DIGITAL MEDICINE: STUDENTS VIEW | Ural State Medical University

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The Department of Digital Transformation of Education took part in organizing and conducting IV Championship "Medical Soft Skills" in the direction "Information technologies at the service of medical science, digital transformation of higher medical education and telemedicine", past November 24, 2021. The head of the direction is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Sergey Ivanovich Bogdanov. The coordinators of the updated section of the SSS in the direction of information technologies in medicine are Sofya Shadrina (group OP-512) and Evgenia Zhukova (group OP-511).

For the first time the championship went to the international level. It was attended by foreign students of USMU, as well as students and teachers from the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The SDO USMU ( was traditionally chosen as the platform for the event. The platform has collected 53 students from USMU, UrFU, Amur State Medical Academy and Semey Medical University (Republic of Kazakhstan), who participated in two events: IT-battle and championship "Medical Soft Skills" in IT-direction. The championship also included Master Class “Formation of digital competencies of students of a medical university” (organizer and presenter – Anastasia Aleksandrovna Shestakova, Head of the Department for the Development of Educational Technologies of the UTSTO).

IT battle is a team competition for knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the application of information technologies in the field of medicine and healthcare. Topic of the IT battle 2021: "From a student to an expert in digital medicine in 3 steps." Four teams competed for the title of the best, demonstrating their knowledge of the history of IT in medicine, presenting projects and honing their skills by answering questions from digital medicine experts. Experts IT-battle the head of the Department of Medical Physics, Informatics and Mathematics of USMU, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Sergey Yuryevich Sokolov spoke; cardiologist, specialist in physical rehabilitation, Novartis Pharma medical adviser on cardiology in the Ural Federal District Sofya Evgenievna Yeseva and IT project manager Alexander Andreevich Karchava.

Medical Soft Skills Championship in the direction "Information technologies at the service of medical science, digital transformation of higher medical education and telemedicine" consisted of correspondence and full-time stages, as well as a public presentation of projects. 13 projects from various universities participated in the competition. All projects were evaluated international expert jury, which included teachers of USMU (Head of the Department of Medical Physics, Informatics and Mathematics of USMU, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Sergey Yuryevich Sokolov and Senior Lecturer of the Department of History, Economics and Law Elena Nikolaevna Bogdanova), employees of the UCTO (head UTsTO, Ph.D., Associate Professor Tatyana Yakovlevna Tkachenko and Head of the Department of Distance Education Lidia Yuryevna Neupokoeva), representatives of the medical community (cardiologist, specialist in physical rehabilitation Sofya Evgenievna Yeseva), specialists in the field of information technology in healthcare (Head of the Department of information technologies and telemedicine of SOKB No. 1 Yury Vladimirovich Kuznetsov and the head of IT projects Alexander Andreevich Karchava), as well as a representative of the Semey Medical University NJSC (Republic of Kazakhstan), head of the Department of IT in Medicine Iyungul Sulzhanovna Musataeva.

Diploma of the first degree students Ekaterina Surnina (group OP-609) and Vladimir Rykov (group OLD-623) were awarded with the project “The use of information technologies for the prevention of dementia in the elderly” (supervisor: candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the department of psychiatry, psychotherapy and narcology USMU Babushkina E.I.).

Diploma of the second degree received the work "Computer 3D visualization of medical objects" Bayakhmetov Temirkhan (supervisor: head of the department of IT in medicine NJSC "Semey Medical University" Ph.D. Musataeva I.S.).

Third Degree Diploma won the project "Formation of digital skills of future doctors" student gr. OLD-137 Andrey Kostarev.

We thank all experts and participants for their work and congratulations to the winners!