. Sometimes it is impossible to apply raw materials in the cheese, priority form. Therefore, people came up with methods of processing it and extracting the most valuable from the medical point of view. Gradually, alternative medicine techniques developed, reborn in such formal medicine methods as pharmacology, physiotherapy.

What are the pros and cons of alternative medicine?
First, these techniques are completely available for everyone, they are mostly inexpensive and can use everyone. For example, if you consider the price of preparations from cough, it becomes clear: treatment with the help of apitherapy, herbs, acupressures or heat exposure will be much cheaper. And the effectiveness of the listed methods of non-traditional medicine is not inferior to pharmacy medication. Sometimes even surpassing them.

Many make up the opinion that in the arsenal of alternative medicine exclusively medicines from colds. But this is not the case, there is a mass of techniques for eliminating, for example, stones from a gallbladder or kidney. That is, without the help of doctors you can cure from quite complex diseases.

Doctors and adherents of official medicine most often either deny the positive effect of alternative methods, or believe that it is nonsense, not worthy of attention. And in vain, because there are a lot of cases when alternative methods helped get rid of the ailments, which doctors turned out to be powerless.

And although sometimes it seems that the recipes of traditional medicine shall be chosen by the sign and witchcraft, they are invested by the experience of many generations. And in ancient times, people at the intuitive level were able to do this, about which modern doctors did not dream. The main positive point in the use of alternative methods is that the patient does not poison additionally also with chemicals.

Despite the negative official medicine, the number of adherents of a healthy lifestyle and unconventional methods of treatment in the world does not become less. So, according to some American statistical organizations, twelve percent of young people under the age of nineteen use alternative treatment methods. Often they are not very conceived that such methods are not always combined with the methods of official medicine. American scientists believe that if a child since childhood is accustomed to unconventional treatment methods, he necessarily in adulthood will resort to them.

Health care is the most important point in the life of a person and from its quality much depends. It would seem that if we pay taxes from which free medical services are created, they should be provided for the state account.But for this you need to highlight separately "tax on medicine" so that everyone knows which part of their earnings they pay for medical services. In Germany, for example, the tax is not medicine is 16%, but in the United States and more, but for this money taxpayers actually receive quality service.

To date, in our country, state medical services are free only formally, in most cases the patient is still forced to pay – these are paid analyzes, and additional procedures, and medications at their own expense when appointing various operations. Therefore, the question immediately arises: if they still have to pay for themselves, it is not better to use the site of paid medicine, where not only money takes, but also provide high-quality medical care. But even paid medicine provides accessible to available services as a free-wear assistance at the expense of public social security. So in the "clinic of modern diagnostics" consultation, examination and treatment of hernia is carried out completely free. Yes, and the attitude towards the patient in such hospitals and clinics is incomparably better than in ordinary, because there is competition. But this does not mean at all that in paid medicine, there are no flaws.

Pluses of paid medicine:

  • Polite and respectful personnel attitude;
  • Attentive examination;
  • Compensation for low-quality services;
  • Recording at a convenient time;
  • Lack of queue;
  • Modern equipment;
  • Modern methods of treatment;
  • Interior.

Cons of paid medicine:

  • Not always affordable price;
  • There is no 100% warranty in the high professionalism of the doctor;
  • Often imposed not necessary additional services.

The main disadvantage of paid medicine is not so much the cost of services available not to everyone, but after all, the imposition of unnecessary methods of examination or analyzes, recommendations of more expensive treatment methods. The medical institution is beneficial when the patient is treated for a long time, because their earnings depend on it. The same site can be said about free medical care, where each clinic concludes a contract with various pharmaceutical firms or companies for the promotion of their expensive drugs. At the same time, with all the disadvantages of free medicine, the plus is its availability to everyone, regardless of income. And it is not always bad service, as real specialists, such as a surgeon in Moscow are ready to help the patient under any circumstances, there are both paid and free medicine.

Many grandparents have collected miraculous recipes for every occasion of life. Folk medicine, as a panacea, long and many years replaced traditional methods of treatment. Even now, in the 21st century, when humanity stepped far ahead, remained still in the people of that faith in medicinal plants.

But is it okay to ignore traditional medicine? And why do so many people who self-medicate come early or, more often, late to specialists?

As long-term practice shows, few people, suffering from some kind of illness, immediately turn to specialists. They often self-medicate. It is understandable, the frantic pace of life leaves almost no time for itself. In free clinics, there are always queues, and in paid clinics, the price list is sometimes scary.

So you have to make diagnoses for yourself, call mothers and grandmothers with a request to suggest what is best to drink with indigestion and headaches. But is it normal to be so careless about your health? Doctors will say no. And they will be right.

If we are talking about a mild cold, then it is quite possible to try to cure a runny nose and sore throat on your own. But even that can be dangerous! The whole problem is that people themselves make the wrong diagnoses.

Without passing a single analysis, but only based on their own feelings, and on articles from the Internet, they themselves prescribe treatment. And behind a “mild cold” there may be not at all mild illnesses. Or a headache that goes away easily from a paracetamol pill could be a symptom of a serious illness.

Traditional medicine also has its downsides. Those drugs that treat one, adversely affect the other. Solid "chemistry" is also not always useful. But you have to be prudent.

It will be much better, at the first sign of a cold, with a headache or other pain, to go for a consultation with a specialist. The doctor will take all the necessary tests, put, which is very important, the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

And then, when it will be known exactly what kind of ailment attacked, it can be combined with folk, non-traditional methods of treatment. Some doctors themselves may advise patients on options for replacing pills with medicinal herbs.

Opinions regarding the usefulness or harmfulness of either traditional or traditional medicine have always diverged. Everyone makes a choice for himself, what to give preference to. But the main thing is to understand that no, even the most experienced grandmother healer will be able to accurately determine the disease and make a diagnosis. It should also be remembered about the consequences of a careless attitude to health, which can sometimes be very difficult to return or restore.

Good day, dear friends!

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I think that I won’t reveal a secret to anyone that there are doctors who are distrustful and prejudiced about alternative medicine preferring traditional methods of treatment. And of course, there are patients who prefer to replace harmful traditional medicines with beneficial herbs. Let's try to figure out how justified the negative attitude towards alternative types of medicine!

Often, the behavior of people cannot but surprise. When do they fail the computer that they are taking? Grab the book "Tutorial to repair a computer"? Or leave it alone, hoping that he wonderfully worshes himself and start working? No, of course, these people turn to qualified professionals so that they repaired the computer, right? A lawsuit suggests itself: why do people so irresponsibly belong to the most expensive in the life of any person, to their lives and health?

Why are healing methods they are looking for in the books of the "100 grandmother's councils" types or go on neighbors, or leave everything to arbitrariness, with thoughts that ever need to go to the doctor? Why they are confident that only a technically qualified specialist can fix the computer and at the same time self-confidently believe that they are well understood in medical issues. Why come to doctors when the disease is in a running form, when to return health hard or almost impossible?

Every year the number of people who prefer the sorcerers, the signs, psychics and other home-grownhery, while ignoring the traditional types of treatment, increases every year. Many collect various non-traditional recipes and continue safely recommend familiar, close and relatives, without thinking about the fact that their recommendations can harm their health.

First, let's see what is unconventional medicine. Alternative medicine is a complex of knowledge that have been thoroughly selected by our ancestors, the dangers and benefits of various plants, minerals, and many factors that, one way or another, affect human health in general. These knowledge was collected in the mass of errors and samples for a long period of time. As mankind developed, these knowledge was improved. In essence, these knowledge, this experience is very valuable for humanity.

Then why traditional medicine denies unconventional treatment methods? Maybe still Folk ways to treat Are more effective than the current methods? Perhaps this is a banal reluctance to recognize such treatment methods? But in parallel, modern methods of treatment with the help of devices are introduced, oriental medical methods are practiced, such as acupuncture, iridodiagnostics and many others, including healing natural moments …

In fact, often people are incorrectly enjoyed recipes. Alternative medicine . Modern medicine in its arsenal uses fairly effective methods of treating a plurality of diseases, progressive methods are introduced, quite often, many of the invention are based on the methods and methods of alternative medicine.Alternative medicine is an echo of the past, when there were no such opportunities that are available today. Is it really possible to forget about all the knowledge that we received from our ancestors? No way!

Today's methods of treatment are simply necessary during periods of acute manifestations of the disease, when the patient needs emergency help. Only a qualified, experienced doctor can identify this. Non-traditional methods can help when the disease is sluggish, chronic, when you need to support the body, prevent the development of the disease, in order to avoid complications or exacerbations, when there is no danger to human life. Herbal infusions, cold douches, various gymnastics (yoga, wushu and others) are renewable sources of energy, relieve stress, increase the body's endurance and rejuvenate it!

That's why traditional medicine without non-traditional treatments is not so strong at all. Quite often, it is necessary to stop swallowing handfuls of pills and all kinds of pharmacy delicacies and start drinking herbal decoctions, increase physical activity, go on a diet, give up bad habits, and sometimes just take a walk in the forest, park, along the seashore. It is worth paying attention to the surrounding beauty of nature, the singing of birds, to admire the unusual sunsets and the beauty of flowers. You don't have enough free time? Do you need a computer?

Medical specialists have long noticed that a fairly large number of long-term and seriously ill patients, having changed their habitual lifestyle, using competent herbal recipes, using gymnastics and other useful exercises, embarked on the path of recovery, although there were no prerequisites for recovery. Based on this, we can safely conclude that by changing the way of life, way of thinking, starting to treat our health with greater responsibility and intelligence, using the effective recommendations of competent specialists, we will definitely get positive results from non-traditional methods of treatment.

It must be remembered that in moments of exacerbation, alternative medicine methods cannot be used! Before you start trying alternative medicine methods on yourself, you need to consult with knowledgeable specialists, only they can help you understand what will be useful and what can only bring harm. Many mistakenly believe that, by definition, herbs cannot be harmful. It may be quite difficult to harm the body with herbs, and then in small quantities, but often it is sick people who turn to herbal treatment. Herbs in their own way affect the body, and for various diseases, the effect will also be different, it can be both negative and positive.

Friends, the main thing to remember is that you can always improve a computer, but this can not always be done with the human body.Each of us programs our own health and old age! Now!