
Медицина в Норвегии; survive at any cost; evenkiinnorway

Насчет медицины в Норвегии можно спорить бесконечно. Те, кто говорит, что это идеальная, или, по крайней мере, приближенная к идеальной модели, медицина, могут с пеной у рта доказывать, что все рассказы об ужасных случаях – лишь пустой звон. Те, кто испытал на себе ошибки, халатность, безразличие врачей будут рассказывать о вопиющих случаях, произошедших с ними.…

Медицина в Норвегии — выжить любой ценой

Насчет медицины в Норвегии можно спорить бесконечно. Те, кто говорит, что это идеальная, или, по крайней мере, приближенная к идеальной модели, медицина, могут с пеной у рта доказывать, что все рассказы об ужасных случаях — лишь пустой звон.

Те, кто испытал на себе ошибки, халатность, безразличие врачей будут рассказывать о вопиющих случаях, произошедших с ними. Медицина в Норвегии многих доводит до отчаяния и, к сожалению, нередко подрывает здоровье людей. Об этом часто пишут в газетах. Я много пишу об этом, как и в целом о моей жизни в Норвегии в своем инстаграм .


Мне очень не повезло с врачами в Норвегии. За 3 года я поменяла несколько терапевтов и обошла все возможные больницы (была частым гостем в скорой помощи). В скорую помощь нужно добираться самому, кроме случаев потери сознания. Даже если человек сломал ногу, он обязан сам приехать в больницу. Скорая не оборудована ничем, кроме простых приборов для анализов и кушетки. Меня часто выгоняли из отделения скорой с сильными болями и даже воспалением почек, потому что они мне не могли ничем помочь («у нас нет УЗИ», «доктор вас все равно не примет»), и я уходила домой больная, дожидаться понедельника, чтобы позвонить в регистратуру поликлиники и «заказать» время, которое я обычно получала через пару недель. Об этом я много рассказывала и даже вела репортажи из больницы на канале. По сути, если ты сильно болен, получить своевременную помощь — большая удача.

Why is this happening?

  1. Врачи перегружены
  2. «Залечивать» нельзя
  3. Направления выписывать много нельзя (ибо бюджет не резиновый, а медицина в Норвегии обеспечивается государством)
  4. Слишком большая очередь не только к терапевтам, но и на обследования и запись к специалисту. Иногда люди операции ждут годами. У меня есть знакомые, которые ждут операцию по 2-3 года
  5. Частные клинике в Тромсе в основном занимаются пластической хирургией. На юге частная медицина развита больше.

Я уже начала привыкать к местной медицине и уже не воспринимаю в штыки выражения врачей и медсестер «отдохните, сходите в горы, выпейте парацет и ибукс в случае ухудшения» (такие рекомендации я получала и получаю постоянно). Жители Норвегии часто жалуются на халатность врачей и неадекватные их действия. В Норвегии создан специальный орган досудебного рассмотрения жалоб на причиненный вред здоровью в государственных медицинских учреждениях.On his website, you can find a list of patient complaints: they cut off a healthy leg, they didn’t diagnose cancer, they advised me to take a pill for a headache from a stroke. I personally know people affected by such cases.

My illness haunted me for a very long time, in Norway I was not only not cured, but my health was ruined. They refused treatment, admission, brushed aside, openly said that “I have no idea how to treat your illness” and so on. All this led to several inflammations of the kidneys and a severe deterioration in my health. As a result, I went to Russia for treatment, to a state hospital in Murmansk. I was cured, I began to live normally. Only later did I find out that it turned out that I was treated according to a template, without taking into account the details, which led to a constant deterioration. Only one of a dozen doctors read my magazine and asked me why I was sick for so long and tried to find a solution to my problem. Everyone else did as the paper instructs them: an antibiotic and home. With acute pyelonephritis, in a semi-conscious state, I was sent home, and for a week I could not walk, eat, drink. After that, I learned to protect myself and demand.

We went to Murmansk for the New Year. My husband got very sick on the way back. The transferred flu and the cold car has affected. We arrived home at 12 o'clock at night and my husband fell ill with a 40-degree temperature and an incessant cough with copious sputum. I gave him paracet and immediately called an ambulance. They did not pick up the phone 3 times, I waited 20 minutes. When they finally picked up the phone and I explained all the symptoms, the nurse told me: “if you want, you can bring your husband”, that is, the responsibility for the health of my husband is shifted to me, despite the fact that I openly ask for help.

I’m taking my husband, there’s no one in the ambulance at the phone, the nurses are somewhere in the corner (they didn’t pick up the phone for 20 minutes, apparently they drank tea). He is not taken to the doctor. They take his temperature and do a blood test that shows a very high CRP (inflammation). Valya sits in a semi-conscious state, all "burning" and I see that he is worse. Nurse refuses to accept husband. She sends us home. Advises us to see a therapist tomorrow morning. I, after a 14-hour trip by car, at night, I drive a sick husband with a fever, chills, home, I try to bring down the temperature and do not sleep the whole night, I call the clinic in the morning, they tell me that his doctor is not there, and that we can come, but do not promise to help. I, ready to fight to the end, take my husband to the clinic.

We wait an hour and a half, the therapist takes my husband. Doesn't say anything definite. He takes an analysis from the nasopharynx, listens, says that he will check the CRP (the analysis shows critical numbers). He writes out a prescription. We are going to the pharmacy. We are given an antibiotic that says "against pneumonia." I was shocked. I understood that my husband was in trouble, but when I read this on the box of pills, I felt sick.

On the third day of treatment it became better. On the fourth day, her husband came to SMS (without the possibility of answering) from the doctor that the analysis from the nasopharynk showed the presence of paragrippa, and he needs to stop the antibiotic. Dot. Nothing else. I am not a doctor, but I know perfectly well that the inflammation of the lungs is a deadly disease, and it is necessary to suffer, it is impossible to stop treatment in no case. Where is the explanations where logic, where is the adequacy of actions?

Now I understand that we were lucky that the tree was discharged by an antibiotic. He recovers, for the fourth day he became much better.

How many stories I heard about inadequate actions, negligence, mistakes of doctors – not consider. I wrote about it in instagram. All make mistakes, and everywhere there are medical errors. But Attitude – That is what is the problem. Of course, it is much easier to do not care about the patient and write it a short SMS to stop the reception of antibiotics in the middle of the course than asking how he feels. For this, he will not pay the patient for him.

One of my familiar, working in this area, put forward the theory that explains if not all, then much. The doctor is a very prestigious profession, one of the highly paid. Many go to the doctor or dentist because it money. In Norway, if you are a practitioner, we can say that life has succeeded. Therefore, there are not because Want Be to doctors, and for earnings and good life. Having lived here for several years, I understand what is going on and most likely my familiar rights.

All your experience and your eyes. But for some reason, Norway no longer occupies a leading place in the list of the most prosperous countries of the world. It is because of problems in medicine.