Israeli medicine prefers to minimally invasive methods, which allows you to quickly and effectively carry out radical treatment with minimal interference in the patient's body
Medicine Israel
Over the past 5 years, Israel has been consistently among the ten leaders among countries in terms of medical care, ahead of the United States, Germany, Japan, UK. The accuracy of diagnosis of diseases here reaches 99%. The percentage of cure during oncological diseases – in demand by patients from Russia directions – exceeds 80%. These advantages allowed Israeli clinics to become the center of medical tourism, especially for residents of Russia and the countries of the post-Soviet space.
The average life expectancy in Israel is over 81 years. This is directly related to such features of health in this country:
- world health care standards;
- Actual research and development;
- Modern clinics;
- A large number of highly qualified doctors.
Send requests to several clinics
Why foreign citizens prefer Israel medicine:
- 42% – for innovative treatment using modern technologies;
- 33% – for the sake of higher quality medical services and related service;
- 15% – due to the need for high-quality emergency medical care;
- 10% – for considerations of savings, as the treatment in private Russian clinics is often more expensive.
Providers help to organize treatment in Israel. They work in collaboration with medical centers and take on the patient's concerns on the organization of not only diagnosis and treatment, but also directly to stay in someone else's country. Their competence includes the organization of the meeting at the airport and transfer to the hotel, booking housing, translator and local SIM card, translation of all medical documents and many other important points.
How is the diagnostic examination
Israeli medicine provides for comprehensive diagnosis in any disease. Thanks to this approach, doctors receive all the necessary data on human health and can carefully plan the process of its treatment to avoid possible complications.
Consultation at the attending physician
At the first stage, the patient meets with the attending physician who carries out a general inspection, collects anamnesis of the disease, heers the complaints and meets the results of the surveys performed at the place of residence, if there are those. Doctors in Israel recognize the results of the surveys, completed outside their clinic, provided that they are proper quality and were held shortly before the arrival of a medical tourist to the country. A person can significantly save on diagnosis, conducting possible procedures at home.However, if a specialist considers it necessary, it can prescribe a re-study for more and more accurate information.
Patient opportunities
Up to 30% of patients adding to the Israeli clinics have a misunderstanding. This significantly reduces the effectiveness of treatment and extends its timing. Diagnostic procedures in Israeli clinics:
- have 99% accuracy;
- Conducted quickly, often within 1 patient's stay in the clinic.
There are a variety of check-up programs – a screen of screening survey, which takes 1 to 2 days and allows diagnosing different groups of diseases, for example, oncological diseases.
Israel's doctors are ready to provide a "second opinion" according to the patient with the data of previous research. This is possible even without visiting the country, using online diagnostics. In addition, video links can be consulted with the selected physician and get detailed information on the necessary research and possible treatments in Israel.
Experts resort only to those types of diagnostics that are needed in a particular case and will never be appointed an expensive procedure for no reason.
Treatment and diagnosis in Israel are held in the shortest possible time, which is especially important for foreign citizens, the period of which is limited in the country. On average, the full examination takes up to three days. After that, doctors are already starting therapy.
Modern treatment in Israel
Israeli medicine preferences to minimally invasive methods, which allows radical treatment to quickly and effectively with minimal interference in the patient's body. The ultra-modern features of Israel medicine include:
Minimally invasive surgery in Israel
– All operations are performed through small punctuations on the human body. As a result, it is possible to achieve a good cosmetic effect, and modern tools allow the most complex operations in such a way.
- Endoscopic interventions are performed through the natural holes of the body (mouth, vagina, direct intestine, respiratory tract). So doctors can remove polyps and benign neoplasms, carry out other manipulations, if possible.
- Actively in Israeli clinics produced endoprosthetics of joints – replacement of worn surfaces to working artificially working.
Microsurgical interventions allow you to quickly get rid of pathology, and also do not injure healthy fabrics, which significantly reduces the time demanding rehabilitation in Israel.
Oncological treatment
For the treatment of cancer, the most modern techniques and drugs are used. Israeli doctors try to reduce the negative impact of chemotherapy on the body, as well as significantly improve the quality of life of patients. Also, local experts successfully apply radiological surgery.Это целое направление в медицине, основанное на возможности излучения уничтожать клетки при достаточно большой его дозе. Аппараты Кибер-нож и Гамма-нож осуществляют воздействие путем подведения небольших доз из разных точек в одну область. Это позволяет создать большую дозу в нужной области и уничтожить патологический очаг.
Кроме того, онкобольные могут принять участие в клинических испытаниях новых способов лечения рака и новых химиотерапевтических препаратов, если предыдущее лечение не оказало достаточного воздействия.
Лечение бесплодия в Израиле
Лечение бесплодия и ЭКО – очень популярные направления медицины среди пациентов, прибывающих в Израиль. В этой области местные специалисты смогли многого добиться и успешно помогают людям стать родителями.
Перечислить все методы и направления в лечении, использующиеся в Израиле, сложно. Каждый пациент может быть уверен, что ему подберут наиболее подходящее и самое безопасное лечение.
Применение современного оборудования
Для лечения и диагностики в Израиле используется только самое современное оборудование. Все частные и государственные клиники страны оснащены по последнему слову техники, что позволяет существенно повысить эффективность проводимых медицинских манипуляций.
Крупные израильские медицинские центры оснащены гибридными операционными, в которых присутствуют врачи нескольких профилей и роботы-помощники, что особенно важно при сложных операциях, с высоким риском осложнений.
Ориентировочная стоимость услуг в клиниках
Procedure | Price, $ |
Онкологический Check up | 5200 |
Biopsy | 3200 |
Colonoscopy. | 1200 |
Oncomarkers | 600 |
Cytology | 600 |
Histology | 620 |
Gastroscopy | 1200 |
Роботизированная гистерэктомия | 35200 |
Процедура ЭКО | от 8400 |
Лапароскопическая простатэктомия | 32800 |
Частичное удаление почки | 24600 |
Удаление опухоли головки поджелудочной железы | 53200 |
Отзывы пациентов о медицине
Сначала довелось побывать в Израиле сопровождающим, когда мама лечилась от рака, потом попал туда уже в качестве пациента кардиологии. Сам убедился, что израильские врачи умеют ставить на ноги и буквально возвращать с того света. Кроме того, очень внимательный персонал, вежливое отношение и возможность реабилитации на Мертвом море. Лечением очень доволен.
Моему сыну лечили саркому бедренной кости в клинике Дана и я безумно благодарна врачам, что сумели вернуть здоровье моему ребенку. Кроме того, у меня была возможность почти постоянно быть рядом с сыном даже в самые трудные моменты. Хотя у него там появились и друзья, и психолог всегда помогал. Благодарю Всевышнего за это чудо.