Borodulin V. I. Clinical Medicine

Borodulin VI Clinical medicine: from the origins to the 20th century | Crimean Federal University

Borodulin V. I. Clinical medicine: from the origins to the 20th century The book includes 20 lectures covering the origins of clinical medicine, its emergence and development until the middle of the 20th century

Borodulin V. I. Clinical medicine: from the origins to the 20th century

Borodulin V. I. Clinical Medicine

The book includes 20 lectures covering the origins of clinical medicine, its emergence and development up to and including the middle of the 20th century. It is possible to conditionally distinguish two periods of the historical development of modern clinical medicine: empirical (“classification medicine” of the 2nd half of the 17th-18th centuries) and classical. The main directions and stages of development, the role of the largest figures in the world history of clinical medicine and the history of the clinic in Russia are considered.

Vladimir Iosifovich BorodulinVladimir Iosifovich Borodulin, therapist, historian of medicine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Department of the History of Medicine, National Research Institute of Public Health named after. Semashko. Deputy General Director of NPO "Medical Encyclopedia" for scientific and editorial work (1988 – 1993). Deputy Editor-in-Chief at the Big Russian Encyclopedia (1993–2001) and Encyclopedia (2001–2007) publishing houses. At the same time – Professor of the Department of History of Medicine and Cultural Studies of the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov. Author of more than 200 scientific publications on the history of medicine, as well as on emergency medicine and clinical electroradiography. Main areas of research: the history of clinical medicine, the development of domestic cardiology, the history of scientific clinical schools.